Sunday, November 26, 2017

Co-Creating Ascension with the Trees by Tree Consciousness

Co-Creating Ascension with the Trees
by Tree Consciousness

We envelop you in our energy and welcome you into our consciousness; we are the collective energy of tree beings/spirits. We wish to welcome you into our light, so you may understand our purpose now during ascension, how we are being of service to Mother Earth and how we can co-create with you to support deeper awakening for all. We, the Tree Consciousness wish to guide you as to how to access our energy and why it is important now.

As physical trees on the Earth, we represent a bridge between the inner planes and Mother Earth. Our purpose is to anchor the energy of the divine into the Earth so that Mother Earth and all who inhabit her may be revitalised by the light of the Creator. We are healers of the land and clear the areas where we are physically grounded of negative and limiting energies. It is our purpose to ensure that Mother Earth remains connected and in the divine flow of the Creator’s energy. We have a direct connection to the inner planes which emanates from the core of our being into the Earth and her inhabitants. We have a fountain of spiritual knowledge and understanding which we are open to share with you when you connect with our energy.

Healing and Assisting Blocked Trees

Some trees are asleep; they anchor only a little light into the Earth, this is often due to being in an area where a great deal of negativity has been created. The trees take on the negative energy with the view to transform, bringing forth the light of the Creator once more. However sometimes the negative energy is too dense, and the trees end up taking on the energy unable to transform it. This is when a tree appears to be asleep, there is very little energy circulating and radiating from its core. Sometimes the physical health of the tree can suffer, this is not always the case. For those of you who enjoy connecting with the energy and core vibration of trees, we ask you to be aware of this. If you come across a tree which has very little energy flow and does not respond to your greetings, this tree requires your help. The negative energy of its surroundings is swamping it, becom ing overloaded and unable to achieve its purpose.

In these circumstances we invite you to invoke an energy of your choosing, downloading light into the tree. Surround the tree or trees in a bubble of light and with your intention guide the light through the branches and leaves, if there are any, as well as the roots until the energy is gathering in the trunk of the tree or trees. Then as if you are inviting the tree to breathe once more, let the tree begin to create its own flow of energy once more, as you simply hold a vision of the tree surrounded by light. You will notice at some point that there will be a surge of energy as the tree begins to heal and restore its being, transforming before your eyes. The tree will also begin to heal, cleanse and transform its surrounding areas which originally caused the tree’s energy to close down. We invite you to be of service to us in this way.

The United Consciousness of the Trees

All physical trees on the Earth are connected to the Tree Consciousness which is an aspect and expression of the Creator. Trees create a network and grid system of light across the entire Earth.  When a tree has closed down and withdrawn because of being overwhelmed by negative energy in its surrounding area, this influences the grid system causing a blockage in the flow of Tree Consciousness and limiting the ability of all trees in connecting and communicating with each other.

The united Tree Consciousness can be accessed through connection with trees on the Earth or through connecting with our energy on the inner planes. When a connection is made, then you can access our wisdom, downloading our knowledge and perspective of the Earth and ascension. We remind you of the united consciousness of the trees because it is an important energy to support humanity in accessing their united consciousness. We, trees, are synthesised and connected to each other, although on the Earth we appear as singular physical beings we are one. The more trees you connect with, the more you will realise that each tree may express themselves in different ways and seem to have characters of their own. However, you will realise you are connecting with the same energy, consciousness and truth. You may also realise that we have the same mission, purpose and reason for being upon the E arth. It is exactly the same for humanity. You are all the same energy with different expressions; you have a united consciousness, purpose and reason for being upon the Earth. You all receive the same energy and wisdom. You are present to support each other, giving and receiving support. Can you imagine that your ultimate purpose and reason for existing on the Earth is the same as everyone else? Humanity is strong when connecting with their united consciousness, the energy of oneness and eternal connection.

Experiencing the United Consciousness of the Trees

We, the Tree Consciousness, wish to encourage you to ask to connect into the Tree Consciousness, with a focus on recognising our united consciousness. You may ask a physical tree to assist you with this or connect with us energetically during meditation. As you experience the Tree Consciousness flowing over and through your being, allow yourself to experience the energy of unity and oneness that is present. You may recognise it as a strong inner force that brings you to your centre and expands your awareness of all that is around and within you. Our Tree Consciousness may demonstrate to you the vast connection of all trees, how it supports Mother Earth and all. Our greatest wish is that our energy activates your own ability to connect with the many and diverse levels of united consciousness within your being. You are connected and as one with all being, this creates numerous fountai ns of wisdom and understanding that you can draw upon. You may come to realise your own connection with the Tree Consciousness, how we are the same, a part of the same energy and source. It is easy for you to merge with us, the Tree Consciousness, and for us to merge with you as being connected to the consciousness of humanity, your soul, soul group, the Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings and so forth. When you expand your awareness and access the treasured energy of unity within you, everything begins to make sense; you feel centred, grounded and fulfilled. We invite you to contemplate the energy of unity that all experience as a tool to discover yourself and the Creator more fully.

