Quantum Patterning & The Coming Integration of Science
Physics, chemistry, biology and medicine are all approached as if they are standalone sciences. Of course, they are related, but there is no place in education campuses where there is an "integration building" for putting it all together.
There are actual puzzles in each of the independent studies that are only solvable by integration into the others.
90 percent of DNA was data, not code-containing chemistry. All this time, it was called "junk" because you misdiagnosed it. It took linguists to discover it. They saw language pattern, not chemistry patterns. This is what is wrong with only having chemists and biologists look at complex and unknown chemistry puzzles.
There is a new consciousness coming and with it comes new wisdom.
The Vast Invisible World That is Before You
Gravity! Everyone on Earth is affected by gravity! But it's invisible! it is not necessarily linked to mass in the empirical way you think. In fact, you can tune it to the amount you want if you knew a little more about how to change the mass of objects.
Quantum things do not exist in a way you can see them as you are used to in 3D. This will require discoveries that are coming that will be scientific and developed with a new understanding and consciousness.
The Coming Patterns
Imagine seeing gravity? Imagine seeing the magnetic field? What is it going to look like? Will there be patterns, or will it simply be a swirling mass of energy?
Everything has patterns - everything. The fractals are always there. You'll understand why the magnetic grid does what it does, and you'll understand how it allies with biology and Human thinking. You may even be able to tune it slightly for health!
It will be revealed clearly that Human Beings have some kind of quantumness around them. There will be ways of actually seeing and measuring the patterns around the Human Being. This is the sacred physics of the Human - the Merkabah.
Scientists, it's time to think out of the box of specialization. This is a linear approach to solving problems that are circular.
it is your legacy to come to the place where your science and your physics and your knowledge start to ally with the confluence of a new, wiser consciousness... And it will open up many areas of tremendous help.
These inventions are going to give you as much water as you will ever need to grow things, and to drink, almost anywhere on Earth. The salt in your oceans will easily be removed with real-time, efficient inventions that use magnetics. Energy will be far easier to obtain, and it will be produced in abundance with free and abundant heat.
The valuation of high and low thinking - What might happen if you developed physics instruments that could actually see consciousness? … using weather satellites, has shown continuous correlation between variations in the strength of the magnetic field and mass consciousness of Human compassion. ... the magnetic field reacts to international disasters and celebrations! - Consciousness is related to physics.
The Coming Patterns of Humanity
Multidimensional physics has the potential to reveal many patterns of invisible things. Almost everything involving quantum energy will have patterns to see. …. this is individual consciousness, as opposed to mass consciousness. This pattern will be physical, individual and will have a field. It will be measurable and will have patterning - the "patterning of you".
The two greatest Human consciousness energy producers are in pairs: Fear and hatred, compassion and Love. They are on both ends of the spectrum and they're both extremely powerful. They can set off alarms; they can crash your computer; they can soften your heart; they can affect your chemistry; and they can do it from across the room or across the planet. Have you ever sat in a room where somebody was angry ... It's palpable; you can feel it. ... you don't want to stay there.
Would it be a different energy if a master sending love? Yes! you want to remain here and soak up this feeling." You have just defined the pattern of consciousness!
All energy, anywhere in the Universe, has ways of being measured and seen. .. eventually elegant patterns will be seen with better instruments. Can you measure love? Yes! It's patterned and you can see it. An entire new world will open up.
The Patterns - LOW / HIGH
Low consciousness carries incredible power and so does High consciousness. ... it's only a measure of the vibration. Do not mix this up with frequency, for the technology of this is not that linear. What is seen in the patterning is the vibration of thought, and where it can go or where it can't go, or how restricted or expansive it is. The power of fear can enslave nations if they are not careful. Low consciousness will create extremely basic and simple patterns. The circle is like a patterned prison, that does not repeat. It holds itself within itself, and the pattern will not be aware of anything outside its own circle. The circle will then become wider and greater in its entrapment of consciousness around it, creating an even bigger circle, but only one circle.
it cannot see out of itself. It makes judgments and decisions based only on what it knows within itself. It's low consciousness. Its agenda is itself, and it sees nothing else. The circle can enslave those who are thinking the same. It can become a larger circle but can never get out of itself. It cannot see beyond what it knows. There is no patterning outside of the circle that belongs to the circle. It's restrictive….basic survival.
