Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
In this lecture, we will look more closely at the planetary ascension and develop and practice a meditation for the planetary ascension. There are similarities in the process between the planetary ascension work and personal ascension work. One obvious similarity lies in the use of sacredness which includes sacred energy, sacred sounds and sacred places. In the personal ascension, we talk about the importance of higher consciousness and higher vibrational energy. We also talk about the use of certain sacred phrases such as the Hebrew chant: "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth." This means: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts." There are vibrational activation frequencies in these classical Hebrew words which open up certain "valves of consciousness". It is important that you understand that, in order to ascend, you have to open up these valves of consciousness.
The other variable, or the other contributing factor to your personal ascension, is the intersection of the dimensions and the external work that is being done by the Ascended Masters. It is really, then, a two-aspect approach for your personal ascension. The first aspect is the higher consciousness and sacred vibrational energy you are working with, and the second is the work of the Ascended Masters which in part is represented by the intersection of the dimensions. The intersection of the dimensions and the work of the Ascended Masters will create an alchemical activation energy that will immediately raise your consciousness and your ability to transform and ascend.
Now let us look at the planetary ascension. I am speaking to you today about the planetary ascension for several reasons. First, it is clear that this planet is in a crisis. Perhaps I repeat myself when I talk about the sixth mass extinction, but nonetheless, this is true fact. Another true fact is that the weather patterns and the volcanic and geological systems on this planet are very fragile. There is a continued imbalance on so many different levels which are symptoms of the planetary crisis. This means that you, as empaths and starseeds, are already feeling the uncomfortable energy from the planetary crisis. I have worked with many of you, and I am continually amazed at your resiliency in dealing with so many of these patterns and the vibrational crisis.
Clearly, this crisis is affecting the planet on many different levels. We have the weather level; we have the geological level. We also have the vibrational level, and by vibrational level I am referring specifically to the electromagnetic energy fields of the planet. As Empaths and as Starseeds I know that you are affected and feel the different electromagnetic disruptions in the Earth's energy field. You may experience this change as mood problems or vague feelings of uneasiness. In some cases you might even experience severe depression which does not seem to have any obvious cause. Think about the whole process of the planetary crisis. You are right in the middle of the crisis. With that knowledge perhaps you can have a better understanding of your feelings and your reactions.
Planetary ascension exercises are related to sacred energy. This relation of sacred energy is also connected to the personal ascension. It is true that planet Earth has a living, spiritual presence known as Gaia. The planet does have the capability to ascend. I think that you have already in your imagination, in your visualizations, images of what an ascended Earth will look like. I have always emphasized that our work together is focused both on your personal ascension and on the planetary ascension. We have talked about places on the Earth that have lower or dark. How can those dark and contracted places ascend? There are various interpretations from our perspective and the perspective of the Ascended Masters about how those dark, contracted places on Earth will be dealt with in the Ascension. We can compare this to the fact that there is only going to be a small group of Starseeds that will ascend on the first wave. We could also say that perhaps there will only be a small portion of the Earth that will be able to ascend to the new fifth-dimensional Earth.
I would like to use this interpretation in a broader sense. You have a fifth-dimensional body, and part of our work together focuses on bilocating to your fifth-dimensional body. This bilocation is a practice to assist you when the Ascension occurs. I can compare this to the concept of muscle memory. You know in certain exercises, you do repeated motions, and then those repeated motions become part of your muscle memory. Then in a situation that might be a crisis, that muscle memory would kick in, and you would react according to how you have trained and practiced your muscles to respond. Muscle memory is very basic, and part of the Animal Self, and thus it is very useful for survival. You can separate your muscle memory from your mind and your anxieties and fears. Patterns stored in muscle memory will respond no matter what your own fears or anxieties or doubts are. I like this analogy when thinking about the personal ascension.