Activating the Diamond Centre

At the base of a tree’s trunk and the beginning of its roots is a well of energy and source of light. This is the vitality of the Tree’s Spirit, its essence and core. When a tree allows you to access its source, you will notice it is akin to a liquid light or a vast expansive pool of energy. Its beauty is immense, and it truly demonstrates the flow of the divine Creator. Within this source, you will discover much. There is a deep ruby red crystal which holds great power. The crystal holds the foundations of the tree and the Tree Consciousness. It acts as the stability, grounding and centring energy of the tree. Each tree holds the same crystal, each crystal is connected, and energy flows through them.

We, the Tree Consciousness, wish to invite you to support us in activating the crystal within all trees with the purpose of grounding new codes and energy from the purest vibration of our energy. This is to support the trees in their mission upon the Earth while also anchoring sacred vibrations of stability, grounding and centring into the Earth and therefore humanity. We have been guided by the Creator to emanate stability, grounding and centring so that humanity may adopt and awaken this within themselves. Thus the spiritual vibration of all will rise, allowing more light to be anchored.

‘Tree Consciousness, I invite your energy and light to flow through my being now. I wish to access your energy of unity and become one with the Tree Consciousness. With your permission, I ask to be made aware of the millions of deep ruby red crystals present upon the Earth within each physical tree. May these crystals become one, which is their natural state. I now receive this crystal first into my heart chakra where I shower it with love. Then I place it in my root chakra and invite you to anchor through my being the energy and light you wish to penetrate the crystal with, in order to create the necessary activation and the emanation of stability, grounding and centring. My purpose as I am connected to the Tree Consciousness is to nurture and nourish the qualities of the crystal. Please support and guide me as to how you wish me to be of service. ‘

When you feel the process is complete, surrender the crystal and return it to the Tree Consciousness and all trees through stating an intention. Then with a silent request, invite humanity to accept the energy of stability, grounding and centring, as well as the new energetic codes the trees are now emanating. Take a moment to breathe in the energy radiating from all trees around the world, let yourself receive.
In unity and oneness,

