Tuesday, November 13, 2012


November 3, 2012  
Monthly GOF Lecture   

channeled by David Miller  
Copyright © 2012 David K. Miller 
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA 

On the Eve of a Major Planetary Transition

      Greetings, I am Juliano.  We are the Arcturians.  We are on the eve of a major transition for the planet.  I know that every one of the starseeds is feeling the excitement of this transition.  This transition has to do with the evolutionary crisis on this planet.  The evolutionary crisis can be described in terms of whether or not this planet will continue to have a biosphere which supports mankind.  This evolutionary crisis has to do with whether the Earth imbalances can be brought into a balance in which humanity can comfortably live.  You have recently seen, in the northeast coastline of the United States, what happens when the Earth's imbalances manifest.  These manifestations make for an inflammation of the crisis.  In essence I could say that the Northeast has taken the blow of the Earth's imbalances as a participant in the cosmic drama.  This cosmic drama has its roots in the galaxy.  

     The polarizations and the neglect of consequences of the use of Earth's resources for self-greed is an old play.  This is an old play that occurred in Atlantis, and this is an old play that has occurred on other planets.  In fact, you already know in part what happened in Atlantis when the powers that were in control of the continent overextended their reach and tried to develop powers and technology through which they had no basic understanding.  But more importantly, in Atlantis, they had no way of controlling the power that they were using to seemingly improve their lives.  Now, this is a very interesting lesson, that is, the lesson of using powers and using technology through which you, or the Earth scientists, have no ability to control, if or when those technologies become out of control.  Why would a society use a power that potentially could be out of control knowing that they, as a society, do not have the resources to control the technology when the technology becomes out of control?  This is an age-old galactic problem and lesson.  It is a lesson and it is a drama that has been played out in Atlantis, but it has also been played out in other planets.  What is particularly troubling about the current situation is that this drama is being played out here on Earth.  

    The storms and the imbalances in weather patterns have a source and origin that is beyond global warming.  I mean, truly the global warming is a factor in the creation of stronger storms that have a wider reach.  But there is now a complex interaction of patterns originating from many other different sources and problems on the Earth.  These other different sources can be linked to electromagnetic experiments that have been done for military purposes on this planet.  These electromagnetic experiments have done damage to the ionosphere and to the stratosphere.  These electromagnetic experiments have also created holes in the Earth's aura, and there has been a time warp distortion in the Earth's aura.  The imbalances created by the Fukushima nuclear power plant have also dramatically affected the entire oceans on this planet.  The higher rate of radioactivity is not just isolated around the Fukushima accident.  I'm sure many of you realize that the ocean currents are interconnected around the whole planet.  I'm sure many of you will realize that the Earth's feedback loop system and the ocean currents are intricately related.

     So, the addition of higher sources of radioactivity in the ocean currents has created a need for the Earth's feedback loop system to counter what the Earth perceives as a new imbalance.  This new imbalance is in part due to the high level of radioactivity that has entered into the ocean streams and ocean currents.  The high level of radioactivity in the ocean streams and currents has had time since the Fukushima accident to travel around the whole planet.  

     Remember, the Earth seeks to maintain a balance so that mankind can comfortably exist.  This is an important principal in the teachings of biorelativity.  The Earth, as a living spirit, seeks and wants to maintain a balance so that mankind can live in a comfortable way on her.  Remember, we referred to the Earth as The Blue Jewel and the crowning achievement of The Blue Jewel is humanity.  Humanity is the high accomplishment because humanity has the ability, on many levels, to experience a unity with Earth and a unity with the Creator.  Humanity has the ability to transmit and make the other parts of the galaxy aware of the Earth.  

     This is an interesting facet of the Earth's personality, that is, the Earth wants to be known as a blue jewel among the entire galaxy.  The Earth is, according to the age of the universe, a young planet.  Remember the Earth is a little over 4 billion years old.  The galaxy is around 14 billion years of age.  So the Earth has probably been in the universe less than 1/3 of the existence of the universe.  Yet the Earth has become a jewel of a planet and therefore needs and wants to be recognized and to be interactive with the galaxy.  The truth is that the Earth is recognized and the Earth is being interacted with.  Just note how many UFO experiences have happened.  Just note how many visitations have happened and how many Ascended Masters and teachers are coming to this planet.  (Tones OOOOOOOO.)  Attune yourself with your higher consciousness and attune yourself to your innate abilities to participate in this evolutionary process on the Earth - the evolution of humanity.  This evolution step will help to resolve this crisis.  (Tones OOOOOOOO.)

