Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians! Today we will look at Time. I am going to approach the subject from at least five different perspectives. The first perspective has to do with your belief system about time. This may seem peculiar that we would talk about time in terms of your belief, but as we explore the subject in more depth, I think that you will agree with me that your belief system influences how you view time. For example, in the Western culture time is defined as “time is money.” A second belief is that “time is linear,” that is, time has a beginning, middle point and end time. As we continue our discussion, I want you to try and uncover some beliefs that you have about time, because what you believe about time will influence how you will use time, and how time can be effective and helpful to you in your personal transformation and in your ascension work.
The second perspective on time has to do with the dimensions, because time is experienced in different perspectives and in different personal experiences, based on which dimension you are in. Here is an interesting example that illustrates this phenomenon. Look at those who have had “Near Death Experiences (NDEs)”. When you review their experiences, you often find that they have had quite extensive and jam-packed experiences, yet they would report that they felt that only a short time had transpired. In some cases, people who have had Near Death Experiences have even been in a coma. Despite the complex and interesting experiences, they often report that it was a short time, yet when they awake and come back into this reality, that is the third-dimensional reality, then their friends or loved ones would report that they have been unconscious or in a coma for weeks. Yet the person’s individual NDE experience on the other dimension was perceived by the individual as a short time.
There are other examples regarding time that I want to refer to which is the dream world. Time in the dream world is what I call “condensed”, that is, many different experiences in the dream occur in a short time. Many dream experiences could be shortened, or condensed, into a brief period of time. Yet if it were possible to interview you while you were in the dream state, you would report that these dreams have lasted for long periods of time.
In the research into the dream world, they have narrowed down the actual dream time to a period known as “Rapid Eye Movement”, which occurs for short periods of time as part of your cycle of sleep. The dream state occurs when you are in the deepest state of your sleeping. Rapid Eye Movement only occurs for brief periods of time from the outside observer’s perspective. The dreamer has no sense of time from the perspective of waking consciousness. Dream events could be experienced as timeless, or occurring over a long period of time.
Remember, one of the attributes of dreaming is Time Condensation, or the condensing of many events into a short period of time. Such condensation would not be possible in your normal waking consciousness. For example, in a dream state, you could be in many different locations. You could be in different jobs; you could be with many different people, and yet, from the outside observer’s standpoint, as verified by Rapid Eye Movement, this whole dream might have occurred in less than a minute.
Another perspective of time occurs in “altered states of consciousness”. The experiences you have on the Fifth Dimension are in a different time perspective. In fact those experiences might fall under the category of “timelessness”. Many times when you are doing meditations, then you can access the Fifth Dimension. After experiencing fifth-dimensional energy, then you bring yourself back to the Third Dimension. You will now download the experiences that you have had back into your third-dimensional consciousness. You could have experienced this in a short period of time on the Fifth Dimension. However, when you transfer the information and the energies back into your third-dimensional body, it will take longer to download than what you had experienced during your Fifth Dimension meditation. This means that there is a subjective time difference between the two experiences. In the Fifth Dimension, you will experience things in a dense way or in a shortened time, but then when it is transferred or translated into and back to the Third Dimension, you will have the realization that it has been a long time from the third-dimensional perspective.
Another perspective we have is what I call “Galactic Time”, and this is a beautiful subject that covers many different areas of astrophysics. Galactic Time is an important aspect of understanding the Cosmos and understanding your soul journey. Let me begin discussing Galactic Time by talking about Earth Time and the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. One year is equal to 365.25 days. This is the time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun in one year. The time length of one year is the measurement of that period. What if you lived on another planet in the galaxy? Imagine that you lived on a planet where it took 835 days for that planet to go around the Sun. That means that your year on another planet, compared to the Earth year, would be at least twice or three times as long. You would only know that if you compared it to the Earth and the amount of time it took for the Earth to go around the Sun.
Now, we have this galactic observation. Your solar system is on a journey around the center of the galaxy, and that journey, in our estimate and in other scientific astrophysics estimates, takes at least 300 to 350 million years. That means that one day, from the galactic perspective, the Milky Way Galaxy, would be measured in the extraordinary time of 350 million years. My point is that time is relative, based on the star system that you live in, the galaxy that you live in, and the amount of time it takes for the revolution of your planet or your solar system. Look again at the revolution of your solar system going around the Central Sun, and you conclude that it takes 350 million years. Ask the question: “How many lifetimes have I had in one Galactic Day?” And the answer would be: “Many.” And from the soul perspective, you would see that there are numerous opportunities and numerous perspectives to have in a Galactic Day.
