Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 1, 2012 GOF Lecture - Working with the Earth's Feedback Loop System


Working with the Earth's Feedback Loop System

Copyright © 2012 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano.  We are the Arcturians.  We are now beginning the ninth month in the 2012 transitional year.  This already has been a year that has been filled with much conflict and polarizations, but also it has been a year that has been filled with great spiritual opportunities and connections with other light seekers and lightworkers.

I have seen the power of your spiritual work.  I have experienced your light frequency that is rising out of the polarizations and conflicts.  This light frequency that you are helping to stabilize and create is significantly helping to create new spiritual energy for this planet. 

In this lecture I want to talk more directly about the Earth's feedback loop system.  You are working for your personal ascension and for the planetary ascension.  Each of you recognizes that you are a planetary healer.  A planetary healer is a lightworker that is directing their energy towards a healing of this Earth.

The entry point and core to the planetary healing is through the Earth's feedback loop system.  Healing on a planetary basis has a broad definition.  A planet and a planetary healing must take into consideration the highest light forms that the planet is able to sustain.  There already have been over 450 to 500 planets discovered by the space telescopes.  Yet only a few planets are able to sustain life.  Our journeys throughout the galaxy indicate that less than one percent of planets have higher life forms.  Statistically, that may seem like a small number, however, on the other side, there are 200 to 400 billion suns in the Milky Way Galaxy.  Therefore, since most of these stars or suns have solar systems, then there now exists a large number of planets in the galaxy.

When I say most, I am suggesting that it is perhaps 70 to 80% of the suns have solar systems.  Some of the solar systems have more than nine planets.  Also, it has been our observation through our galactic travels that many moons support planetary-like life.  We call these moons that have life forms on them moon-planets.  It is not just the planets that have life forms, but also the moon-planets.  This then raises statistically the numbers of possible moon-planets and planets that are capable of sustaining life and in particular are capable of sustaining higher life.

The feedback loop system of a planet is measured by the balance it is able to hold and sustain with its highest life forms.  The Earth has achieved a monumental balance by hosting the human species.  The Earth has sustained and achieved a great energy by holding and maintaining a biodiversity that surpasses most planets and moon-planets in the galaxy.  Remember that we refer to the Earth as The Blue Jewel because the Earth has a unique biodiversity, a unique life form system and is occupying a special position in the galaxy.  That position is related directly to the 2012 energy field because the Earth is coming into a direct alignment, a galactic alignment, with the center of the galaxy which from the Earth's standpoint happens approximately every 26,000 years.

Not every planet is able to achieve this alignment.  The Earth is also in a special part of the galaxy which is on an outer edge of one spiral arm.  This outer edge is also having high frequency waves of light.  The outer edge is an indication that the planet and the part of the galaxy that the Earth is occupying is in a special and unique position to interact with universal light from all galaxies.  You see, when a planet is too close to the center of the galaxy, then it has certain restrictions.  If it is too far out, it has other restrictions.  The Earth is occupying a beautiful position, perhaps two-thirds out from the center of the galaxy.  Being two-thirds out is still far, and you can consider that the distance from the Earth and the Sun to the center of the galaxy is still approximately 35,000 light years.  This is a huge distance.

When I am talking about planetary healing, I am referring to maintaining a balance, a unity, on a planet that represents its maximum highest frequency, its maximum useable energetic light frequency.  This takes into consideration what is also known as the spiritual light quotient of the planet.

Each person has a spiritual light quotient.  The spiritual light quotient is a measurement of the ability of a person to integrate, work with and unite with spiritual light and spiritual energy.  A planet also has a spiritual light frequency.  The spiritual light frequency of a planet can be measured and also can be maximized by the species living on the planet.  Accept and work with my definition of planetary healing, which is bringing a unified spiritual energy to a planet.  A healed planet can maximize and hold its highest light frequency which allows all higher life forms and bio-diverse species to continue to exist in harmony.  This provides you with a definition and a goal to work with in planetary healing.

Our discussions of planetary healing always focus on the Earth's feedback loop system.  Our main technology for implementing planetary healing is the method known as biorelativity.  Biorelativity is the ability to communicate with the spirit and the energy field of a planet and to use that spiritual energy and that communication link to shift and work with changes in the planetary energy.  Biorelativity has also been defined as the ability to telepathically communicate with the planet.  This means that the planet is a living planet.  As a living planet, you can say that there are certain characteristics and traits of the planet.  These traits and characteristics have many comparisons to Man and to the other species.