The Tree Consciousness


NOVEMBER 19, 2017
Greetings to all in this season of giving thanks and gratitude. Thanksgiving is considered by most to simply be another seasonal holiday. However, as with all things, it is representative of a deeper spiritual reality, that of abundance and love. When one is filled with gratitude, whether or not he is aware of it, he is in a consciousness of; "I have"-- the truth that manifests as abundance.
Many the world over are experiencing varying degrees of lack at this time. We have stated many times that because of their true nature, humans are creators, but few have realized, accepted, or even believed this. When you declare to yourself and others; "I do not have", mind, the translator of consciousness and substance of matter, lovingly proceeds to provide lack for you.
This state of consciousness is the substance from which peace is formed--true peace, the only permanent peace that can ever be. When a majority realizes Self Completeness within the ONE there will come a sense of camaraderie, oneness, and with it permanent peace.
Once this level of consciousness is attained, an individual begins to live out from the realization that everyone including self, is infinitely supplied with everything necessary by virtue of their true identity as being self-sustained and self-maintained. There is no longer even the temptation to look to or forcibly take from another person, country, or even planet because there is the realization that whatever is needed is already present within and will flow through, but not from the outer scene.
This truth is difficult if not impossible for anyone living fully in a third dimensional belief system to comprehend, but assistance is available on all levels of awareness. However, third dimensional solutions are always arise out of the energy of duality and separation, and will therefore sometimes work and sometimes won't. (Duality)
You, the awakened ones, must begin to or at least make a serious effort to incorporate principles of truth as you become aware of them, not just the "easy" ones. Two of the most difficult are relationships and money.
Spiritual truths that underlie relationships and money remain buried under a great deal of fear and programming even for those who consider themselves to be somewhat enlightened. Deeply held beliefs regarding both remain alive and well in your world making world concepts regarding relationships and money difficult to see and move beyond.
An attained consciousness of; "I have because I am." will manifest outwardly regardless of how mundane the seeming need-- a ride somewhere , a mechanic, or even a tooth pulled. The realization (not just intellectual knowledge) of "I am self-sustained and self-maintained because I am" will draw to you the right person, thing, or experience when needed. (Energy aligns with like energy). Then, even seemingly human and ordinary activities will carry the energy of harmony instead of effort, force, and frustration.
Gratitude is not an emotion, but is rather a state of consciousness. Gratitude is a facet of love because it is the natural expression of realizing; "I embody all the Divine qualities Oneness I have been seeking"--joy, peace, harmony, and a sense of completeness that can never be found in a world of separation. When one fully attains the realization of ONE omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Consciousness as being all there is, he becomes a gentle, quiet, and permanent consciousness of gratitude .
In the United States, Thanksgiving is a specific holiday, but every person in every country at some point (perhaps not in this lifetime) must learn to live their own Thanksgiving every moment of the day. Gratitude is a spiritual reality and cannot be limited to a specific date or time.
Many view Thanksgiving commercially, as being a launch pad for holiday selling and buying. This year, amidst all the noise and hullabaloo, pause and open your awareness to the realization of gratitude as not being simply a rote "thank you" for the people, things, and events already present in you life, but rather as being acknowledgement of the Infinite source of abundance available to all within the I that I AM.
We wish to address current events as each day seems to bring some new aspect of chaos that results in pain and suffering for others. There is an element of unenlightened individuals who who thrive on the chaos, adding to it whenever they can through words and actions some of which are valid and some not. News programing often add to the chaos in this way.
Know that you are right now witnessing the great and long predicted shift. Many still believe that the evolution of the world termed the "shift" is to be a future event, one that will happen at a later time when the world is more stable and evolved. No dear ones, you are in it NOW. Frequencies of higher dimensional Light are rapidly exposing and breaking up multiple layers of dense old belief structure and much more is to come. Gaia, who is a living soul, is clearing herself of energetic debris in readiness for her own ascension.
Try not to despair or go into doubt as you observe the outer scene for your energy will simply add strength and power to appearances. At the same time, it is important not to stick your head in the sand while declaring; "God is all. Everything is illusion." for that is pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained. Being in the world but not of it, is a very fine dance in which one plays the material game according to his highest awareness, while never forgetting the truth behind all appearances, good or bad.
Be grateful even for the pain and suffering you may have had or are now experiencing, because these are the experiences that will give birth to that new state of awareness you are now ready and have asked for. Nothing is random once a soul chooses to awaken.
Most people are not consciously aware choosing to awaken because this decision is usually made on a deeper level, often pre-birth, with guidance from the Higher self. At a certain point in everyone's evolutionary journey, experiences manifesting solely from energies of duality and separation begin to cease, and instead (even those that seem to be very three dimensional) become tools for moving into a more evolved state of awareness.
The experience of being in a physical body on earth is a short one compared to the reality of your infinite nature and at some point every soul will choose to go home for a much needed rest. Many of you are tired, often longing to go home, but are instead choosing to stay in spite of personal and global difficulties in order to assist the transition of mankind and Gaia with your Light.
You are helping others and Gaia through your actions and words but mainly through the enlightened energy you carry and broadcast through your energy field which will draw to you those ready for guidance and information. Hold nothing back from the serious seekers, but keep your "pearls" close and away from any who seek only to mock or degrade them. Rejoice in your ability to assist and be a part of the mankind's ascension process.
You came for a reason and in spite of how things may seem when compared with the human sense of how things "should" be, your intention will fulfill itself in and as your life. By simply living out from your highest attained state of consciousness each day in ordinary situations, you are teaching others how to handle their own lives in a higher way. Never believe that you are doing nothing, for often a doing nothing is a being everything--your attained state of consciousness is always flowing out from you to all receptive without any effort on your part.
Avoid comparing yourselves to others but instead realize that every person has individual talents and gifts. In seeking to be like another, you deny your own completeness and will manifest exactly that. This is why it is imperative to spend time within, on your own inner journey of awareness if you are at all serious about spirituality. The inner always expresses outwardly in ways unique to the individual once they stop seeking to be like or have the gifts of someone else.
Keep up the good work, and try not to embrace the illusion through discouragement, fear, or even fatigue as the outer scene presents so much to create doubt and fear. Have fun and do the things that make your heart sing, and never forget that the sky will not fall down if you make a mistake.
True spirituality is a state of happiness here and now, not after a life of long suffering and self deprecation in the belief that happiness only exists in some imagined hereafter.
Stay strong dear ones, and know that you are quickly becoming the majority.
With thanksgiving and in Oneness,
We are the Arcturian Group 11/19/17