A higher consciousness of love, compassion, high-minded thinking, integrity and caring. ... creates multiple fractals. ... a confluence of energy that then creates more of itself in the way of harmonics of itself (many more fractals of higher frequencies that are specific multiples of the original). These fractal waves emanate outward. It's expansive; it's catchy [additive] and the harmonics create other fractals way beyond their own scope. It has an influence with other matter everywhere.
So, from the most simple to the most complex... expansive and powerful within its multiple expansiveness. Up to this point, on this planet Human consciousness has tended to circle itself in the lowest vibration possible. Hatred, war, argumentative attitudes, rudeness, unkindness - because it was all survival. Winning was the only thing in the circle. It then became group against group, country against country, circle against circle, and that's what you got from this pattern. So all it did was repeat itself, repeat itself, There were no harmonics to send out, and there was no expansiveness.
Dear ones, the energy on this planet is going to change the old patterns. The patterns of consciousness lay in the attributes of the magnetic grid of the planet, as altered by the heliosphere of the sun. This grid, combined with the new place you are in space [where your solar system is headed], are going to modify the patterns of both of these consciousness examples and are going to make the one that is most complex with fractals far more powerful than the basic survival one. The new energy is changing how humanity reacts to the other Human fractals! Human consciousness will evolve and no longer will there be a scale of light and dark like the scales of justice because the evil will then measure a far less powerful influence over compassionate and complex harmonic vibrations.
The Darkness Can't See Beyond Itself / The Individuals
In fact, there are cultures today, even today, that are invested in rudeness because they say compassion and kindness is equated with weakness.
Most of the earth is tired of this approach and is looking for a much more elegant way of being. The energy around a compassionate person invites you in. The energy around a rude person pushes you out.
Human consciousness is starting to rise above what it was, because that which is the light and dark ratio of the planet has changed, … you're going to be seeing more light, more compassion and more real solutions because of the ripple effect, where the harmonics of the fractals go everywhere.
These will be regular people who will look beyond judgment and will look beyond differences in faith systems.
They will see differences in belief systems in the same way there are differences in food selections. This is a wise Human who is balanced.
What is your pattern? Are you starting to feel the reality of this? It's safe to relax and drop your guard a bit, to look around and be more compassionate and more kind. The reality of this diminishing darkness is everywhere, and it is starting to show itself as it knows its days are numbered. When you see this struggle, know it's good news. It means the end of this old world consciousness is coming.
It's the beginning of hundreds of countries coming together and planning ways to create a balanced Peace and a Oneness. Cultural differences will always be there. But compassion and balance are common Human attributes. You will stop repeating the past and instead grow in the maturity and wisdom of the beautiful fractals and harmonics of compassion.
Welcome to the New Earth. It's coming. ~Excerpts from KRYON
Our planet is one in thousands. There are over 300 billion galaxies out there.
There are endless worlds for the One to find endless adventures in.
We are the One God-Consciousness Veiled in varying forms ‘playing’ in Space-Time in human form, our data-collecting vehicles. The human body contains the chakra system, which connects to the realms that resonate with each chakra. Thus we have the potential to realize many levels of manifested existence in the one body. We are having a grand adventure.
So you can forget the idea that you came here to learn anything. You already know everything. You are simply pretending not to so you can ‘play’ and experience the potential spectrum of God’s creative capacity. The Sanskrit term is the Divine LILA, meaning play as in both a drama and the play of a child. When you are weary of playing here, you will wake-up to the reality that you are and always have been the One imperishable immutable eternal God-Consciousness and you can go Home until the next adventure, perhaps in a completely different galaxy or even dimension. ~ Tat Tvam Asi
We are currently at the crest of a Support System of Tsunami Wave Proportions from Galactic Core.
This is one of the greatest times of transformation in our Earth's history.
Wave X Phase 2 is pulsing 5D frequencies through all of Earth and her beings
shifting the fabric of our global consciousness.
Are you feeling this enormous influx of enlightened support? Is your heart portal widening?
Are you feeling a strong need to simplify, rest, center, ground, and connect to the Earth?
Have your sleep patterns gone utterly haywire?
Are you releasing deep emotional patterning? Are you eating lighter foods?
Does pushing things around in your life just not work any more?
Are you opening up to inner worlds easily, and with power?
Are you feeling inspired to create new amazing enlightening things for the world?
Your inner world is the passive force in action.
It compels Form into creation through your physical experience.