In trying to understand the feedback loop system of the planet, I want to use the comparison of your personal feedback loop system.  By understanding and discussing the human feedback loop system, we will have a greater ability to comprehend and work with the planetary feedback loop system.

I will begin this discussion of the comparison by making an observation.  You live on the Earth.  You are part of the Earth.  You belong to the Earth.  You are part of the Earth's feedback loop system!  This may seem like a rather obvious and repetitious observation, yet it has profound implications because you are part of the Earth.  You share many aspects of this planet.  For example, the planet has an aura.  The planet has an electromagnetic field.  You have an aura and an electromagnetic field.  The planet has an organized system which responds to changes.  So do you.  The planet has a Collective Unconscious.  So do you.  The planet has the ability to communicate with distant planets, distant places in the galaxy.  You also have that ability.

You possess a feedback loop system.  To understand mankind's personal feedback loop system, we will look at some concepts that are well known in Chinese medicine.  The reason why we look at Chinese medicine is because the Chinese medicine has the concept of meridians, which are energy pathways of the body.  The Earth has meridians and energy pathways like the human body.

Your nervous system is a complicated and beautiful system that far surpasses any existing computer model.  Your nervous system is extremely advanced even though you may feel that you are not highly evolved.  Your species is still involved in primitive responses and instinctual reactions.  Nonetheless, the nervous system which encompasses your brain is composed of billions of cells that monitor and has within it a complicated feedback loop system.  This feedback loop system holds your body into a balance, and the optimal balance is usually referred to as physical health.

An interesting observation is that well over 90% of your nervous system activities and responses are below your consciousness.  This becomes clear, for example, if somebody studies an acute illness, such as colitis or ulcers or even a heart attack.  You can say that in reviewing such illnesses that the nervous system has been reacting and dealing with different issues, but these issues have been below your consciousness.  Because they are below your consciousness, you are not able to address them until the event emerges as an acute illness.

However, there is what is called preventive medicine, and preventive medicine is the idea of looking at your entire system and trying to communicate with the nervous system.  You can try to make the nervous system aware of imbalances so that the nervous system can work with the feedback loop system and in a natural way bring your body back into balance.  Your body has an inherent feedback loop system that has the power to bring itself into balance.  But, a large part of the actions of your body are below consciousness.  There are events and responses that are going on that you may not be conscious of that could be creating problems.

In this time of 2012 there are tremendous stresses in this environment, and there are tremendous stresses in this society and tremendous stresses on this planet.  For example, your nervous system is dealing with high rates of radiation, high rates of pollution and high electromagnetic aberrant energies.  Some of these energies are coming from unusual electromagnetic pulsings from your own sun.  Some of these energies are coming from galactic sources that are reaching the Earth.  Some of these energies are coming from the fact that the solar system is on a revolution around the galaxy.  This revolution can take three hundred million years.  The fact is that the Earth is going through different energy fields even within the galaxy.

Finally, one of the major stresses for you that I refer to is the planetary crisis.  The planetary crisis is defined as the possibility of the biosphere collapsing.  A collapse of the biosphere is possible in the oceans.  It is also possible in the forests.  It is possible on other systems.  I, Juliano, have seen planets that have gone through biospheric collapses.  This planet has experienced such collapses approximately five or six times in the past billions of years.  The most famous biospheric collapse occurred when a meteor landed in the Yucatan Peninsula in what is now close to Guatemala and Mexico.  It struck the Earth and created havoc to the Earth's atmosphere from the dust particles creating unusual conditions that led to a mass extinction.

Biospheric collapse is also equivalent to the terminology known as mass extinctions.  You are actually living right on the cusp of a possible mass extinction.  I am suggesting that that issue alone is affecting your nervous system.  You may not be able to directly experience the effects of that unless it is brought to your consciousness.  That is the reason why I use the example of the unconscious aspects of the nervous system because the human nervous system is only aware of 10% of the activity.  There is a self-protective functioning of the nervous system which keeps information and energy away from your consciousness.  Now you may agree that you want that information kept from you.

The feedback loop system of the body makes distinctions and makes decisions about how to function, often without your conscious input.  A better balance in the individual body can be brought into existence and can be created through a conscious awareness of the nervous system.