     You have incarnated at this time to participate in the evolutionary process.  All of the higher planets that we have visited have overcome the problems that now face the Earth.  This includes Arcturus; this includes the moon-planet Alano and this includes the Pleiades.  All of these planets have gone into the next stage of evolution.  They have all experienced this crisis which is now confronting the Earth 

     I, Juliano, have talked about the different levels of the planetary development - stage one, stage two, stage three.  And each stage has many chapters or many lessons.  So the Earth is between stage one, coming towards the end of the stage and looking into the possibility of going into stage two.  At the end of stage one, the Earth is transitioning into stage two.  Stage two has to do with the resolving of the conflict to maintain the ability to survive versus destroy the planet.  Stage two has to do with the ability to develop technology to leave the planet.  Such includes leaving the planet through space and dimensional travel.  Remember, the only way to comfortably and realistically travel though the galaxy is by using the dimensional energy that can be described by the process of distorting the space-time continuum so one can travel through hyperspace.

     So entering stage two means the planet is going into the transition.  This indicates that the planet has achieved both the level of technology that is also equivalent and capable of self-destruction and/or expansion into the galaxy.  

     All of the higher planets have mastered biorelativity.  When you go to the Pleiades, when you go to Arcturus, when you go to Alano or many of the other higher evolved planets, you will not find storms and hurricanes.  You will not find tsunamis or earthquakes.  You will not find volcanic eruptions.  And in some higher planets the technologies have become so advanced that they can even control and help balance the stars that are near them.  

     The Earth is unique in many ways.  One way is the Earth has one star, the Sun.  When you get closer to the galactic center, you will find that some of the planets have two suns or three suns.  Yes, it is true that the Earth is 93 million miles away from the Sun.  And I know that your astronomers believe that that is an optimal distance between a sun and planet, in which the life can comfortably evolve.  But there are some cases of planets that are further away, yet, because  there are two or three suns, the combination of those suns can make up for the further distances between the suns and the planet.

     However, the interaction of the suns creates electromagnetic disturbances which often do cause disruptions.  Imagine if you had three suns instead of one sun.  You can imagine also that the electromagnetic storms of a sun can be very devastating to the planet.  For example, it is well known that there exists a possibility that a huge solar flare or solar eruption can create a strong enough electromagnetic disturbance to disarm and to break or damage all of the existing Earth's satellites.  If the existing Earth's satellites were damaged, then the basis for your commerce would become broken.  

     So, in higher planetary systems, the electromagnetic energy discharges of the suns are also a factor in biorelativity, so that the biorelativity in many other planets includes the suns as well as the planet itself.  Ultimately, you will discover, or your scientists will discover, that there is a relationship between the suns and many aspects of the volcanic eruptions, earthquake eruptions, even storms.  There is an intricate and presently unknown interactive force between the core electromagnetic centers of the sun and the core electromagnetic center of the Earth.  These electromagnetic disturbances to the core can create imbalances that lead to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

     The point is that the advanced planets have mastered biorelativity and do not experience these disruptions that are now very prevalent on the Earth and which potentially can continue at a much more dramatic pace.  Our predictions for the year 2013, for example, are filled with an increase in disturbing-to-humanity Earth events, so the need to learn the techniques and technology of biorelativity becomes more important.  

     So, your coming to this planet at this time is, in part, to participate in the evolutionary awareness and the evolutionary process that leads Man into a higher state of planetary consciousness.  This higher state of consciousness will help to unify a core group of people in order to practice biorelativity.  So, you would be pleased to visit other planets, and you would be very pleased when you saw the calmness of the planet, when you saw the security with which people are able to live in comfort knowing that the planet would not suddenly erupt in an unknown and catastrophic way.  

     Planetary disruptions and catastrophes have occurred on this planet repeatedly.  The ice ages are related to the sun cycles.  The global warming is another level.  And I know that there are discussions among people about whether or not the global warming is related to Man's activities.  And the answer is: "Of course global warming is related to Man's activities", because the Earth is also in a heightened state of interaction with humanity.  I need to explain this in a little more detail.

     During the early stages of the Earth's development, mankind was not on the planet.  Man, finally, did come on the planet, and this could be traced back to several million years ago.  Then Earth as a spirit was aware of mankind.  Earth is aware of all the beings that there are on her surface.  The Earth is aware of all beings of the oceans.  The Earth is aware of all of the birds, and everything that is a living energy is recorded and is tracked and is acknowledged in the spirit of the Earth.  The Earth is a tremendous, complex spiritual planet.  