It offers resonance into the electromagnetic information saturating Life, and Life responds.
As you strengthen the clarity of your inner world, you are clarifying and amplifying the vibrational information you emanate into Life.
As you stagnate, Time reflects stagnation. As you enjoy, Time reflects the excitation of Love.
When you manipulate with fear or aggression,... Time responds with resonant active force, the visible flow of time being your only access.
There is no judgment in this—good is not rewarded while bad is punished, it is mere resonance.
As you learn to create with the open inner flow of your Compelling (passive) Force of Love, you learn to build new form through time.
Time Forms in direct response to your passive force of Love, the invisible resonance with which you create.
Invisible speaks to invisible. You create from vast invisible information, not just words. You create from a totality of electromagnetic vibration that speaks to the invisible aspects of Life.
Time Forms a flow and responds to your invisible intent.
As you attempt to control it, you are met with the active force of Time flowing around you. As you open to working with it, you see the reflection of your peace, your Love of Life.
Your presence in the moment is a gift to Time. Time responds according to your resonance.
We are opening to the beauty of Life, finding Love and potential in every experience.
We are peaceful within, knowing all is well, even when circumstances are not ideal. We are holding a powerful resonance of Love for change to form, remaining balanced for humanity to learn a new way of being.
We are strong enough to illuminate Love in a storm, lighting safe shores for those still learning the power of their Light.
We are Love in action, creating a new resonance on Earth, fearlessly Loving Life to new heights. ~ Excerpt from Jamye Price
Find more ways to discover joy even in the smallest things. It does not matter how small they are.
And finally, find the courage to speak your truth to those closest to you. This type of truth speaking and self-revealing is, in our opinion, critical for your successful transition through the current and on-going period of global destabilization.
~ The Hathors
the new Game board where wisdom is Grace
You have traversed the Universe, dear ones. You have been here incorporating your gifts, but you also have been many places throughout the Universe. You are called on when there is a need on Earth. … understand that really what takes place here is that over time your environment—we shall simply call it a “society”—has developed certain rules and guidelines. Sometimes they are turned into laws and imposed on other people. When humanity gets completely off track, often the guidelines created start working against them actually bringing down the vibrations instead of raising them up. That is when the call goes out to the universe. It went out some time ago and here you are, for you are the magicians on the Game board. You are the ones who can come in and ground your light by telling or teaching others, and being a healer, or just by being who you are. ... and bring all the vibrations of humanity to a higher level.
If knowledge is power then wisdom is grace, for that is your next step. You are stepping out of the game of humanity altogether, away from the game of duality, right and wrong, up and down, black and white. ... in the United States, because you have completely polarized everything to such an extent that you are beginning to see the end of your two- party system. It is actually breaking down right now and starting to divide in a new way.
Find the path of least resistance in your own life, then turn around and offer it to others. When you turn around and work with another being, you help them re-member their own empowerment and abilities to walk as a conscious creator on planet Earth. That is what you are here to do, to awaken the others one heart at a time. It is neither a race nor is it a competition, ... try to open and touch as many hearts with your experience as you can.
A Synchronistic Lifestyle
Find your gifts, ground and start to use them. As you bring them in to a practical use in any form, you make space for more. The channel starts to flow on a consistent basis and it is very magical indeed, for that is when everything becomes synchronistic.
They are here to empower people in new ways, giving them hope, enlightening your dreams, and setting things into motion so that you can have the life that you want. This is not only for you, but also for the collective vibration of humanity.
Some of you will just hold the light right where you are, tap into the collective vibration of humanity and feed everything with your grace.
Grace is a synchronistic lifestyle ... it is what happens to energy. If you release energy in any form, it always finds the path of least resistance. Always. You have that ability if you do not over think it and simply allow this energy to flow.
You are playing such a beautiful game of pretending to be humans, but yet, you have not forgotten who you really are. You are spirits of the greatest nature and you have come to bring your light to planet Earth at a very critical time, a time where you can help to ground a vacillating humanity. We have asked you to practice your humanness. And we have asked you to look at your own prejudices, because everyone has them. Whatever your prejudice may be, it is not right or wrong; it is not that you must release all of your prejudices, but you should know about them.
