Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Day of the Conscious Creator

What you will see is a reflection, for you have been playing a game of creator unconsciously. However, you could also be easily controlled and pulled, so your energy could be tagged and actually used against you sometimes. All of those things are changing, as your new perspective begins to allow you to see from the perspective of Home... As you become conscious of it, you can start to use it in very positive ways. Now an entirely new conundrum arrives with a whole series of choices.
A New Balance Between Spirit and Human
“What do I do with my power?” Your first reactions will be to start creating something of your own passions... You will feel their needs and wonder if perhaps you should not focus all that energy on other people. Fascinating choices! . However, we ask you first to please treat yourself well during these days ahead of you. You will understand that there is a balance you must maintain in order to hold your power. Although you may think of it as a balance between light and dark, we have a tendency to call it “between spirit and human.” Neither one is right or wrong.
Quite simply, there are balances that must be held. For every single human, the balance has now tipped as the veil is being pulled away just long enough for you to start seeing that you are truly magical beings. Yes, dear ones, you have had a hand in every creation that you have experienced on Earth. This is why we ask you first to take responsibility, and do so in a loving way. Takes responsibility for things sometimes by saying, “Yes, I really messed up that one.” And that is the way to joke about it or look at it. Re-member, there is nothing that is not alterable on planet Earth.
The New Harmonics: Place Yourself First
This is the new harmonics that must take place, for there are tones and overtones on planet Earth that can now be heard. Although they always existed as natural formations of the wave patterns, with your recent evolutions you can start to feel and use them as part of your healing techniques.
Vibrations of Love
Many of you have healing abilities that are in this range. 
Let us just say that the average range represents about four inches. If you cannot quite hit that range, does it mean that you cannot reach healing abilities out of that range? No, not at all, because you can hit harmonics. That is the beautiful part of it, the magic. Now you can start to see your own effect in the world, as long as you take responsibility for your own creations .You can start to understand how those harmonics can be used to affect your world in a very big way.

What are harmonics? First, consider the wide vibrations of love. Over here you have love for a person, then over there, you have the love of something you enjoy doing, such as singing or painting. Or maybe you have love for an animal that has entered your life and profoundly reflected you in the most beautiful ways. There are many vibrations of love. Find one and build on it, both in harmonics and in other areas. When love is spread throughout your entire environment, guess what is reflected back? You have just loved everyone, even if they try not to love you back. You have just created the highest vibrational place in which to live and express your light. 
Play with it. Watch. Become aware that you are conscious creators and recognize the harmonics. When we speak of you, we talk of the collective of humanity and from the very highest vibration to the very lowest, you are a bandwidth that must move together. We have said before that humans can only advance as fast as the lowest vibration on planet Earth.

No More Secrets
Now you have several things in your favor here including your technologies, which have given you a beautiful time of no more secrets. That is amazing for us to watch, because in order for you to be fully conscious creators it is important that you are able to see through what you call “secrets.” Now, everyone has secrets. It is part of your anonymity and your autonomous behavior; it is what you often think separates you from other people. We are not in judgment of secrets, dear ones, we are simply telling you they are now very hard to keep on planet Earth. Is that not wonderful? Indeed, that is an elevation of humanity. Although it is not perfect and it is certainly not equally distributed amongst other people or other parts of the world, you can now see the wave that is changing all of humanity. You are a grand conscious creator. You do not re-member your history in most cases for the very simple reason it would probably get in your way. Yes, it would give you confidence but it would also tend to lead you to shortcuts. It was your decision to hide from yourself your own past and magnificence. Now that you are starting to emerge from an incredible wave of darkness, you bring the light with you. You have carried it forward and ushered in a new age of light.
These are magical times, dear ones, and you are the magicians. Keep the great work in motion. Allow yourselves to understand that in every step it is possible for you to create consciously. Do not fear creating for yourself because that is placing yourself first, which is one of the most important elements about stepping into your power as a conscious creator.

The times are here. Welcome Home. Welcome to the new planet Earth.

Espavo. ( Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power” )

~ Excerpts from The group. - lightworker. com


The Process of Knowing “ the Soul You Are "
Welcome all indications that an honest, fair economic system managed by knowledgeable persons with moral and spiritual integrity is on its way.
Being optimistic, confident, kind, grateful, compassionate and forgiving emits the high vibrations that are propelling energy streamers toward the peaceful world you are there to help usher in.