Perhaps the word muscle memory does not fit for the alchemical and higher consciousness process that is necessary for ascension. But you and I have worked together for many years, and we have done some excellent work on anchoring and using consciousness and triggers to put yourself into an altered state that is necessary for the Ascension. I can say that chanting the words "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth" would be considered an anchor or a trigger that would put you into the state of unlocking the personal Codes for Ascension. That would mean that at the event of ascension, you would need to trigger yourself, or anchor yourself, into a higher state of consciousness. Remember, using a trigger brings you to a higher state of consciousness that you had practiced at an earlier time. Therefore, at the time of ascension you would just sing to yourself, to the best of your ability: "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth," and then you would go into that higher state of consciousness, and you would be ready for your ascension. Practice going to the Arcturian Crystal Lake with your fifth-dimensional body through bilocation. That exercise also will help you prepare for your ascension.
What about the Ascension for planet Earth? There is a fifth-dimensional planet Earth that already exists. The fifth-dimensional planet Earth exists in the fifth dimension. It might be more complicated to visualize it, but it is there. There will be many parts of the Earth which are sacred and which can be activated by the starseeds and then could be uplifted into the fifth-dimensional Earth.
We come to our core teaching: the Starseeds need to work and find a way for activating the consciousness of Gaia. "Gaia" is the name for the Spirit of the Earth. Gaia can be activated into higher consciousness and into an ascension. The method of doing this requires certain planetary skills. These planetary skills for ascension are included in the work of the planetary healers. In today's presentation, we are calling this part of planetary healing "unlocking the Codes of Ascension for the planet", or "unlocking the planetary Codes for Ascension". Throughout the history of the planet, there have been mystical groups who have worked to communicate with Gaia, and have sought ways of changing or directing her feedback loop system. Never before has there been this global network. Before, there have not been groups of starseeds around the planet who can work together towards the activation and elevation of Gaia. That means that Gaia can be activated to raise her consciousness, and then the planetary healers can use that activation energy to bring those parts of the Earth that are prepared into the fifth-dimensional Earth. (Tones)
This activation includes bringing the plants and animals that are part of this biosphere with and into the ascended Earth. The study of a planetary ascension first focuses on sacred places. Throughout the history of this planet, there have been attempts to activate sacred places that would help the Earth to evolve to a higher state. The two or three different examples of these attempts include the Egyptian pyramids and also the Stonehenge monument. But there are other monuments, and even pyramids, around the planet that have been dedicated to this process, that is, elevating the Earth into a higher dimension.
I choose the examples of the pyramids and Stonehenge because they are well-known monuments, and also, they are gigantic and are today in the planetary awareness. The pyramids have been built in alignment with Orion's Belt in the constellation Orion. This was a direct attempt to elevate the Egyptian civilization into higher consciousness and into merging the Egyptian civilization into a higher, fifth-dimensional realm using the connections with the Orion Belt. The Orion Belt is a complicated and beautiful star system that has unique abilities and energy. For example, in the Orion Nebula, which is near the Orion Belt, there is what is called a "stellar nursery" in which new stars are born. It is an active and energetic place in the galaxy, and it has powerful connections throughout the galaxy.
The ancient Egyptians, with the help of the extraterrestrials, were aware of the power of Orion. Extraterrestrials worked closely with the Egyptians to build the monuments that would connect the Egyptians with this powerful galactic star system. They were successful. The ancient Egyptians were able to connect to this star system through the building of these beautiful pyramids at Giza. Three of the pyramids were built in a great alignment with the three stars in the belt of the Orion constellation. The Orion energy that was downloaded into these pyramids helped to elevate and promote higher evolution in the Egyptian culture. The Egyptian culture and civilization lasted for thousands of years.
After its height was achieved with the help of the Orions, the Egyptian culture had declined to a lower level from that higher point when the original pyramids were built. The later civilizations that are recorded in your historical records are not the original builders of the great pyramids.
Stonehenge is also a monument that was built by ancient peoples who were looking to connect to the galactic energies and connect to higher planetary shifting energies. This energy has been re-activated by modern starseeds in England. There is a tremendous alignment coming on Wesak (Author's Note: May 18-19, 2019. This is a festival combining and celebrating the loving and compassionate energy of Buddha with the energies of Jesus Christ) at Stonehenge, in which there is going to be tremendous opening for the planetary ascension and for activating the planetary ascension. This Wesak energy is a powerful tool, and it will aid greatly in providing a corridor connecting the fifth-dimensional Earth to the third-dimensional Earth through this monument known as the Stonehenge.