Friday, November 17, 2017


Selacia Article & Info on

New Moon Breakthrough           
-Letting Go to Be Free-
by Selacia

This week with its New Moon is an opportunity for a significant personal breakthrough. Consider now specifically what you would like to shift and what your ideal outcome looks like. Continue reading for suggestions of how to tap into the energies for beneficial breakthroughs and how to focus your mind for optimal results.   
With so much going on in your external world, it's easy to lose sight of your personal goals and your larger soul mission for being alive now. It's essential, however, to regularly come back to yourself and refocus your energies.  
New Moon Opportunity
This is especially true now during the New Moon opportunity window. What's needed is to be present to the opportunity for breakthroughs, and focus on what you want to create on a very personal level. As mentioned, do this with specifics in mind - rather than intending you have a great job or happy relationship, intend the specifics of what it looks like and feels like. And, of course, visualize yourself in the picture.     
Intend now that you will rise above the tendency to get so caught up in outer world dramas and the annual holiday rush that you neglect your inner self and personal path.
You are not meant to be living on automatic, simply going from one experience to the next. Even though it's in your conditioning to live on the surface - letting circumstances carry you to the next situation - this is not your authentic way of relating to this life experience. To be authentic, you must strive to be present to each moment and situation. This means being consciously at choice and considering the ramifications of choices before making them.   
The more that you can do this, the greater your abundance and the happier you will be.    
Mercury Retrograde Shadow 
Since we now sit in the beginning of the Mercury Retrograde shadow phase, factor into your plans the need to take care of things like technology backups and contract signing ahead of the actual retrograde. Travel plans you make now may go more smoothly than if you wait to book during the Mercury Retrograde December 2/3-22.     
Letting Go to Be Free 
This Scorpio New Moon is a perfect time for renewal, reflection, regeneration, and revitalization. The energies also support being able to put a magnifying glass on thorny issues that you haven't been able to resolve. This can help you to see what you didn't see before. Also, importantly, it can help you in accessing buried feelings that need to come to the surface before breakthroughs occur. As you let go of these old energies and feelings, you can be free.  
During internal process on your own and with others you trust to work with you on the deeper levels, you can take a very big leap in these moments.  
DNA Akashic Records 
Keep in mind that many of the seemingly immovable obstacles have roots in the past. These could be ancestral, your early life, or even past lives. These can be accessed and addressed within your DNA akashic records. A general energy guideline for accessing the deep buried roots is this: you must have on some level invited the deeper look, you are ready, and the timing is right.   
Another part of the New Moon energy opportunity is having flashes of helpful insight about your current life and path ahead. You also may discover that a doorway opens for meeting new people, creating new business partnerships, and having closure with a loved one on the other side. I mention this here because already this month in my 1-1 DNA sessions, clients are receiving messages from departed loved ones - helping with understanding and an ability to let go of hurts and misunderstandings. This alone can be one of the most powerful breakthroughs right now.  
Wherever you are in your process now, give yourself the gift of space and presence during this New Moon gateway. Invite a knowing of how you can utilize it in the highest way. Ask your Higher Self to give you clues and also help you in the dream state over the next few days - bringing to your conscious awareness what you need to know.  
Trust that in the truest sense, you are never really stuck or blocked. It can feel like that with some issues, yet that's because you haven't yet accessed the deepest roots that need to come to light. Know that this is a process, and in the divine orchestration of things, you will see what's hidden so you can address it and be free.   
Copyright 2017 by Selacia
- a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.


Temple of Creation
by the Crystalline Consciousness

We, the Crystalline Kingdom wish to share with you our Temple of Creation that exists within the Crystalline Dimensions. It is our purpose to invite you to visit and experience our Temple of Creation on the inner planes to enhance your energy vibration, strengthen your realisation of the energy of creation and develop your ability to co-create with the energy of creation in order to bring remembrance of the Creator to yourself and other.

You are a Being of Creation

Every part of your being is formed by the creation energy of the Creator; this means that within every cell of your being you hold the energy of creation. The energy of creation is your original essence. When you connect with the energy of creation you are remembering your uniqueness, origins and your true self; the energy and intentions that support your manifestation. This understanding releases all earthly illusions bringing forth clarity and awakening. The energy of creation is the essence of your birth as a spiritual being into the inner planes and as a physical being on the Earth. It is sustenance to your entire being for your eternal existence, as well as a fuel that assists you in manifesting the Creator in harmony with the Universe of the Creator.