This leads us to the next perspective of time, which is the Time of the Universe. The Time of the Universe is measured in a different way because there is no observable center of the universe. The universe is not going around any center as is the galaxy, and the age of the universe is measured based on the expansion rate of the universe, which goes back to the beginning of the universe which is called “The Big Bang”. Astrophysics concluded that the universe is 13.7 billion years old. In a very complex way, the age of the universe is measured by the expansion, but according to the laws of physics, you could only travel at the speed of light.
One of the contradictions, which perhaps Einstein did not clearly understand, is that space expands faster than the speed of light. Space is needed to measure time, and this leads to the important discovery, in modern physics, which is called the “Space-Time Continuum”. That means that you must consider space and time as a single connected unit, which is called the Space-Time Continuum. (Author’s Note: If you want to meet somebody at a certain space, such as a downtown street corner, then you must also give the person the time of the meeting. Just giving one an appointment by designating a space, or street address, is not enough. You must give them the time of the meeting, otherwise the two people may never meet, even though they both have the correct space designation. Without a time designation each person might come too early or too late and the meeting will never occur.)
It is important that we talk about the Space-Time Continuum and how this relates to working with “Circular Time”. One of the belief systems that everyone in western society has grown up with on the Earth is that time is linear, that means that time is like a straight line, and time marches on in a straight line. You have the past; you have the present, and then you have the future. You cannot go backwards to the past; you cannot go forward into the future, and that means that there is a beginning point where the timeline begins, and there is an end point where time ends. And in your Earth incarnation, you measure your lifetime based on how much time has passed. There is a part of your belief system that tells you that at a certain age, or at a certain time in your life, your time will end as you know it on the Earth.
This linear concept has been the predominant thought pattern in the western world for centuries. However, it is based on a belief system, that is, the belief that time is linear, and follows the laws of linear thought. There are laws of linear thinking that apply to time. There is a starting point; there is a stopping point, and there are certain rules, such as, you cannot go backwards; you cannot go forwards; you are always in this state of “Linear Time” in the present. From the Arcturian perspective, we say that time is circular, not linear. Our belief system, and our observations over many eons, is that time is in a circle. With that belief, and also with the facts that we have to back that up, there are many more possibilities, and these possibilities have great significance for your spiritual development and for your ascension. The first conclusion is that if time is circular, you can travel through the circle, which means you can go back in time, and, believe it or not, you can go forward in time.
I am going to talk today about Circular Space and Time, and moving through Space and Time, using two techniques. One is called “Folding Space”, and the second technique is called: “Folding Time”. But this is only possible when you are working in the paradigm of Circular Time. In your dream world, you go back and forth in time continually. In your dream world, you can go backward in time, and you can go forward in time. The dream world is also based on Circular Time it is not based on Linear Time. In the dream world the past and the future and the present are often mixed. You may wake up, and you many not even remember or know if you are dreaming about the future or the past, or the present. You might not even know if you are dreaming about a past lifetime or a future in a future lifetime. But in the dream world, which is an altered state of consciousness, time is circular, so that means that you can interact with all different levels of time, including the past, present or future.
This leads into the discussion of Spirituality and Time. One of the most profound spiritual statements on time is the expression of the Creator, which says: “I am that I am,” I was that I was,” and “I will be that I will be.” This is an expansion of the mantra: “I am that I am.” When I say: “I am that I am, I was that I was,” and “I will be that I will be,” that designates the affirmation that you are eternal, and that you live in all three states, the past, present and future. That means that your “I Essence”, the Sacred You, your Higher Self, exists in the past, present and future. This has great spiritual significance, because it shows that you are transcending Linear Time, and that your existence models that of the Creator. The Creator transcends Time, and the Creator can participate in all three states. You are made in the image of the Creator, and you are also able and willing to participate in your past, present and future. One of the significances of this time expansion is that you can interact with different parts of your Self, meaning parts of your Self in the future, or parts of your Self in the past, as well as your present.
Helio-Ah, my colleague, does healing work with you, and she uses the Arcturian healing chambers. In the healing chambers there are sophisticated computers that are able to go back into your past lives or go forward into your future life. One of the benefits of going forward into the future life rests with the achievements and the evolution that you are all going to be experiencing in the future. You all will be ascending; you all will be in the Fifth Dimension; you all are evolving spiritual beings. Here is a great affirmation: “I am an evolving spiritual being.” Your evolution, in part, will occur in the future. I say the words “in part”, because you are going to experience, or are experiencing now, in the present, your evolution. Remember, your Transcendent Self includes: I am that I am; I was that I was; I will be that I will be. In the future, you are going to be in a more advanced state than you are in your present.