I will use the simple example again of the disease colitis, or of ulcers, and also the issue of clogged arteries in the circulatory system.  You could also use the example of the diabetes and the blood sugars.  That is also a good example because diabetes and circulatory problems are often referred to as hidden problems.  You don't know that your body is experiencing those problems until a significant event occurs.  When you become aware of the disease, then your consciousness and awareness can lead you to take actions so that you can heal yourself.  That might mean that you change things in your diet, for example, or you might need to do more exercise.

This is an example of self-correction.  You can overcome the lack of awareness of the nervous system and then use that awareness to bring your body back into a balance.  This is also suggesting that there is an innate function in the human body that is self-healing.  Chinese medicine follows this theory by speaking of the energy pathways.  Such illnesses as I have mentioned usually are also related to blocks in the meridians, and therefore the meridian blockages must be opened, and this then will help to restore the balance.

Let's use that model to talk about the Earth's feedback loop system and talk about bringing the Earth into a higher harmony and balance.  Remember, we are making the assumption that the Earth is out of balance, and the reason why we are making that assumption is because if things continue as we are seeing them, there will be a mass extinction and the biosphere will collapse.  The second assumption is that Man is part of the Earth.  The third assumption is that Man can communicate with the Earth.  This can occur and includes through prayers, ceremonies and other talking or telepathic communications.

Man, who is part of the Earth, can become aware of where the Earth is having blockages.  This is to say that the Earth also has subconscious energies.  The Earth, as a planet, also is not 100% conscious of its nervous system, just like Man.  Remember I said that Man may only be aware of 10% of his nervous system.  That means that 90% is below consciousness.  A planet may also have 90% of its nervous system unconscious, that is, that the planet may not be aware of its own blockages.

You, as planetary healers, are aware of where the blockages are, and you as planetary healers can communicate to the Earth and to the Earth's feedback loop system.  You as planetary healers can help the Earth become aware of these blockages, so that the Earth can respond in a conscious way to help rebalance the planet.

The Earth has a self-regulating feedback loop response system that is self-correcting.  That is a very amazing ability for a planet.  Not all planets have achieved that feedback loop level of existence.  This planet Earth, this Blue Jewel, is an amazing planet.  Like other highly evolved nervous systems, the Earth does not have an awareness of everything that is occurring on it.  The Earth, as a spiritual energy, can respond to everything that is occurring on itself, but like Man, the Earth does not have consciousness of all.  Man, who is all over this planet, can see and react and can communicate to the spirit of the planet and help the planet engage in self-correction.  This is a powerful task.  The fact is that you can contribute to the Earth's self-awareness.  Therefore, by contributing to the Earth's self-awareness, then this can allow the Earth to generate a unified and healing response.

Let us take, for example, the Fukushima power plant accident and the radiation that is leaking into the oceans.  This is a breach at the accident site in the Earth's aura, in the Earth's electromagnetic system.  It is a breach that is creating disharmony in the oceans.  There is, on a long-term basis, an ability and a process in which the Earth has the resiliency to heal and to rebalance that energy and to neutralize the leakages of radiation that can cause dramatic harm to the biodiversity.

That response may take hundreds of years!  The Earth's feedback loop system has a slower response than you do.  In your perception, hundreds of years is way too long for the Earth to rebalance itself.  By being aware of that damage that is continually being done and sending that awareness to the spirit of the Earth, then that can help the spirit of the Earth.  The Earth can then create better defenses and better healing mechanisms so that that area can be brought more quickly back into balance.  This is done through a spiritual communion with the Earth.  When people gather in groups and ceremonies and speak to the Earth about the imbalance, then it makes the Earth more aware.  You can call on the Earth and her feedback loop system to bring this area into a healing unified energy.

This also means and implies that the Earth has, just like you, an innate ability to respond to these breaches and damage in a healing and self-correcting way.  This is powerful because when you think about your own nervous system and the many different systems, sometimes you may not be able to exactly measure or become aware of each system.  This is a big problem in Western medicine, because in Western medicine, they may treat one aspect of an organ problem without taking into account the whole system and without taking into account the patient's whole feedback loop system.  Therefore, the direct treatment of one aspect sometimes causes a secondary problem in another aspect of the body.  Then they have to treat the secondary aspect.  Sometimes there is even a third, tertiary aspect.

