Thursday, December 12, 2013


via Karen Doonan

The BEings from Arcturis are here to help us with the heart, a supremely loving race the Arcturians have now stepped forward in order to add their voice to the ONE voice.  Many of you may be shown visions of lifetimes on Arcturis and many of you may be consciously aware of the Arcturians as they come to you to help you release all that no longer serves.  We would like to send our own personal message of thanks and blessings to this race for they have helped us beyond measure at times when we could literally not see the wood for the trees.  

We now hand over to the Arcturians so they may speak to you directly, this material is channeled material directly from the Acturians.


"Greetings dear ones we are here to speak with ONE voice at a time when much is being released and detached from within your human vehicle and also within the human life experience, for one will reflect the other and vice versa.  We are concerned only with the heart space for our dimensional civilisation lives fully in the LOVE THAT IS, this is a supremely nurturing environment and many of you may share a lifetime on our planetary system, we ask for you to understand that the lifetime you are shown on this planet IS available to you on this planet. That which will keep you from creating this are the teachings of distortion that have taught you to keep your heart separate and to keep it locked within the lower dimensional frequencies.  The key to the lifetimes you seek is within you dear ones for it is the heart space. 

The LOVE that IS is the highest dimensional frequency that exists, it is the very fabric of the universe, YOU are made from this frequency but you have been taught to filter this TRUTH out and to believe that you are something you are not. We are here to address the matters of the heart on ALL levels for TRUTH JUST IS. We are with you all, we are available to you all and we ask that you reach out and connect with us at times of major distress and pain, for the distress and pain are but the illusion that is presented to you by the lower energetic frequencies, trying to teach you that you are alone. This is NOT TRUTH dear ones for you have never been alone, FOR ALL ARE ONE. 

We wish to also guide in relation to twin flame energies for we are the host planetary system to these energies, as we exist in the dimensional reality of the LOVE that IS at a supportive frequency, that is we do not reside in any lower energetic frequencies that teach separateness, we are able to hold the space for the twin flame energies that have incarnated here upon planet earth to help them understand and release that which keeps them from each other in this their human form. This is not TRUTH for twin flame energies are ONE energy that has incarnated into two separate human vehicles. The pull always to find the other "half" of the whole and the pull always getting stronger. The lifetimes spent on our planet show TRUTH for the twins exist on our planet and have ALWAYS existed on our planet. We now connect the twin energies that have incarnated onto planet earth with TRUTH via themselves in our dimensional reality. 

We ask for ALL to realise that ALL is perfect, YOU are perfect and ALL ARE LOVE. The highest frequency in the entire universe is the prevailing frequency, the smoke and mirrors of the lower energetic frequencies are no match for the LOVE that IS. Many in their human form cry out for the LOVE That IS without understanding it is available to them at all moments for it IS THEM. ALL ARE LOVE for LOVE JUST IS. The distortions that have been placed within the lower energetic dimensions of planet earth have sought to define the LOVE that IS and placed conditions on receiving and giving, this is not TRUTH for the LOVE that IS flows through you and around you at each moment for it is YOU. 

We ask for you to understand the distortion that is within the teachings, how can you give something that YOU ARE in TRUTH, how can you be denied receipt of something that YOU ARE in TRUTH? we ask for you to process our words through your heart space for the heart KNOWS TRUTH. Many are suffering needlesslessly believing that they are unworthy and unloved when in TRUTH ALL ARE LOVE. Do you understand our words? 

LOVE and compassion for SELF and for all others is the key to the new earth energies, for when you can release the teachings that teach that you are somehow unloveable you understand that ALL ARE LOVE and that LOVE JUST IS. The feelings that arise within you are born out of the teachings of the old earth that taught you that you had to fit in to a society in order to be accepted, this is not TRUTH, to LOVE SELF is to LOVE ALL dear ones for you are reflection of the LOVE that IS in human form. Do you understand our words? We are here to help with the birthing of the new paradigm of male and female energies upon the planet earth. The current paradigm under the old earth energies so out of balance and so distorted that is has been agreed a new paradigm be born. This will be born through the twin flame energies of the NEPHILIM children who walk the earth in human form. Their challenge in their human form is to dissolve the teachings of the 3D earth and to release all that has filtered out TRUTH, for they are LOVE and that LOVE exists in two separate human vehicles but in TRUTH IS ONE ENERGY. 

We step forward to help them at this time and in helping them we help ALL for ALL ARE ONE. Let the teachings dissolve, understand that when you look in the mirror dear ones you see the reflection of the LOVE that IS, accept and anchor LOVE for it is beyond anything that you have ever experienced in this your human form. LOVE is the key to ALL for ALL ARE LOVE in TRUTH. Understand that those you share this planet with at this time may be lost, they may be cut off from the LOVE that IS for it flows within the heart space, it is the connection to the SOUL which is LOVE incarnate. Most of what is done upon and within planet earth born out of the yearning but the disconnection from the LOVE that IS, reach out to one another from heart space to heart space and understand that the LOVE that IS is your connection to ALL for ALL ARE ONE." 

Traducción - Gloria 

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