As conscious awareness continues expanding throughout your world, all religions will evolve into the purity of spirituality that people of every faith will embrace full-heartedly. Society will respect each person as a god-self, inseparably connected at soul level with all others, and the fear of differences that underlies animosity, bigotry and divisiveness no longer will exist on Earth.

Yes! Not only will long-hidden truths emerge, but people are beginning to trust their soul-level guidance wherein truth is known, and changes demanded by enlightened peoples will bring a world at peace.
NOTHING happening anywhere in your world is more important than your knowing the soul you are! Without this, there can be no understanding of life itself. No awareness that your essence is pure love-light energy or that you are a multidimensional god-self with unlimited capacity for manifesting or that you are having simultaneous lifetimes elsewhere in the universe and designed this one so you could assist in Earth’s transformation. You wouldn’t realize that as the soul you are, you DO know all of that and much, much more, but the denseness of physicality is preventing your vast storehouse of universal knowledge from reaching your consciousness.
Long ages ago, the rate started diminishing and spiraled downward until the civilization was stuck in deep third density consciously, spiritually and location-wise. When Gaia no longer could abide the agony that political leaders were inflicting upon the masses, she cried out for help; instantly powerful sources beamed the intensive light that saved the life of her planetary body and enabled it to start ascending. Volunteers from spiritually advanced worlds started arriving to generate light on the planet, adding to the abundance streaming from distant sources. As light has been intensifying, the vibratory rate has been rising.
Today’s rate as it pertains worldwide to candidates running for office and individuals holding office is this: Those who are fomenting fear; advocating or employing hostile force; oppressing citizens on the basis of gender, race or religion; or are against programs and policies that would benefit the planet and all its residents are swimming against the tide that’s flowing ever more strongly toward diplomacy, reconciliation, cooperation, mutual respect and environmental protection.
… our observations from this vantage point, activity in Earth’s energy field of potential, the workings of universal laws, how other civilizations have been assisting you, and marvels of the Golden Age in full bloom. That is why … there is no validity to end-times prophecies or other fear-filled predictions.
But because free will reigns overall and the countless decisions your society makes each moment impact each other, we don’t know who will do what or exactly when something will happen. What we do know is, people in every country want honorable, honest, wise leaders who assure that all of their citizens are served fairly and justly. Beloved family, light beings throughout the universe want this for you, and it is coming—it is the cornerstone of Earth’s destiny! ~ Excerpts from Matthew Books


The Extremes before the Peace

Although you are experiencing all types of extremes in matters such as weather changes, it will eventually settle down into a pattern of moderate changes. It will ensure that you do not have the extremes being experienced now. A peaceful existence will develop between all countries, and those groups who have caused disruption will have been removed. In such circumstances harmony and cooperation will come naturally and the produce of the Earth will be shared equally. As time passes the shortages or problems that you now experience will completely disappear largely, due to new and advanced technologies being introduced.
As you think so you will experience, and that is the Law of Attraction which brings you that which you focus upon. So even now you are beginning to create your future around you. However, it is as well to remember that if you tend to focus upon the negativity around you, you are likely to attract more of the same. By doing so you give it energy, but that does not mean you cannot observe negativity around you. It is therefore advisable to keep your thoughts and actions as far as possible concentrated on the Light. Never be fearful as that is the energy that will attract the very thing that is causing you problems. Providing you are normally a very positive person, then you are unlikely to be troubled by other events happening around you.
You may therefore go about your day with full confidence that your future is safe and secure. However, there are spots where negative energy has built up and these need clearing. It will be inevitable that discomfort and inconvenience will be experienced as those changes occur, but where possible any souls that are in danger will be warned in advance. However, sometimes karma is involved and some souls will fully experience the changes taking place. Be assured that all will work out as it should and people will find themselves where they are meant to be.
The Galactic Forces are not yet ready to completely come into the open, and will not risk open warfare with your dark Ones. They threaten all “intruders” that may enter your Earth’s atmosphere, so you may assume that virtually all craft you see are from the secret fleet that they have. Certainly no craft of theirs will come so near to Earth to invite trouble. The Galactic Forces are peaceful and will only use self-defence if they are threatened, and certainly would not initiate an attack on you. They use technologies that are far in advance of your civilisation and can well look after themselves if forced into such a situation. 

Keep sending out the Light, ~ Excerpts from Mike Quinsey.

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