Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ A note on the energies of this month

What an incredible journey this is!!! Notice how easier it becomes to say no to distractions that are not serving you and how you can now move with ease within your own heart to discover the SELF on all levels in this journey! I AM so energized and the energy to perform creations and energy work keeps on adding. I love life, I love myself, I am just happy and smiling with joy. What a home coming and balanced feeling this is! My experience of this current portal/wave around the solar eclipse is profound liberating as I feel much lighter in life and life itself has become lighter to me. 

The focus is aimed at the appropriate thing for me and my energy keeps on flowing. The energies are climbing up to an unknown height we have never experienced before!! Our focus is being aimed on what is needed in this portal of opportunity and that is Unity, balance, the inner heart, creation and rejoicing/celebrating existence! Recognizing the Divinity within all and yourself and the allowance to re-merge with all the Divine facets within you. Our DNA is being re-shaped into and connected with the Divine DNA blueprint on the elemental realms ~ Heaven ~ the Light realms ~ the kingdoms and Dimensions of Light ~ the Solar level ~the Christed level ~ the Cosmic level... 

Hold that space for this momentum to allow the resurrection of your Divine Being and celebrate this given time to fulfill this! If you are experiencing this current shift as being rather rough for you, know that you are in a wave of change and that not one process of change is the same as the other. This too will pass as you experience this change from your inner planes to come to the outer planes of manifest. We are on a most beautiful journey, all together. Enjoy ~ in joy <3 Blessings of miracles to all of you Beloveds <3

Méline Lafont www.melinelafont.com

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