Sunday, November 20, 2011


Dear Ones,
I am Mytria of the Pleiadian High Council. We are here to assist you with your adaptation to living in two realities. One reality is your physical world and the other is your fifth dimensional world, which is the threshold to the Multidimensional Multiverse.

As your consciousness fully embraces the fifth dimension, you will be able to simultaneously experience your third-dimensional, physical reality, as well as your fifth-dimensional, light reality. In fact, many of you have already fully transitioned into the fifth dimension and are now living in two realities.

You are remaining at the threshold of the fifth dimension because you are waiting for Planetary Consciousness to reach its critical mass of expanded consciousness. It is on this threshold where you have the strongest experience of living in two realities, as you are actively participating in both worlds. We salute you pioneers who are willing to hold this frequency of “in-between” in order to shine a path for others to follow.
You are discovering that when you are being creative, enjoying loved ones or in a safe, love-filled place, you are in the fifth dimension. On the other hand, when you are “working hard,” anxious, depressed, sick, tired or having fearful thoughts or emotions you are in the third/fourth dimension. We ascended ones perceive the third and fourth dimensions as one reality, because the fourth dimension is the aura, emanation, of the third dimension. From our dimension, we perceive you and your aura, or Gaia and Her aura, as ONE. In fact, we perceive you and Gaia as ONE.
Slowly, as you awaken more and more, you are increasingly choosing to be with the people, be in the places, do the things and live the life that assists you in maintaining your fifth dimensional consciousness. Within your expanded consciousness, your thinking is loving and united with all life, and you expect to fill your day with beauty, creativity, enJOYment, gratitude and unconditional love.
Because of these fifth dimensional expectations, your expanded perceptions are coming online in your biological computer/brain. These expanded perceptions, known to your third dimensional reality as “psychic abilities,” are allowing you to more easily perceive the resonance of fifth dimensional life. Once you perceive the frequency of fifth dimensional Earth through your expanded perceptions, you can choose to live within that resonance.
As you experience fifth-dimensional, New Earth, the Flow of unconditional love, joy and gratitude guides you to choose to listen to your SELF and make choices in your life that disallow the “hard work” and limitations that separate you from this Flow. You are beginning to clearly differentiate between what you WANT to do and what you have believed you SHOULD do. Choosing to do what you want, rather than what you should, escalates your unconditional love, joy and gratitude even further.
Remaining in fifth dimensional New Earth requires that you also choose what you need to release in order to maintain your expanded consciousness. One of the main parts of you physical self that you must release is your ego. We see that you have all been working towards this goal for many of your years. However, as you come to the conclusion of a process, you are confronted with the “fine tuning.” Ego can hide in many “good intentions.” For example, wanting to help others can be an ego trap, for it is thinking third dimensionally.

When you are thinking fifth dimensionally, you can perceive how others’ Multidimensional SELF is assisting them, and choose to allow them their own process. Helping can be a surprisingly difficult ego trap to release, for helping makes you feel like a good person. However, it is your ego that wants to be a “good” person. Your fifth dimensional Soul SELF is beyond polarity. Hence, good is a judgment; just as bad is a judgment. In fact, one of your greatest challenges will be to release your judgment of others, respect their process with an open heart and send them unconditional love.
Ego can also hide in your ambition to be recognized and/or rewarded for your efforts. In fifth dimensional realities, there is no need for recognition from “others” because there are no others. Everyone is ONE. The recognition that is needed is your own recognition of your Multidimensional SELF. Your SELF will guide you through the complex process of expanding your reality to encompass all that you have known, as well as all that you are creating in the NOW.
Eventually, “all that you have known” will so completely integrate into your fifth dimensional consciousness that it will be a distant memory. This process is much like looking back to your childhood, which created the foundation for your adulthood. However, you have grown beyond it and no longer “live there.” You healed your inner child by basking him/her in unconditional love, and you will heal your third dimensional self in the same manner.
We Pleaidians are speaking with you now, as our society is likely the closest to the society that you are choosing to create on your fifth dimensional Earth. Like our wondrous Arcturian friends, many Pleaidians have chosen to incarnate in earthly bodies at this time. In fact, many of you are Arcturian, as well as Pleiadian. You may wonder how you can be from more than one star family. We wish to remind you that your celestial ancestry comes from many star systems.
You are Multidimensional Beings and have chosen to take form on many different planets, galaxies and dimensions.
Gaia has been the genetic test tube for millennia. Hence, Her humans, and animal kingdom reign from many galactic and universal sources. You have likely visited Earth from many of your different parallel and/or higher dimensional realities. As you release your attachment to third dimensional thinking, you will discover that concepts that were impossible for your biological brain to fathom are easily understood with your fifth dimensional mind.
Your High Heart, the container of your ATMA, and your Opened Third Eye are of the same resonance as your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, they remain consistent in ALL of your realities, as they carry the same “signature frequency.”
This signature frequency connects you to all your myriad realities to allow you to locate and communicate with the many forms of your Multidimensional SELF.
Yes, dear ones, you do have forms, vessels that contain your Essence, in myriad realities.