When you receive you are accessing the energy of creation, when you seek within your being you are exploring the energy of creation and when you give you are expressing and experiencing the energy of creation. Every part of your existence involves the energy of creation; the core of the Creator.

The Temple of Creation

Within the Crystalline Kingdom on the inner planes, we have a temple dedicated to the Crystalline Consciousness expression and vibration of creation. Each aspect of the Creator, such as yourself, expresses the same energy of creation in a unique way carried forth by a different vibration and frequency of light. Thus, the Universe of the Creator becomes a whole and complete expression of the Creator and the energy of creation, akin to a completed jigsaw puzzle.

The Crystalline Consciousness creation is of a high frequency; it holds power, the balance between the inner planes and the earthly reality as well as clarity when observing the Creator. Its purpose is to create high vibrational consciousness and understanding, and the beauty of the Creator. When working with the Crystalline Consciousness energy of creation, all creations magnify the presence of the Creator within your being and all as well as bringing forth a vibration of purification. This is why working with the Crystalline Consciousness creation is such a magnificent experience because as you co-create that which you wish to manifest you also purify your being, create the beauty of the Creator and magnify the sacred vibration of the Creator within yourself and all.

The Temple of Creation within the Crystalline Dimensions is a vast expansive space of many chambers which interweave around a central chamber. We name this central chamber the Core of Creation Chamber; it is in this chamber that all beings can interact with the energy of creation, experiencing, downloading, embodying and expressing the energy. The numerous chambers surrounding the central chamber are all used for experimenting with the energy of creation. Beings learn and experience how to co-create with the energy of creation in numerous way, observing the energetic manifestations they create and abilities they activate. Each chamber will guide you to explore new and exciting ways of co-creating with the energy of creation. There are masters and light beings who work within the numerous chambers, their purpose is to welcome you and explain how to use the chamber and its purpose of as sistance. The Temple of Creation is a safe space to truly bring forth understanding concerning your energies and abilities of creation within your being.

How to Visit the Core of Creation Chamber

‘Crystalline Consciousness, I invite your energy and light to anchor into my being, let me experience the Crystalline light flowing throughout my body and auric field, as I absorb and activate the Crystalline vibrations within my being. As our energy merges, please transport me to the Core of Creation Chamber within the Temple of Creation. Assist my energies in anchoring into the chamber so I may experience and explore the Crystalline energy of creation. With deep gratitude and thanks.’

Simply repeat the above invocation, then close your eyes and begin to follow your breathing, enter into a deeper state of relaxation and peace.
Allow the Crystalline Consciousness to surround you and our light to move through your being. As light builds around you, you will be transported to the Core of Creation Chamber. There will be a being present to greet you and lead you to a seating area. The being will make you aware of the Crystalline energy of creation and align you in a simple way to this energy. A downpour of light will flow into your being and awareness. Sit with and observe the energy as it moves through your being and connects with your soul.

Say out loud a few times, ‘I know and experience the Crystalline Consciousness energy of creation.’

Then turn your energy deeper into your being to connect with the Crystalline Consciousness creation energy as it activates and forms within your being.
You may wish to visit the Core of Creation Chamber many times so that you can truly recognise the presence of the energy within you. When you feel it is appropriate, you can begin to explore the numerous other chambers within the Temple of Creation.

How to Visit the Experimental Chambers of the Temple of Creation

After experiencing the Core of Creation Chamber, you can begin to explore the experimental chambers that offer you an experience of co-creating with the crystalline energy of creation. It is important that your intention of that which you wish to manifest is pure and true to the guidance of your soul. Ensure that all you focus upon you are happy to receive and recognise in your physical reality.

‘Crystalline Consciousness, please transport me to the most appropriate chamber for me to experience and experiment with the energy of creation within the Temple of Creation. Let me enter into a chamber that serves me well at this stage of my ascension, guide me how to use the energy of creation and the Crystalline Consciousness, so I may manifest that which I wish to experience upon the Earth and in my spiritual reality. My purpose within the chamber is to explore, experiment and experience fully the energy of creation within and around me. I experience my gratitude and thanks for the guidance I receive.’