Using Helio-Ah’s technology for healing, and in the Arcturian perspectives, we know that you can travel into the future and bring back energy from the future. Let me explain this further. When Helio-Ah works with you on the past, she offers special exercises to heal past trauma. Past trauma are recorded as an image memory in your mind. Helio-Ah can help you to re-orient and heal past memory, so that those traumatic memories are stored in your memory in a more positive way. When that memory in the past is shifted or resolved, then it upgrades and uploads into your mind and brings a healing energy into the present Self.
When we are working in the future Self, we help you to project your Self into the Fifth Dimension. We can work with you as a fifth-dimensional being. We can see you in the future as an Ascended Master. We can see you as living on your home planet, whether it be the Pleiades, on Arcturus, or on Sirius, or on Antares, or on any other beautiful and advanced planet in this galaxy. You do have access to your future Self. Time is circular, and you are on an evolutionary path that is on a circle, not on a line. In the future Self, you are free of illness; you are in balance mentally, physically and emotionally. You are living with your soul family. You have greater spiritual understandings, and higher spiritual and psychic gifts, and we see you as a higher, fifth-dimensional being in the future.
This image of yourself in the future can be accessed. How would you look in the future? There have been visionary artists who have been able to draw pictures of people in their fifth-dimensional Self. When you see yourself in the future, as an enlightened, fifth-dimensional person, you can see how your face looks, how your eyes look, how your hair looks, how there is also a halo around you. You can even see what you are wearing, including special meditative clothing. There are many other aspects of the future Self that you can visualize.
Visualize those positive aspects of your future Self. That image can be brought back into the present Self. You could use this image in many different ways. You can use this image for a healing. For example, if you had a particular block in an organ causing you distress in the present, then you could visualize yourself six months in the future when that blockage is removed. Also you could see yourself as an enlightened or Ascended Master in the future. Those images, including the energy signature, the aura and future energy field, can all be imprinted in your I Am consciousness in the present. And then by imprinting and bringing that image into the present, you will experience a huge healing and an advancement in your evolution and spiritual development. Let me lead you in a short exercise in which you can do that. I will need to call on Helio-Ah to lead you in this exercise in the future time, and then after the exercise, I will continue to talk to you more about folding space and folding time. I now turn you over to Helio-Ah.
(Chants “Helio-ah, Helio-oh-ah.”)
Greetings, I am Helio-Ah. Take three deep breaths my dear friends, my Starseed friends, as you go into what I call a state of spiritual calm, spiritual awareness, spiritual depth, connecting with your Higher Self. I, Helio-Ah, send down a corridor of light over each of you, and this corridor is connected to my Starship Athena and to my healing chambers. Allow your Spirit Body to rise up, out of your physical body, and travel with me at the speed of thought through this corridor to my Starship Athena, now. (Chants “Ta ta ta.”)
Enjoy traveling at the speed of thought, knowing that the speed of thought is faster than the speed of light, knowing that when you are traveling at the speed of thought, you are transcending space and time as you immediately come into my Starship Athena, now. We are together now on my Starship Athena. Follow me into my healing chambers. As we walk down another corridor, there is a large room filled with small, little booths. Each booth has its own individual computer that I have already set up for each of you, for I know that each of you was going to be here with me today. Go into the little booth. I sometimes call it a phone booth. Sit down in front of the computer, and turn on the computer.
This computer is in alignment with your soul record, from your past, present and future on the Earth and on all other planetary systems that you have been on in this galaxy and in other galaxies. The computer is on, and there is a dial to the right. It looks like a clock, and it has the numbers on a clock: 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and then it has a dial that moves left and right. This dial, when it moves to the right, goes into your future time. Move the dial to the right, and on the computer screen an image appears of how you will look in the future.