The alignment, particularly in 2019, at this coming Wesak energy, is unique. How can you, as Arcturians Starseeds, facilitate now, the activations of the planetary ascension? The answer to this lies in our work with the Planetary Tree of Life, also known as the Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life. This Tree of Life matrix is complex. Some of you may feel overwhelmed when we are referring to these 12 spheres on the Tree of Life and to the corresponding sacred places that we have designated to represent each sphere on Earth. Please understand that the Earth is a complex planet. Please understand that ascension is complicated. We can put the ascension technology into terms that are explainable and into terms that you can practice and use. Specifically the exercises we offer include the bilocation exercises, the shimmering exercises, the creation of corridors to the Fifth Dimension, and specifically to the corridors going to the Arcturian Crystal Lake. I think that most of you can understand and practice these exercises for your personal ascension.
Now, we are talking about the ascension of a planet. So be open to the complexity that would be involved in opening up the Spirit of Gaia to this ascension. We agree that Gaia has the ability to ascend, and we agree that Starseeds are in the unique position to help her to activate her ascension. Also, one of the facts is that a planet cannot ascend unless there are fifth-dimensional Starseeds who are willing to do the work to create the ascension energy. A large part of the planetary ascension rests in the creation and the use of sacred spaces and also in sacred exercises and sacred practices. The most important aspect of unlocking the keys for the planetary ascension is the network that is the coordination that a group like the Group of Forty can do in order to facilitate and promote the ascension of Gaia. You must do certain group exercises to unlock the Ascension Codes of the planet. The exercises must be coordinated to direct the Arcan Energy of the group.
There are some complex aspects in these planetary exercises that must be explained. Parts of these exercises to unlock the codes of planetary ascensions are contained in the beautiful Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life. The Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life contains codes to unlock planetary and galactic DNA. This galactic DNA must be unlocked and downloaded to Gaia by higher consciousness beings on the Earth.
Today, we are going to do that exercise. We will do the activation to unlock the Planetary Codes of Ascension. The first step is that I briefly repeat the names of each of the 12 spheres in the Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life. The first, top sphere is at Mt. Fuji in Japan. Mt. Fuji represents the higher energy that we have called "Undifferentiated Energy", because Mt. Fuji is connected to the highest source of light that comes into this planet, and yet that higher source of light is undifferentiated. That means that the light cannot be explained because it is, initially, beyond logic and beyond words. Starseeds need to bring that light down.
The second comes from the sphere called the "Bodensee", or Lake Constance, in Germany. This lake has a special importance because it lies almost in the center of Europe. This sphere represents deep wisdom. Remember, wisdom is energy that does not come from logic, or from facts or observations. Wisdom comes from higher, intuitive sources, and we are seeking that higher connection.
Next we go to what is known as Lake Moraine, which is near Banff, Canada. This place was chosen because it has the protection and energy of Archangel Michael, and it is more based on logic and understanding as opposed to wisdom. We go to the fourth sphere which is called "hidden knowledge revealed", and this sphere is identified with the Bosporus area in Istanbul (Turkey). It is a meeting point of East and West.
Mt. Shasta represents and holds the next sphere. Mt. Shasta is a well-known power spot in the United States, and many seekers throughout this country and throughout the world go to Mt. Shasta to connect with the Earth and to connect with the Inner Earth. We have lightworkers there that are working and feeling the connection to the Inner Earth with the Master Adama.
The next sphere is at Volcan Poás ("volcan" is the Spanish word for volcano), and this is in Costa Rica. This sphere represents Divine Justice and sits on the Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire is an overwhelming geological energy which can erupt at any time. We have to acknowledge that the Earth has the power to make dramatic Earth changes which are beyond our control and even beyond our imagination, which can cause major destruction within the entire civilizations around the Ring of Fire. This is such a powerful force. We want these forces to come into balance, and this is one of the key teachings of the Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life, that is, that we balance these major forces on Earth in order to prepare for planetary ascension.