     So, Earth has been aware of mankind's existence.  But as mankind has grown, as mankind has become more advanced and also multiplied more, then Earth has also taken note and has responded more to Man.  Now mankind has done many things to the planet that have been communicated to the Earth.  Mankind may not admit that humanity's actions affect the Earth.  It does not matter whether or not humanity acknowledges that.  The fact is that human actions are affecting the Earth.  The fact is that humanity's actions have multiplied and increased at a greater level and therefore, because of this greater level, there has been a greater interaction and a greater force of interaction between humanity and the Earth.  So, Man's effect on the Earth is going to increase in the year 2013, and the Earth will respond more.

     Now, I want to talk about, again, the evolutionary part of this, because we have studied planetary evolution, and we have studied species that have been on other planets when there were exactly these problems.  There occurs a moment of crisis, a moment of truth, in which a shift or change must occur.  Now, the need for that shift or change will reach an apex.  When it is just about at that point, then many different factors and many different elements emerge.  One of the elements of the crisis is that the crisis and the resolution of the crisis can fail.  Unfortunately this is one of the laws of nature, and this is one of the laws of the planetary evolution, that is, that evolutionary crisis comes to a point where either change happens, or there is a catastrophe or there is an implosion.  This has happened repeatedly, so it is the moment of change that provides the doorway or the opening for the planetary evolutionary change to occur.  

     Believe me, it is fantastic to be on a planet where that evolutionary crisis exists and where the evolutionary change can actually be witnessed.  In fact, there are many observers who want to be on the Earth now or around the Earth to watch that moment of shift.  That moment of shift is combined with many different factors.  The moment of shift is combined with the Ascension.  It is combined with many of the powerful energy points that the Earth is experiencing.  This includes the dates of 11-11-12, 12-12-12, 12-21-12 and 01-01-13.  These dates are all extremely powerful energetic point for the Earth in her evolutionary changes.  

     So, why is this so powerful and why is it that people even from other dimensions want to come and experience this shift?  The answer is that evolutionary change demands and requires contact with the Creator.  The Creator energy field provides the ingredients for the evolutionary change that can lead to a new balance.  Perhaps you even now can think about this concept of creating something out of nothing.  Creating something out of nothing relates to the idea that this universe was created from a singularity which emerged from nothingness.  There is only one Creator who is able and has this power.  However, the situation that you are now in, on the third dimension, also demands a creation of something out of nothing, because the ingredients for the change on this planet are not totally contained within all of the humanity.  Therefore, the entry of the starseeds becomes necessary to provide the new ingredient, the new level of power to create this evolutionary shift.

     So, at this point of creation, at this point of evolutionary crisis, becomes a point of closeness.  It is a point of closeness to the fifth dimension.  It is a point of closeness to the Creator and it is a point of evolution.  Therefore, you and many others wanted to participate exactly in this moment of evolution.  Now you are right at the core, you are right at the turning point of the evolutionary process.  

     I, Juliano, call on the energy of this evolutionary process now to be stronger and to be more consistently received by all of you.  It is time that a new way will come to this planet.  This is what the alignment with the galactic center is about, that is, the alignment is about the new way of coming.  The alignment is about the new evolutionary shift that is here.  The alignment is about the power that is coming, because to make the evolutionary shift, to make the change, always requires a higher input of light and energy.  That light and energy is coming also from an external source that is beyond just the third dimension.  

     I, Juliano, use the Iskalia Mirror now to connect with the light of the Central Sun.  And the power of the Central Sun light is now being magnified onto the Earth and onto the starseeds, onto you, to hold and receive the downloading of this new light and energy to help create and balance this new evolutionary process.  This evolutionary process will allow biorelativity to become universally accepted.  This evolutionary process will allow humanity to interact with the spirit of the Earth.  This evolutionary process will allow a new balance, a new just society, new Planetary Cities of Light and the raising overall of the Earth's spiritual light quotient.

     We will go into meditation now as we each process and receive this light.  Remember, within all of this light is the light of Ascension.  As an evolutionary change occurs, so at that same moment the light of Ascension on Earth becomes stronger.  The light of Ascension is part of the evolutionary process, because a planet that is evolving can support ascension.  So we will go into meditation now.  (Silence)  (Chants OOOOOOOO.)