In healing work, think about working with the whole system and bringing the whole system into balance.  With your help, the system knows how to bring itself into balance.  This healing process is the same thing with the planet.  We can try to analyze each aspect of the imbalances in the planet.  We will go down a very complicated road which may not make sense to us.  We can talk about the global climate warming.  We can say that the climate is increasing a half a degree centigrade each year or the water is rising several feet per year.  Each one of these problems can have quite dramatic effects.  The Earth has the resiliency and the ability within its feedback loop system to monitor and make self-corrections.  The Earth can compensate for an overly stressful reaction in areas such as global warming.  The Earth must be instructed, or the Earth must be communicated with, to react in its feedback loop system using the whole system.

Working with the entire planetary system is an important concept in planetary healing.  Let us look at global warming, for example.  Global warming is a symptom.  We could say that global warming is one aspect of a greater imbalance on the Earth.  If we lower the temperature on the Earth, then we still are going to be back to a normal balance.  Changing one aspect of the Earth doesn't take into account the whole system of the planet.  This doesn't take into account that the Earth has a feedback loop system that has the resiliency to deal with an imbalance in one area and can be compensated and made up in another area.  The whole system has to be involved.

This systems approach is a high level of evolutionary planetary thinking.  This whole planetary approach that I am speaking of is found in advanced civilizations throughout the galaxy.  These civilizations have surpassed the Earth.  They have, for example, overcome the impulse to destroy themselves through wars.  They have abandoned nuclear energy.  There is no advanced civilization in this galaxy that travels intra-galactically that uses nuclear energy.  Nuclear energy is considered a primitive and dangerous energy.

This systems concept that I am describing is a higher order concept.  These advanced civilizations have used these higher concepts to integrate themselves with their planets and to activate the innate healing energy within a planet.

You, as planetary healers, have come to this planet on a mission to work exactly with this concept.  Therefore, we need to encourage you to use the ability of biorelativity in a way that begins to foster a unified activation of the Earth's feedback loop system.  The Earth's feedback loop system can respond to your input.

There is another parallel that I want to talk about in the human body that also correlates in the planet and that is the immune system.  In order for your body to respond to intrusions, you must have a highly developed, active and highly functioning immune system.  If your immune system is compromised by too much radiation or pathogens or other contaminants, then your internal feedback loop system, which could bring you into balance, will be hindered.  Then your own feedback loop system would not be capable of strong responses.  When there is an intrusion, which is also called an illness or a disease, then the immune system has to marshal a higher order of energy to bring the body back into balance.

Unfortunately, in this time on the planet, immune systems are greatly being compromised.  The immune systems of this planet, of the inhabitants of the Earth and also of all the species now are greatly compromised.  One of the evolutionary changes that are going to determine mankind's survival is the ability to develop a stronger immune system.  This can take generations.  The Earth has the capability of repairing the damage to the Earth's ecosystem, including the damage that was done to the environment at Fukushima.  But some repairs could take hundreds of years.  We don't have hundreds of years and we want to accelerate that healing process.

In your own personal life, your immune system is compromised, so you have to look at ways of strengthening the immune system.  The Earth, believe it or not, also has an immune system.  The immune system is contained in the Earth's electromagnetic energy field.  In the various descriptions of the energy field, it can be described as the aura of the Earth.  There are different aspects of the atmosphere, which include the ionosphere, the stratosphere.  There is also an aspect called the Van Allen Belt.  The Earth's energy system actually extends out into the solar system.  In other words, the Earth's energy system is not just around the Earth, but it goes out 30, 40 miles or 60 miles and even longer outside of the Earth.

The Earth is in a deep relationship with its sun, for example.  The Earth has the ability to have dramatic responses from major events.  This has been shown because remember, there have been five to six mass extinctions over the four and a half billion years that the Earth has been in existence.  The Earth has responded, even though there were mass extinctions.  The Earth responded and was able to revitalize and bring back the necessary energies for higher life forms like mankind.

We want to look at an accelerated response to the Earth's imbalances.  We want to say that maybe the Earth took 500,000,000 years or 200,000,000 years to recover from the meteor strike in the Yucatan Peninsula.  Mankind doesn't have two hundred million years.  You want an accelerated response that will prevent a mass extinction.  To look at healing the imbalances let us look at the Earth's aura.