Now we go to the center sphere of the Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life, which is represented by Montserrat, Spain. This city is near Barcelona, and this sphere represents Messianic Light and Energy. I would like to explain Messianic Light and Energy. Part of the idea of the Ascension is that a new energy, which sometimes is referred to as Omega Light Energy or Quantum Healing Energy, must come to the Earth. This is a type of Messianic Energy that will override the logic and rationality. I use these terms because if you sit down with a pencil and paper and look at all the imbalances that are currently going on on the planet Earth, then you would ask the question: "How can there be an ascension? How can this planet come back into balance and move into the fifth dimension? This planet and the biosphere are degrading." You might say: "I do not understand how this can be saved." You would be correct if you look at it logically. I jokingly say that Einstein was against the Quantum Theory because he said that God does not roll dice, which means that there is no unpredictability in the universe. This means everything is determined and everything has a logical order.
But in working with the Messianic Energy, there is an energy that transforms the current order on Earth. You will not be able to explain a quantum energy transformation with your logical mind, but it is possible. The activation of Messianic or Quantum Energy for planetary healing is contained in the codes contained in the Tree of Life.
Then we are going to go to the next sphere, which is Grose Valley, Australia, which represents the creation of a New Earth Society. This is a very ancient site that holds great healing potential for the Earth and has stored fifth-dimensional energies for centuries. The next sphere is in Lake Taupo, New Zealand, which holds the energy for the creation of sacred places and Planetary Cities of Light around the planet. In order to create the necessary conditions for unlocking the Codes of Ascension, you have to create more sacred places. The more sacred places there are, the easier it is to connect and activate the Planetary Codes of Ascension.
We go to the final three spheres. One is called the "Copper Canyon", which is near Chihuahua, Mexico. This sphere holds the energy of planetary shimmering. The Earth can begin to shimmer or vibrate at higher levels. Part of the unlocking of the Planetary Codes of Ascension is to work with the Earth's aura. The work that we have done in our exercises for planetary healing involved the shimmering of the Earth's aura. You, as planetary healers, can work with the Earth's aura.
The next sphere, called Serra da Bocaina, represents the Earth's interaction with the third and fifth dimension. The Fifth Dimension is, in part, here already, and is partially here because you, the Starseeds, are helping to download the ideals of the fifth-dimensional Earth on the Earth. You as Starseeds are working with us to have this interaction of the Third and Fifth Dimensions, and this is represented at the national park called Serra da Bocaina, which is in Brazil between the cities Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
The final sphere is represented by Lago Puelo, a beautiful lake in southern Argentina which is manifesting this higher energy onto the Earth. All of the higher energies from the spheres above come down into Lago Puelo and are then downloaded into the Earth.
So, here we have the 12 spheres and the activational energies that are held within them. Then we have the paths that are connecting these spheres, and each path has been assigned a number. The idea is that there is more activity and networking that can be done on the paths which will help to strengthen the energies of the spheres so that they can manifest on the Earth.
The idea is that the Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life is not a static matrix. First of all, the sphere is holographic and it is also fifth dimensional. Each sphere has a back and a front. The spheres are really interdimensional. The second feature of the Tree of Life is that it is active. The spheres are interacting with each other. One role of the Planetary Cities of Light is to help create greater interaction among the spheres.
To the best of your ability, picture these 12 spheres. (Author's Note: there is a picture of the Tree of Life at the end of this document.) The Tree of Life and the 12 spheres are in a specific pattern. It is divided into what are called "triads", so there are at least three triangles sitting on top of each other. Then, there are vertical lines of spheres, and also you can talk about the vertical lines going to the left, the middle and the right. Sometimes, the vertical lines can be represented as Yin and Yang, and the center represents the balance between each side.
Visualize, to the best of your ability, these 12 spheres. I am going to repeat them again slowly, and if you cannot picture them in the configuration, just picture them as 12 spheres that will help us with this exercise. Sphere number one is Mt. Fuji; two is Bodensee; three is Lake Moraine; four is Istanbul; five is Mt. Shasta; six is Volcan Poás; seven is Montserrat; eight is Grose Valley; nine is Lake Taupo; ten is Copper Canyon, Mexico; eleven is Serra da Bocaina in Brazil; and twelve is Lago Puelo in Argentina.