     Become aware of your aura.  Become aware of the aura shaped as a Cosmic Egg.  Become aware that you can accelerate the pulse of your aura, because it is your ability to accelerate the pulse of the aura that will allow you to receive this new power of the evolutionary process.  
Believe me, it takes power, it takes strength to evolve.  One of the aspects of the Planetary Tree of Life is strength.  It takes strength to implement and to hold the energies for evolution.  And in order to have those energies, you must be able to vibrate at this pulsing rate of shimmering.
(Chants SHIMMER.)

     As planetary healers, visualize the aura around the Earth.  Visualize the Earth's energy field shaped as a Cosmic Egg.  See the pulse of the Earth.  Merge energies and my energies and the energies of the Iskalia Mirror and the energies of the coming alignment on 11-11 and 12-12.  Feel the power of the higher vibrational system coming into the Earth's aura as the aura of the Earth begins to shimmer.  (Chants SHIMMER BLUE JEWEL.)

     As you are shimmering with me the aura of the Earth, know that we are helping to raise the spiritual light quotient of the Earth.  We are saying to the Earth that we have the power to interact and balance the Earth.  We have the power to relate directly to the Earth's feedback loop system.  Even your solar system can shimmer.  There is a tremendous light, a tremendous force field, coming from the Central Sun that has come into the solar system.  The light and energy from the solar system has already begun to receive this powerful energy from the Central Sun.  (Chants SHIMMER.)

     I travel around this planet and around the aura of this planet, and I'm helping to coordinate your interaction now with the Ring of Ascension.  Become aware that interacting with the Ring of Ascension is a way to help shimmer the Earth.  Become aware that the Ring of Ascension is also an important tool in the planetary healing.  Become aware that the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is a direct connection to the Ring of Ascension.  Become aware of all of the Ladders of Ascension around this planet that you and I have been working with over the past months.  Know that this Ring of Ascension has this deep connection to all these places.  Become aware of the Etheric Crystal at Mount Shasta which we have worked with in a biorelativity exercise before the storm known as Sandy on the northeast coast of the U.S.A.  Become aware that that Etheric Crystal at Mount Shasta is now elevated, and it is sending light and energy to the Northeast U.S.A.  Because remember, the Northeast of the United States did accept this tremendous storm, and this storm has the ability to awaken many people to a new way of viewing the Earth.

     I, Juliano, with your assistance, send the light from the Etheric Crystal at Mount Shasta directly to the Northeast of the United States where all these terrible storms have occurred.  Also I ask that the possible storm that is now approaching the Northeast, known as the Northeaster, also becomes diminished so it does not cause any more harm.  You see, once a pattern and a doorway is opened up, then a second pattern can easily follow.  So we are sending this light.  The Ring of Ascension is now shimmering the Earth.  (Chants TATATATATATATA.)

And now I ask the Archangel Metatron speak with you.  This is Juliano.

Shalom.  Shalom.  Shalom.  Greetings, I am Juliano and I am Metatron.  We are together with you both.  We are both here with you.  It is beautiful to be with Juliano.  It is beautiful to be with you, and it is beautiful to be at the entranceway to the Stargate.  Many of you are preparing yourselves for going through the Stargate.  The energies of the Stargate are opening up.  The energies of the Stargate are in alignment with your crystal work.  The energies of the Stargate are developing a new frequency pattern of interaction.  This new frequency of interaction will allow you to coordinate and experience the upliftment energy.  It takes a higher frequency to uplift yourself.  It takes a higher frequency to ascend, and it takes coordination to be on the right frequency.

     So, each of you are now receiving information about this new frequency.  Juliano has asked me to speak to you about the Children of the Elohim.  The Hebrew words are the B'nai Elohim, which means the Children of the Elohim, or the Children of God.  Elohim is the Creator God.

     The idea of the B'nai Elohim is deeply rooted in the starseeds.  The B'nai Elohim is necessary for the evolutionary development of humanity, because there needs to be a new humanity.  There needs to be a new force that will uplift and will raise the consciousness.  This force is like an army.  Remember that Adonai Tzevaot is the Lord of the Hosts, the Lord of the Armies.

     What does that mean?  It means that for a planetary shift, for an evolutionary shift to occur, there must be an army; there must be a host of starseeds that can implement higher consciousness and implement the new development.  These hosts include the B'nai Elohim, the Children of the Elohim, or the Children of the Light.  You are part of the Children of the Light.  You are Children of the Light.  You are the starseeds.  Activate within you now the energies of the B'nai Elohim.  (Chants B'NAI ELOHIM KADOSH BARUCH HU ADONAI TZEVAOT.)