The Earth's immune system problems are found in the holes in the Earth's aura.  This is an amazing comparison between you and the Earth.  You also could have a damaged aura.  Your aura can also be distorted.  There can be leakages of energy in your aura.  The Earth is the same way.  I point out frequently that there are great holes in the Earth's aura.  Some of these holes are over countries like Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria.  Some of the holes are over places where there is great radiation buildup.  These holes can be repaired through the planetary work and through directing the Earth's consciousness to seal the holes.

One of the great interventions that we are working with on this planet is to maximize the Earth's energy field through the Ring of Ascension.  The Ring of Ascension is a planetary halo, a ring.  One of the functions of the Ring is to bring the planetary light and to bring a healing so there are completions of these holes.

When there are holes in an aura, then lower spirits can come in and cohabitate with people.  This is another comparison.  A person's aura can be distorted.  The aura can often be distorted and damaged through drug use, for example.  If the aura of the person is not strong, then it will not have a great response rate, and lower spirits can come into them and make people act out in a negative way.  This phenomenon is found in some of the terrible acts of violence that have occurred, for example.  There is one example of this problem in an act of violence in a Colorado movie theater several months ago.  That man who committed those crimes was actually possessed by a lower spirit.  His aura was so damaged that he could not resist the lower energy spirit coming into him, and this lower spirit contributed to leading him to do horrible things.

Now, a planet also can have holes in its aura.  There can be mass entries of lower spirits into a planet where there exists an area of great holes in the planetary aura.  In such cases, the planetary aura has to be healed.  The planetary energy field needs to be healed.  Remember, you have the ability to communicate with the spirit of the Earth.  You can do these healing telepathically.  You can create and interact in new energy pathways with the Earth by using the Ring of Ascension.  You can use new spiritual technology for the planet.  That was the exact reason we set up the 12 etheric crystals throughout the planet to aid in planetary healing.  The 12 etheric crystals are creating a new energetic pathway to help Man communicate with the Earth and to communicate with the spirit of the Earth.  This means that this new energetic pathway allows the Earth to create a healing unified response to the imbalances.

This relates to another principle in planetary healing - holographic energy.  In planetary healing, we use the concepts of holographic energy.  Holographic energy principles state that a part can heal the whole.  You see this principle being used often in cancer treatments.  Quantum light and quantum healing can generate a healing in part of the body, which can then be projected to the rest of the body, even though the same body may be originally filled with cancer.  If there is an intervention that is coming from a higher energy field, and that the intervention is such that it focuses on clearing up one portion of the body, then holographically, that healing energy is communicated to the other parts of the cells.  Then the rest of the cells react and there is a cleansing and a clearing.  This is using the principle of holographic healing and holographic light.

Holographic healing principles work the same on the Earth.  You can create one level of holographic light, and then that purity can be communicated to the entire planet.  This is a basic principle of quantum healing.  Quantum healing is based on the one cell concept.  After one cell becomes purified, then that purity can be communicated to multiple cells.

Focus now on the purity of consciousness and the purity of light at Lago Puelo near San Martín de los Andes in Argentina.  Lago Puelo is a beautiful lake in Patagonia.  It is a great mystical place where we will be meeting with the starseeds there.  See the purity there.  This is where our first etheric crystal was downloaded.  Sense the healing cell of energy emerging from Lago Puelo and being distributed throughout the planet.

Sense the purity of consciousness of the planet Earth.  The Earth has the power of a self-correction and the power to self-regulate that exists at Lago Puelo.  This self-correction in this area of Lago Puelo has a direct communication link to the Earth's feedback loop system.  The energy and purity at Lago Puelo gives you increased powers to send your thoughts to the feedback loop system of the planet.

Patagonia, Argentina and Lago Puelo have special portals into the Earth's feedback loop system.  There are special portals in other parts of the Earth as well.  Lago Puelo is not the only part, but the area is a very special one.  It is a sacred part.  Send your energy there now to Lago Puelo.  Send your energy, telling the Earth that you are aware of where the imbalances are and that you are part of the Earth.  You are assisting her in self-correction of her feedback loop system so the whole planetary system can be rebalanced.

The true planetary ascension is the rebalance of this planet into a higher order.  I am Juliano.  Good day.

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