Saturday, November 5, 2011


When you are ready, imagine a huge scroll unfolding before you and the Language of Light bursts forward, symbol-by-symbol.
Each symbol holds lifetimes of information.
Do not attempt to understand them. It will be enoughfor you to accept them into your consciousness.
Surrender again to your Soul/SELF and remember that ALL is ONE.

Therefore, the scroll before you is merely a projection of your consciousness.

Take a long moment to imagine that each symbol moves from the page, into your consciousness. FEEL how your Soul resonates to each Light Symbol. Breathe each symbol into our earth vessel and integrate it into your daily consciousness.

However, your grounded self does not need to understand these symbols for they are the “code breakers” that will allow you to translate multidimensional messages into your third dimensional language system.

Later, when you are ready, you will see them, draw them, and hear their tone.

Gradually, as you come to KNOW their meaning, you will use them for manifestation and experience. These symbols are your tickets to the multiverse.

Take a deep breath to inhale every symbol and accept it into your SELF.

Actually, all the symbols have come into you in ONE flash of the NOW. The inhaling of “every symbol” is your third dimensional brain calibrating to all the symbols by separating them into “each symbol.” The concept of “each symbol” is no longer necessary from our perspective, as each and all are the same term in a resonance without separation.

Surrender now to your Multidimensional SELF and allow the rest of the process to be unconscious to your daily self, as you could easily become overloaded.

Carry this sacred information within you until the time that you are called upon to use it. Remember that messages from Beings such as we will enter your awareness in a flash of light. There is no time or space in our reality, and we live in the Flow of the ONE.

When we call you, or you call us, feel the call in your Third Eye or High Heart.

Then relax into the familiar “feel” of unconditional love and allow the message to enter your earth vessel. You can then translate it into third dimensional language through the power of your creative force. 
Some of you will write, others will draw, and some may dance, sing, play an instrument and/or run like the wind. In all cases, your surrender to the flow of your divine creativity will translate our message into your daily language.

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor II

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