FCGCT Commentary: Hydration is very important! We recommend Alkaline Water. See the link below for more information

By Jenny Schiltz, 05/09/2017
The energy is really pounding right now and the Schumann Resonance is hitting a new high… a whopping 120!
For those whose bodies thrive on these higher frequencies – it becomes a time of action. A time of creation. Ideas come flooding in. If this is you, be sure to write down what you receive and make a plan to do. For others this new high can be quite brutal. Insomnia, exhaustion, headaches, feeling foggy & spacey. Some feel deep joint aches as well.
I compare it to altitude sickness, the body hasn’t quite adjusted to your new location so it gets dizzy, confused, tired, irritable and sore. Headaches can be massive. It becomes dehydrated and loses essential minerals as it struggles to acclimate. The only cure is time, water, and replenishing essential minerals (salt (sea or Himalayan), magnesium, potassium even vitamin C & D).
The biggest issue many have with these intense frequency upgrades is the inability to stay grounded. If you are not fully in your body, you could roll in mud and still not be grounded. Take a moment and plant yourself firmly in your body. Close your eyes and say “I ground myself fully into my body now, from my head to my toes.” then bring your consciousness down to the tip of your big toe, feel it. From this space you can then ground into the earth if that works best for you. I am finding I center much better by dropping into my heart space and feeling it swell with love and gratitude.
These energy spikes can also cause intense emotions to rise. Though uncomfortable, it’s a really good thing – we have to see what is not compatible in the higher frequencies. Once you see it, then it’s time to get to work healing, forgiving and reconciling whatever it is. Owning whatever it is within us, (the good, bad and the ugly) and loving ourselves in spite of it brings deeper levels of healing and letting go. Our deep, dark hidden parts will get louder and louder until we bring them to the light of love. Love is the only way to transform anything as it is who we are at our core… all else is simply part of the human experience. It is now time to go beyond and return to our natural state of being.
Hang in there, be gentle with yourself and others. We are all feeling this rise in resonance and not all handle it well. Understanding and compassion for self and others will go a long way. Sending you all love. <3
One of the sites that sourced the brief 120 spike: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7 – When I saw the report I checked in with my inner guidance and heard very clearly that the earth is beginning to wake from her long sleep and indeed there was a spike and more will come.
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