You will be transported into the most appropriate chamber for you. There are hundreds of chambers within the Temple of Creation. When you enter a new chamber it is advisable to ask to understand the name or purpose of the chamber, this way you can return to the chamber whenever you wish to. Each chamber will have a different purpose, feeling and experience although they are all supporting you in experiencing the energy of creation. They support you in co-creating with the energy to manifest your intention or focus and recognising the power and presence of the creation within you. Even if you are unable to access any wisdom, insights or guidance from the chambers, please know that you will always receive the energy, activations and transformation you require.

Visiting the Temple of Creation During Your Sleep State

You may ask to visit and work within either the Core of Creation Chamber or one of the other chambers within the Temple of Creation during your sleep state. When making this request, it is important to first state whether you wish to visit the Core of Creation Chamber or another. Then state your purpose of your visit, what do you wish to understand or create for yourself, humanity or the Earth while in existence in the Temple of Creation. Know that once your request has been made, you can simply relax and enter into your sleep state as normal.

There is a great wealth of abundance, knowledge and alignments within the Crystalline Kingdom for you to explore and to aid your ascension. Please simply call upon us, speak with us and we will align you to the appropriate vibrations.
With crystalline blessings,

The Crystalline Consciousness

Monday, November 6, 2017


Dear ones, we greet you with love and respect as we witness so many of you bravely working your way through the layers of dense debris now surfacing as you expand yourselves and Gaia into higher frequencies of Light.
You are doing a fine job, never doubt it based on outer appearances which easily deceive even the most evolved when they forget to stay centered and alert. This does not mean you will never react negatively or find yourself experiencing resistance to appearances, but as you learn to quickly translate them through the realization that there is no Divine law to support or hold them in place you will find that they no longer hold the power they once did and do not affect you in the same way. This is Lightwork.
This does not mean you must never become involved or assist a situation if you are guided to, but does mean that with whatever you are guided to do, you do it from a level of awakened awareness, one more evolved than when asleep in the dream of illusion.
We wish to speak of the changes now taking place within and without so many of you. Change always represents an energy shift within personal or global consciousness. The outer scene is always a mind interpretation of the spiritual reality expressing in accordance with the attained state of consciousness of some individual, group, or even global. (A consciousness filled with beliefs of duality and separation expresses as exactly that--experiences of duality and separation.) You are creators.
As a person's consciousness evolves, his mind interprets as higher and better form. (Mind is the cake pan, state of consciousness is the batter) Those of you experiencing troubling issues on all levels at this point are not spiritually failing or going backward, but rather are now ready to experience, examine and clear any remaining layers of old cellular memory in order to make room for the higher frequencies of Light you are now ready to integrate. Obsolete energy cannot be carried into the new and higher.
Many of you are experiencing emotional sadness as people, places, and things seem to be disappearing out of your life but change is often simply the change of something
as you have heretofore known it. Many things will quickly reappear in some new and better form while other people, places, things, etc. will simply fade out of your life if you are no longer in alignment with them. Allow and trust the process dear ones, and remember that only the illusory concept of something dissolves.
Lifetimes lived in un-awakened three dimensional consciousness created a world based in duality and separation. Many of these beliefs are active in individual and universal cellular memory and are still accepted as truth. The ordinary belief that some things are good and some things are bad is one of them because good appearances are just as much concepts as bad ones. Good and bad are simply the two ends of the duality stick. Look deeper into all things in order to recognize the reality behind them.
Countries, groups, and individuals continue to promote the "right way" to do everything from relationships, to business, to health, and more. Examine your belief system carefully dear ones, for in it you will probably find much that heretofore you simply accepted and never questioned but which no longer resonates with your present more evolved state of consciousness.
The process of releasing old beliefs often creates conflict within families or groups held together by a similar belief system. It can be very frightening when one's foundation is questioned or suddenly begins to crumble through the realization that much of what was embraced as truth has instead simply been the belief system of some authority figure or group that you without question, accepted.
Much present day upheaval is a result of the integration of Divine feminine and the balancing of masculine and feminine energies. Beliefs regarding both genders are beginning to fall away. Concepts about masculinity versus femininity continue to be promoted through film, books, and authority figures, but more and more individuals are waking up, questioning, and refusing to play the gender game.
A "real" man has been long promoted as being tough, afraid of nothing, and un-emotional. These ideas are frequently preached to males from childhood in the belief that it will help a boy to become a man. This has resulted in a total blockage of the flow of the Divine feminine energy for many men, and when a bit of the Divine Feminine does leak through, they feel or are told that they are "unmanly".
The manifestations of the masculine without the balancing of the feminine has been and continues to be war, rape, abuse, and conflict along with a great deal of inner turmoil for those men who have evolved beyond that state of consciousness but are pressured to be aggressive in negative ways in order to be "manly".
In some societies, groups, and families, females are is still considered to be weak and unable to function without a man to make decisions for her. These old concepts are quickly fading but continue to be promoted by those afraid of losing their perceived masculine power and superiority.
Women stepped up and took over "masculine" jobs during WW II but when the men returned home there was a rush to push women back into societies perceived roles for them through photos and ads promoting women as being happy and fulfilled only as housewives owning all the latest cleaning and cooking gadgets.
The idea was to get women out of the jobs they had done so well and give them back to the men, who were considered to be the only "real breadwinners" by much of society. These women were forced to embrace and successfully expressed their masculine aspect which in turn gave birth to a new world consciousness regarding long ingrained concepts of masculine and feminine roles.
The masculine energy is the active, be-er, do-er energy and the feminine is the receptive, intuitive, creative energy both of which manifest physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Much of the world's suffering has been and still is the result of imbalanced creations manifesting when there is one without the other. They are simply the two faces of the ONE, never meant to be separated.
Many women falsely believe that they must act like men in order to succeed, just as some men continue to believe that they are weak if they show emotion or any so called feminine qualities. Life is meant to be the exquisite dance of these two Divine aspects eternally present within every soul. Every person is whole and complete--their masculine (active, be-er, do-er energy) protecting and supporting their creative, receptive feminine.
Examine your belief system carefully with regard to concepts you may hold about the masculine and feminine. Everyone has been heavily programmed through lifetimes of third dimensional experiences as well as from the continuing promotion of concepts still alive and well throughout the world.
In order to move into the higher frequencies of ascension every individual must acknowledge and allow their masculine and feminine aspects to balance and express. The process is never an attempt to draw one or the other to oneself, but is rather the recognition, acknowledgement, and practice of them as being already present within. When individuals are ready, but refuse to integrate one aspect or the other, they will often get a "wake up call", some situation that forces them to express the energy they are in denial of.
A female body carries more feminine energy just as a male body expresses more masculine. Allowing the masculine and the feminine aspects to work together and flow in compliment to each other is empowerment--the expression of your wholeness and the reality of who and what you are.
You are presently witnessing anger, resentment, and retaliation as evolution attempts to bring about balance, and integrate the Divine Feminine. With time, this will settle and the two aspects will begin to express harmoniously as the two facets of one whole. Equality will eventually become the collective state of consciousness because it is the reality.
Everyone chooses before birth which gender will best serve their evolutionary process. Gender confusion comes when having lived many lifetimes as one gender, a soul realizes that he must experience and learn the qualities of the other and so chooses to incarnate in a body that will reflect this. Because humans are consciousness and not just physical bodies, they often continue to experience the familiar energy of their many past lives as either male or female and come to believe that somehow they are in the wrong body.
Every individual has lived as both male and female as well as being all skin colors throughout many lifetimes. Beliefs based in concepts of duality and separation will continue to be promoted by those who stand to lose by mankind's awakening but you are ready to come out and be separate, leaving behind the stuff and nonsense of illusion. You are ready.
In recognition of the Universal Wholeness of all creation,
We are the Arcturian Group 11/5/17



Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 3rd November 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, I am Archangel Uriel, I come with blessings and love from the Angelic Kingdom. We are supporting your ascension now and wish to share some information to support your personal co-creation with the Creator. I, Archangel Uriel, am known as the wisest of the Archangels, my ability to access wisdom, inspiration and the divine guidance of the Creator is extremely clear, it is this that I wish to imprint into your own being and I do so now, please receive my energy.

The Mysteries of the Universe 

Wisdom, knowledge and remembrance of the truth of the Creator is always emerging from within each soul and Mother Earth, this is a constant process which will always continue. It acts as a supportive energy, comforting each soul and constantly returning them to their centre. The awakening of knowledge is akin to a strong force or wave which moves through each of us, sometimes at a slow pace other times at a quick pace. It is our constant companion, always bringing forth changes within our being, body, perceptions and reality. It is an energy you have come to know as your own; it is the Creator moving through you. It is an energy you may recognise as inspiration, enlightenment, clarity or illumination.

You have the ability to work in harmony with this constant energy of change and remembrance within your being. You can invite it to quicken its rhythm to expand your awareness to the truth of the Creator within you. When working with this energy it is important to realise you are accessing the knowledge and wisdom of the Universe, it is vast, beyond imagination. You will only be able to grasp an understanding of that which is appropriate and needed for you to comprehend in your current reality. In many ways, within the Universe of the Creator, there is no waste. You will not remember wisdom or truth that does not serve you in your current lifetime. This is often where souls especially those incarnate upon the Earth become entangled with the Laws of the Universe of the Creator. 