However, we do not wish to overwhelm you. Instead, we are here to assist you in grounding your consciousness in the fifth dimension and activating your expanded perceptions. Your expanded, “psychic,” perceptions allow you to perceive the different frequencies of reality. When you can experience the different frequencies of reality, you can more easily calibrate your resonance to the reality of your choice. Once you calibrate your resonance to a certain reality, you become ONE with that reality.
In your daily life, you have experienced that when you are joyful and unconditionally loving, you see and live in a reality of peace and calm. Then, you may choose to take a walk in nature or express yourself creatively. The challenge is, when third dimensional demands, such as paying bills, driving in traffic or cleaning the kitchen come into your “To Do List,” it is then that you need to remember:
Consciousness precedes thought,
Thought precedes expectation,
Expectation precedes perception,
And perception IS the reality that you live.
We are here to help you focus your intention on maintaining your fifth dimensional consciousness while performing third/fourth dimensional acts. Yes, we observe how difficult this can be. We congratulate you on your ability to hold a fifth dimensional resonance for as long as you possibly can while doing what you SHOULD do in your third dimensional reality.
We are here to help you remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. This creation begins by maintaining the resonance of consciousness that aligns you with fifth dimensional Earth where there are no “shoulds.” Hence, if you can maintain your expanded consciousness, you will break through the shoulds and return to fifth dimensional Earth.
Please feel free to call upon us when you find that your concentration on the fifth dimensional reality is wavering. All you need do is send us a call, and we will assist you by “fueling your earth vessel” with unconditional love. In the fifth dimensional reality that you are creating and returning to, the low resonance actions (shoulds) will no longer be a part of your life. We say “creating and returning to” because the fifth dimension is beyond time and not limited by space.
You can choose to perceive and participate in creating fifth dimensional Earth to experience the ultimate act of Divine Creativity. On the other hand, you can choose to calibrate your consciousness to the NOW of the ONE in which fifth dimensional Earth already exists and has always existed. In fact, in one moment you can focus on the creating of the fifth dimensional Earth. Then, in another moment, you can focus on the infinite NOW of fifth dimensional Earth.

We see that our last sentence has sent your third dimensional brain swirling.
Therefore, take a moment to feel your Multidimensional SELF within you…
Surrender to your SELF and FEEL your innate, unconditional love as it soothes your confused brain and gently eases these concepts into your Multidimensional
Observe the vast fields of possibility in your Multidimensional Mind just as you would observe the layers of Earth’s atmosphere.
Each field of possibility interacts with and is integrated into the next, yet each one holds its unique individuality.
Now, think of your myriad multidimensional realities in the same manner. Each reality interacts with, and is integrated into, the others, yet also maintains its unique frequency and pattern.
All you need “do” to intimately experience each reality is to calibrate your consciousness to that specific frequency pattern.
As you fully regain your abilities of inter-dimensional travel, you will become increasingly motivated to choose to DO and BE only that which allows your consciousness to resonate to the fifth dimension. You will also become extremely motivated to continue with the progression of your Mastery of Energy (thoughts and emotion), as you will fully experience how even one fearful thought or emotions greatly diminishes your ability to calibrate your consciousness to the
fifth dimensional realities.
We say, “realities,” for in the fifth dimension there are as many realities as you can imagine, for imagination is fifth dimensional thought. Once your consciousness is fully grounded and centered on fifth dimensional Earth, you can assist awakening ones in the lower worlds. You can also choose to experience the many fifth dimensions worlds in which you simultaneously hold form. We hope that you will visit your SELF in the Pleiadies. In fact, we look forward to your visit.
We are joyous to meet with you in the Corridor and await your call.

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor II
We now return you to the Arcturians.

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