     Feel yourself part of this core of the Children of the Light, or the Children of the Elohim.  Being a member of the Children of the Elohim has great significance.  Because some of you are here in training; some of you are here to participate as Children of the Elohim so that you will be overseers, so that you will be developers and masters in other planetary systems.  Because other planetary systems throughout this galaxy need the energy of starseeds; other planetary systems need the energy of the Children of the Elohim, the B'nai Elohim.  Part of your coming and part of your soul mission here is to be in training as a Creator, because the Children of the Elohim are creators.  At the moment of creation, at the moment of any creation, there is a closeness with the Creator that is unique.  The B'nai Elohim, the Children of the Elohim, are now participating in the creation of the new humanity and the new state of consciousness.

     B'nai Aur, means the Children of the Light.  You will take this experience on Earth with you in your planetary travels.  The Stargate is opening because you are also participating in an event on Earth which will greatly enhance the evolution of the galaxy.  You know that evolution is one of the greatest features of the third dimension.  It is one of the greatest features because it allows the closeness.  Each dimension has a unique opportunity to experience the closeness to the creation.  When you experience the creation energy you are close to the Creator.  Feel your energy as the B'nai Elohim, the Children of the Elohim, the Children of the Creator.  

     The opening of the Stargate door, even so slightly, enhances the Ascension Corridor that is now being received directly by the Iskalia Mirror.  I now turn you over to Chief White Eagle.  I am Archangel Metatron.  Shalom in the light of B'nai Elohim and in the light of B'nai Aur and the light of the Holy Light, the Light of Jesus and Mary.  Bless you all.  

     HEY YA HO YA HEY!  Greetings, I am the Chief White Eagle.  In this hour of evolution, in this hour of change, I gather with you to speak together to the Earth.  Know that the time has come for us to practice our teachings.  The time has come for the hidden knowledge, the hidden ways of the Ancient Ones, to come forward and be known.  The time has come to talk to the Earth.  The time has come to use all of your planetary healing skills.  You know, my friends, my brothers and sisters, my starseeds, my star family, over the centuries, over the millennia, great knowledge of how to communicate to the Earth and how to shift the Earth has been accumulated.  There are great teachings among the Native Peoples.  There are great teachings among the Aboriginals.  There are great teachings among all of the Ancient Ones, the Ancient Tribes, on how to speak to the Earth.  

     But who has all this knowledge now?  And who is using this knowledge?  Who is coordinating this knowledge so that the whole planet is working together?  This has to be a unified effort.  We are star family, but we need all of the starseeds to come together.  We need all of the ancient knowledge.  We need the work of the Medicine Wheels.  We need the work of the tipi.  We need the work of the corridors.  We need the work of the Etheric Crystals.  We need the work of the meridian lines and we need the work of prayer and ceremony.

     O Mother Earth, Father Sky!  I, I am Chief White Eagle.  I am here with many of the starseeds, many of your star family.  We are asking for a new balance to come in the consciousness of humanity.  There have been many imbalances, especially of late on this Earth, that have caused great blockages throughout the ocean currents, throughout the plates, throughout the mountains.  We call now on our collective powers to bring a new balance to the ocean, to bring light to all those places of darkness around the planet.  There are so many of them, and it is difficult to list them all - all the wars and all the upheavals throughout the Middle East, for example, is just one area of imbalance.  We now ask that a new balance in the oceans be manifested.

      HEY YA HO!  Let this terrible catastrophe that has occurred in the Northeast of the United States bring a new awareness of the life force in the oceans.  Let it bring a way of evolution in consciousness.  I, Chief White Eagle, pray for the preserving of the oceans.  I know the danger of the possible collapse of ocean life.  If the ocean life were to collapse, these storms that you see now would become more common.  The ocean life helps to balance the storms.  Mankind needs to understand that he needs the ocean life to absorb and rebalance the energies on this planet.

     I, Chief White Eagle, with these many starseeds, pray and ask for protection for the ocean life on the planet.  And I ask that this terrible accident in Japan, in the Fukushima plant, bring the fifth-dimensional light to stop the leakages there immediately.  HEY YA HO.  We ask for the light of Ascension to reach this planet now.  Let this light of Ascension be part of the evolutionary change in consciousness that will allow the shift on 12-21-12 to bring this planet into a new harmony, a new balance, a new stage of evolution.  Blessings to all of you.  I am the Chief White Eagle.  All my words are sacred.  HO!

David's picture
David Miller
Founder of the GOF

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