Constantly they are asking to receive wisdom or understanding of a certain subject, and yet it does not enter into their conscious mind. This is because there is no need for them to receive the wisdom. They become entangled because they are not willing to recognise this. Thus they create for themselves a block; they cannot see beyond receiving the information they require and therefore miss or ignore the wisdom the Creator shares them which will most support them. This experience results in feelings of being neglected or unheard by the Creator and builds distrust in self and the Creator.

The Creator shares with you all the information and wisdom you require when you request it, this is a law within the Universe of the Creator. With this understanding, you begin to acknowledge that the Creator is co-creating with you and does not wish for you to be distracted due to your pathway on the Earth requiring focus and the Universe of the Creator being beyond expansion. Thus, a process of non-attachment begins as you begin to dance in harmony with the Creator. An important realisation dawns and an understanding of how to harmoniously exist on the Earth reveals itself.

How to Dance in Harmony with the Creator

  • Realise that to ask for information, wisdom, remembrance and guidance is the key and act upon this. 
  • Ensure you are experiencing the energy of clarity within all aspects of your being and are in a state of receiving and receptivity. To ensure your clarity and receptivity you can call upon me, Archangel Uriel, to download and activate within your being the light of clarity. Imagine the light of clarity as a cleansing and purifying light flowing from my being, creating clarity within all aspects of your being. Then ask me, Archangel Uriel, to assist you in accessing within you your energy of peace which when radiated from your being will create a centred state of receptivity to the Creator and the shifts within you.
  • Focus or imagine yourself receiving the wisdom, inspiration or enlightenment you require.
  • Imagine the energy of the Creator moving through you, the energy of enlightenment and inspiration which is constantly supporting and activating shifts within your being. Remember that this energy is your companion and is familiar to you.
  • Notice if any response awakens within your being to your original question and request for wisdom.
  • If wisdom dawns within your mind, feelings and awareness let it, accept it willingly even if you do not understand it. If wisdom does not dawn acknowledge that if it is appropriate, the wisdom and information will flow to you with divine timing.
  • It is important to realise that a state of peace and non-attachment is also required. If you continue to ask and practice this process and no wisdom flows to you, then there is a need to realise that the information you are asking for is not required in your reality and spiritual evolution at this time. Instead, there is a need to change your perspective and begin to contemplate that which you are requesting, why you are requesting it and the outcome you wish to manifest or experience. When you begin to think differently, you let go of attachment to wisdom that the Creator believes you do not require. Instead, you open yourself to receive all the abundance of wisdom and enlightenment that will serve you well in your reality creating the greatest fulfilment.
The process I am guiding you to explore is to work in harmony with the Creator in being of service to yourself. There is a lot of talk about being of service to others, however, being of service to yourself is essential as a foundation to assist you in being of service to others. When you realise that it is impossible to understand and access the great expanse that is the Creator while realising that you completely and absolutely embody all that is the Creator, you realise that there is wisdom that serves you and wisdom that distracts you. Seeking wisdom that distracts you only causes dissatisfaction and stagnation. Examples of requests of wisdom could be, wishing to know your soul group name, about a past lifetime, the presence of a soul mate or wishing to gain enlightenment on a certain subject. For some these questions will be answered by the Creator because it serves them to know this, for others it will become a constant battle and obsession that will result in distrust, all because the information, all though they really desire it, will not serve them.

Contemplate with the Creator

Take time to contemplate with the Creator what it is to be of service to yourself. To begin this process allow yourself to sit peacefully focusing on your breathing. Invite the Creator to activate from within you and be present all around you. Take time to feel, sense or acknowledge the Creator, becoming familiar and aware of the presence of the Creator. Feel as if you are as one with the Creator, that the Creator is harmonised with all aspects of your being and life. Then say out loud or within your mind:

‘Beloved Creator, reveal to me what being of service to myself truly means to me. What do I need to understand, grasp and put into action in order to be of service to myself and the life my soul wishes to experience on the Earth? I gratefully receive your divine inspiration as inspired thoughts within my mind or feelings within my being. Thank you.’
Sit peacefully and rather than focusing on receiving simply let yourself be as one with the Creator.

It is now time to be of service to yourself; you have been waiting many a lifetime for this.
I am with you; I am your light,

Archangel Uriel