Have you noticed that everything seems to be going a little crazy right now? All of your so-called organizations are suddenly sort of dissolving and re-forming. Even your own lives are trying to find new ways to ground and anchor. That is actually as it should be, for what lies ahead for all of humanity is greatness beyond your imagination. Dear ones, trust that you have the ability to take this to a whole other level.
Sometimes you put power into your own belief system about what the labels mean. In truth, you have the essence to filter it all through your own heart and take only the vibrations that feed you. That is discernment and it is your first tool … to find what feeds each one of you, so that you can turn around and make a difference on this planet in some way.”
Gentle Nudges
Big hugs and gentle nudges from this side of the veil, so that you can re-member who you are and the path that you chose to be on.
You are awakening from the dream at an incredible pace on planet Earth. As your eyes open and the sleep starts to fall away from the eyes, we will be there smiling, greeting you Home in the most beautiful ways that we can. Enjoy this journey, dear ones. ... please treat each other with respect, nurture one another at every opportunity and play the new game of planet Earth together. Big hugs, gentle nudges.
Espavo. ~Excerpts from The group
If only you could take your true place as a Being of Light - the veils of darkness are being lifted and you are slowly comprehending your destiny. With the truth you will throw off the shackles that have led to your “imprisonment” upon the Earth. It is now all changing although there will be some confusion as the new mingles with the old.
The time is upon you when the old ways no longer serve you, and soon you will take a great leap forward.
There will be no shortage of guidance and there are sufficient helpers to ensure that the changes take place without difficulty. The changes will be well beyond many people’s expectations, and they will come very quickly that will take you through a most exciting period of advancement. Many souls are involved in the presentation of the changes and have been waiting for this time for years ... to carry out their part in the revelations.
Allow for a progression of changes that may initially be slow to commence. Mother Earth has reached the point when she can no longer hold the changes back. Most of you are familiar with the Lemurian and Atlantean periods ended in catastrophes. Be assured that you have moved past that possibility, and you are destined to experience a wonderful success.
When the hostilities upon Earth are stopped it will give the Human Race time to contemplate on the fact that you are All One. ... and that what you do to one you do to all. Given time to develop trust in each other and understand the nature of unconditional love. There is in each soul a fundamental desire to be at One with All That Is,
Hold on to your vision of the future thus helping to maintain the higher vibrations. In these troubled times as the dark Ones desperately try to control the outcome, it will be some time before they realize how futile their aims are.
No soul is beyond help and there are many great souls of Light who stand by them. ... your Guides do not interfere with your karmic responsibilities, but will help you get through them. Karma can by your reckoning be both good or bad, but all is part of your necessary evolutionary experiences.
Life seems to be a set of random happenings, but in fact it is meticulously planned. ~ Mike Quinsey.
Let the Mana of Hawaii & the Dolphins inspire your soul!
Join Joan, Jean-Luc and our friends in our residential seminars
Our focus will be on Fun and Joy as we Swim with dolphins and learn how to affect matter
- which is coalesced energy - with our minds and hearts.....
This innate ability is named the ‘science of molecular geometry’ by the cetaceans
Join us in Hawaii to swim among the dolphins and learn about their advanced modes of communication. The gatherings take place on the Big Island of Hawaii, Kona-side, where we experience the wisdom of our positive timelines, the benevolence of Higher Consciousness, and our abilities to enter them to enhance and fulfill our present lives with new wonderful insights and actions. As we swim in joy with the dolphins, we create our positive future.
Moving beyond intellect, we enter the all-inclusive world of telepathy, empathy, compassionate heart-mind, intuition, colors, visions, sound healing, inner knowing, dynamic star-streaming portals and ancient Lemuria. We learn from the oceanic cetaceans themselves about our expansive, luminous minds, plus the sheer value of playing and enjoying life. Join us for four boat trips per week to meet the dolphins while enjoying the sun and sand with some beach days, plus the sharing of Ocean consciousness, Dolphin advanced abilities & wisdom for the human race, films, stories, and time travel to positive timelines.
Dolphins & Space/Time Beings - ONE Mind, Ocean & Multiverses
- July 10 - 23rd - at Sky Island Ranch. Come for one week or two.
Also: July 31 to August 6th, 2016 - at oceanfront Royal Kona Resort.
To learn more about Dolphins and Whales read these books:
- Dolphin Connection: Interdimensional Ways of Living
- Dolphins into the Future
There are many worlds parallel to ours!
Experience these 2 films DVD like guided meditations to cross into our multidimensional Nature:
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