Let these 12 spheres, or let the names of these spheres if you cannot picture them, appear on a white screen in front of your Third Eye in your aura. Know that this configuration of the Tree of Life is powerful. The small work that we do will help to activate planetary healing. Think for a moment about all these 12 beautiful areas on this planet. These spheres are all interactive healing energy places that can manifest on the Earth. To the best of your ability, and especially if you visited any of these areas, think about them; visualize them; call on them.
At this time I, Juliano, raise the 12 etheric crystals that are contained in each of these sacred areas. These are crystals that I have downloaded with your assistance from the fifth dimension into the Earth at these sacred spots. We raise these crystals in a configuration or a matrix of the Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life.
The Planetary Tree of Life has been used on other planets for their ascension. As we raise these spheres, we go to a place five miles above the North Pole. We are all holding, to the best of our abilities, these 12 spheres in our minds. If for some reason, you cannot hold all 12 spheres in your consciousness, just pick one or two spheres. You can choose Mt. Shasta, for example, or pick Montserrat, or pick Copper Canyon or Grose Valley. Bring the spheres with you and come together above the North Pole. We are sitting in a circle above the North Pole. (Tones)
"Blessed are you, O Mother Earth, holder of all life forms in the biosphere. We honor you today as the great Spirit of the planet Earth, and we come today in our meditation to bring you the sacred Planetary Codes of Ascension, letting you know that we, as planetary healers, have done our part in activating and unlocking the Planetary Codes of Ascension." Let us go into meditation now as you and I hold these spheres to the best of your ability over the North Pole. So we will go into meditation now. (Silence)
To the best of your ability, see these 12 spheres, or the sphere that you are holding, above the North Pole, and if you can, visualize the spheres in the configuration of the Planetary Tree of Life you have been shown. We are going to drop and download all of these spheres, that is, the spheres in the Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life, into the North Pole and into the Inner Earth, unlocking the Planetary Codes of Ascension. At the count of three, download the spheres into the North Pole corridor, One, two, three, now! (Tones)
The Arcturian Planetary Tree of Life is now being downloaded into the Earth, helping to unlock the Planetary Codes of Ascension, now! (Tones) Let us pay particular attention to Montserrat, representing the energies of the Messianic Light. We, the Starseeds, call on the strengthening of the Messianic Light as an intervention force on planet Earth. We call on the Omega Light. We call on the Quantum Healing Light, now, to be activated within the Spirit of Gaia. Let Gaia receive the light from Montserrat, now! (Tones Messiah Light) Let this downloading be done and create a balance for the unlocking of the Codes of Ascension for the planet. This download will activate a perfect unfolding of Omega Energy that will exhibit and manifest a new balance on the Earth. (Tones) In the final phase of this exercise, I will have Helio-Ah speak to you. I am Juliano.
Greetings, I am Helio-Ah. We are together with you above the North Pole. I want you to come into this area with my etheric theater. This etheric movie theater is a gigantic theater over the Earth, and just like a movie theater, there are many seats and there are two screens in the theater. On the left screen is the Earth as you see her today as The Blue Jewel in all her glory, and on the right you see the new fifth-dimensional Earth, and yes, it is more blue. Yes, the new Earth is more brilliant. Yes, the aura of the Earth is more expanded. The Earth is a clean Earth with no pollution. It is a balanced Earth with stable weather patterns and stable geological movements and stable volcanic activities. See on the right-hand side this new fifth-dimensional Earth now; on the left-hand side is the third-dimensional Earth as it is today, in April 2019. The Earth on the right side is the future-dimensional Earth.
I want you to visualize both of those images. (Tones) Now, like a slide, the image on the left and image on the right are going to merge into one planet, into one image. The images of the third- and fifth-dimensional Earths are going to merge. One, two, three, now! (Tones) The images are merging. The third-dimensional Earth merges with her fifth-dimensional sister Earth now! This helps to create a new balance, and it helps to create an opening for the Messianic Light to reach the Earth. This download also helps to create and activate new Cities of Light, new Earth societies, new balances. And so it shall be! Let us hold the merging of these two planetary images together in our final meditation. We will go into silence. (Silence)
This image is now downloaded into the Noosphere, helping to activate all the forces on this planet towards a unification of the third-dimensional Earth and the fifth-dimensional Earth, and so it shall be. I am Helio-Ah. Good day.