We can calibrate the dial to match the years on the Earth. Every minute will be equal to a year on the Earth – one minute will be one year on the Earth. Going to the right on the dial will represent your future Self. Two minutes after twelve will be two years from today. Turn the dial to what would be considered the number 3 position or a quarter after the hour. I am just going to say that this position should be a quarter after 12, and is you in your future Self. In your future Self you will be fully in your fifth-dimensional presence and on the Fifth Dimension. You are in your evolved, fifth-dimensional Self. See yourself in that state. Remember, you are able to manifest the body that you want, the hair color that you want, the youthfulness that you want in your face and body, the harmony and balance in your soul manifestation. All this is in your future higher state, and this higher state appears on the screen in front of you. I want you to see yourself, and I want you to meditate now, and absorb that image into your conscious mind in the healing chamber. We will go into meditation now as you do that. (Silence)
Remember, see in as much detail as possible, all aspects of your future Self in this higher state. See your eyes sparkling, if you can. See a halo around your shoulders and head, and most important, see yourself in a state of calmness and balance and harmony, for this is your future Self. There is a button on the left side of the computer. Press that button, and this image is held on the screen right now. Press another button below, down there on the left. The image is going to be downloaded into your Earth consciousness, now. As it is downloaded into your Earth consciousness, a great unification and healing experience will occur because you are now bringing to your present Self your higher future balance, harmony, health, spiritual development and evolution. That image is now downloaded into your Earth unconscious and subconscious. We will go into silence again as we and you together oversee and process the downloading. (Silence)
The downloading is complete. You can now close the computer, knowing that all of your work has been transferred successfully to your subconscious and unconscious on the Earth, so that it will manifest in the highest form and speed possible. Your computer is shut down. You get up out of the chair, leave the booth, and follow me to the outside of the room, down the corridor, back through the corridor. You leave my spaceship, which is on the Fifth Dimension, and travel at the speed of thought back to your Earth presence. (Chants “Ta ta ta ta ta…”)
You are back in your Earth body six feet above yourself, and re-enter your body in perfect alignment, now, bringing with you all of this higher energy from the future Self. It is being downloaded now and activated with your spiritual presence in your physical body. Take a moment, and we will stay in silence again as you allow this activation from your subconscious and unconscious. Bring forth the higher visualizations of the Earth evolved Self in the future. The download has been successful, and you will feel and experience a wonderful acceleration of your evolutionary process. I now return you to Juliano. I am Helio-Ah. Good day.
This is Juliano, I know that you are still in this altered state, enjoying the energy and processing the powerful work that Helio-Ah has done with you and your future Self. I just want to cover two other subjects which have to do with the folding of space and the folding of time. Returning to my discussion of astrophysics, we have to look at how is it possible to travel throughout the galaxy? Because, even if you were able to travel at the speed of light, it would still take you, for example, 36 years to get to Arcturus and 36 years to get back. That trip, then, would take 72 years, which for the most part, would be your whole life. There has to be a way to overcome space and time, and we call this method the “folding of space”.
We visualize space as a cardboard, and the cardboard can be folded. Folding space has to do with the new technology of gravitational propulsion that will soon be discovered on your planet. What happens in gravitational propulsion is that the spaceship compresses or condenses the space. The space between the Earth and Arcturus is 36 light years, which is a tremendous distance which can be measured in trillion and quadrillion miles. This great distance is really not imaginable in the Earth mind. Visualize the space between these two planets as a cardboard which is extended. Imagine that the cardboard is now folded. As the cardboard is folded, then the two ends get closer together, and that is called the “folding of space and time”. The gravitational propulsion systems in the future will be able to fold space using this method.
Now when you fold space, then you are also folding time, so it is not going to take you 72 years, or 36 years to go one way to Arcturus. The trip will actually happen in a very instantaneous way. There will be an acceleration point where you maximally fold the Space-Time Continuum. You cannot fold the space right at the Earth, because if you did that, then it would cause a distortion in the Earth Space-Time Continuum and throw this planet out of balance. You would have to travel to the Jupiter Corridor, and then do the folding of space-time from that corridor to our star system. The only time you would experience a longer travel time would be when you went from the Earth to the Jupiter Corridor. You would go through a folding of the Space-Time Continuum at that place.
Now we are going to briefly discuss an important subject about time. On a global scale, you can accelerate time. Why would you want to accelerate time? Let us say that you wanted this pandemic to end as quickly as possible. This pandemic has now lasted almost one year (Author’s Note: This lecture was given on December 5, 2020), and it has been projected that even with the vaccine, it will be another year or more before things will stabilize. Let us say you wanted to accelerate that. You could do two things. You could accelerate the time so that you project yourselves into the future where the vaccine and all of the disruption has been healed, and you could send that future energy back to the present. You can connect with the future time or when the virus is gone.
Eventually, the pandemic will be stabilized and it will be eradicated, but there could still be a great deal of damage done to the planet, and to life on the planet. We can accelerate certain events. This accelerating of an event does require a large number of people to do meditation. There are specific exercises which have to do with the releasing of karma, because this pandemic event is karmically induced. There is a karmic aspect of the COVID-19 in which some are paying off a karmic debt where they are getting a disease as part of the karma that they might have caused.
In doing acceleration of time in the removal of a disease like this, you request the removal of all karmic debts that are associated with this disease. This removal of karma can help to eradicate the end of the pandemic more quickly. The process of ending the pandemic is accelerated.
I have reviewed and discussed many different aspects of time, including your belief system and the circular nature of Time, Galactic Time, the Dream Time, and how time is experienced in different dimensions. I want to conclude by saying that in hyperspace there is no time, and that there are certain conditions and areas, such as corridors, where you are transcending time. This is all the time we have for today.
This is Juliano. Good day!