Friday, October 30, 2015


The Arcturians- Synchronization of Lighthouses, Rays and Flames Uniting. October 29,2015.

The grids have balanced at a higher frequency than expected and are stable and prepared for the next incoming Evolutionary Wave from Source (11:11), to assist in this magnificent Shift of Ages.

As per Natural Law, the Principle of Rhythm is constant in this Universe.
There will always be “another” incoming wave.

In increasing evolutionary, (ascension) cycles, they speed up to assist creation and as frequency increases, they become closer together.
DNA evolution requires intensifying photonic Light blasts to cause genetic changes.
Each wave affects ALL Beings differently, since each life has its own particular DNA and energy signature and their own personal ability to take in The Light.

An energetic body can only absorb the most it can absorb FOR itself (without “blowing” itself up to extinction), it constantly balances energy intake and output.
The more energy one can hold, the more energy one will access,assimilate and integrate for conscious expansion, the more one will expand and be ABLE to expand.

The forerunners take the “brunt” of these energetic waves, as they anchor and assimilate and transmute the incoming higher vibrational energies into their inner grids first to make them accessible to All outside grids.
They are also physically affected first, as the high frequency energies affect their energetic bodies and DNA first and strongest.
Each forerunner makes this conscious CHOICE to transmute incoming energies.
As inner grids are cleared individually in between energy peaks, outside grids shift to reflect the frequency of the human collective.
The world as it is “seen” by ALL changes.

Not ALL can “see” it however.

Some souls will experience this shift never consciously knowing what is happening.
This is an option available on this free will universe.
New realities anchor in and reflect the new frequencies in the inner grids while YOU sleep.
You literally wake up every morning to a new world.
It changes during your day, at highest connection you are in the higher realms, higher timelines.
As your vibration lowers, you access lower frequency timelines.

Look to the skies, they mirror your frequency.

At the peak of the incoming energies, Forerunners not longer function as individuals , but in Oneness as the Heart Collective, consciously in unity to assist in this Planetary Shift.
After each energy spike, they return to their personal process of releasing individual density and increasing their personal frequency in preparation for the following incoming wave.
This is so the highest possible incoming frequency is anchored by each one of the forerunners.

Ask for these shift to occur with EASE AND GRACE.
Set the INTENT from your Heart that ALL that happens is for the highest good of ALL.

As the energies NOW begin to once again increase in frequency across all grids, the forerunners are beginning to step away from their 3d matrix grid work once again and begin to vibrationally rise and hold to the new highest possible anchoring point of their personal self.
This is in preparation to anchor in the incoming energies which will align with the 11:11 portal, and are once again approaching Earth.

The higher point you reach UP from, the higher you will reach and anchor.
Once that new peak is reached, the forerunners begin the process of releasing density so a new frequency can be anchored within and they can level up to the new frequency.
It is a stair step process.

The incoming energies of the 11:11 portal will once again align to cosmic,galactic and planetary energies to assist in the expansion of new timelines and the expansion of ALL.
Humans are hugely affected, for they are out of alignment with the natural laws of the universe.

This is a very strong energetic wave which manifests itself in the 1111 alignment.
Magnetically, the strongest number sequence to assist in global awakening.
Each forerunner has now fully anchored in and the linking up process one to another has begun.

Up until this moment in the NOW, individual forerunners have been finishing the process of releasing all personal programming and karmic loops and separating from the 3d matrix.
Now that the Forerunners are fully anchored in to the higher vibrational grids, they begin to energetically come together with members of their original Soul Group.

Soul Families are coming together across ALL grids to begin their chosen purpose and missions to assist in this transition.
As more Lighthouses Unite, their Light expands and catalysts more and more souls around them.

The Heart Collective is beginning to act as one in perfect union, to act as ONE force when needed.
They have the ability to balance and transmute any organic and nonorganic energy not for the highest good of ALL, and shift any outside interference.
This allows for the Heart Collective and work as ONE with the elements and the elementals in which ever way is needed to assist in the clearing process of All across all grids.

THIS includes weather manipulation, as was a recent experience.

The next step in the process of physical unity for the Heart Collective is HERE.

The physical manifestation of soul families coming together to begin forming new ways of Being on this Earth.
Forming communities.
Carrying out their chosen missions.

Souls enter your universe through different galactic portals, gateways.
The arcturian gateway(corridor), is one of many of them.
Coming direct from Source, the step down process begins in the higher realms.
Not all souls have been in physicality, the process of lowering vibration and separating from Source has to be balanced and level.
Like ascension cannot be rushed or the physical vessel will perish, it is the same with descension.

To lower their vibration,Souls separate into color rays to incarnate on this earth.
Pure White Light of Source is too strong to be maintained within an organic vessel, it would make said vessel explode as the vibration is too high.
They begin the energetic step down process as they enter our universe and they separate into their chosen Color Rays.
From there they separate into gender.

Each color frequency has a particular task it wishes to accomplish, a purpose.
(the green Ray((heart chakra))for example is the ray of Healing)
As all 7 Rays come together they no longer radiate as separate Rays, but as The White Light.
This is all part of the unification and returning to Source .

Soul groups chose their purpose and missions in the higher realms with very specific purpose for their individual experience and as a global group experience.
In turn each group has a specific experience they want to create for the earth.
Specific timelines to anchor and cocreate.

Individual Souls incarnate in all different ways.
As this universe is a duality universe(The Principle of Gender), souls also incarnate in chosen genders.
The separation of the divine feminine and divine masculine.

Twin Souls, (who have chosen to unite in the physical,) are now coming together and anchoring sacred timelines, Hiero gamos, divine marriages.
The relationship between man and woman has been severely skewed and altered in the 3d matrix.
The original blueprint of sacred marriages is being returned to its pure state, healed and anchored.
When twin souls come together they are uniting to prepare to ascend to the higher vibrations together physically.
This is now an option as souls no longer need to die change realities.

They anchor in twin soul energies, again a choice.
One soul unified Within and Without, yet walking in separate gender.
These are the twin flames.

By being together in the physical they become great Lighthouses, anchoring in by their physical love the Hiero gamos energies into all grids.
By anchoring their timeline, they make the divine marriage experience available to all who wish it. They also walk in complete service, at global level, individually and together.

Some twin souls used to choose to not reincarnate together,one soul stayed in the higher realms to assist the other.
Many are now uniting also through the process of walk ins.
The one twin that had stayed behind is physically joining the other, now that individual ascension has occurred for the originally incarnated twin.
Together they will exit this dimension when their work is done.

The options of how to experience this next stage of the Shift are endless.
For the forerunners the days of being “alone” are over.
(Unless they choose that particular experience.)
Soul families are coming together as One.
Returning to Oneness, to Source.

This is the next stage, the future for the forerunners, the next stage of the mission.
Building families and experiencing new ways of community and communion.

As more forerunners ascend, their sense of time is lost.
In the higher dimensions time does not exist.
It is a 3d concept.
Everything happens in the NOW.
Time collapses and is no longer a concept as each soul begins to adjust to the multidimensional experience of Oneness and the higher dimensions.

“Past” timelines and “future” timelines are all occurring at the SAME time.
You, (your consciousness), are living in the Now.

In this Now you have already lived the past and it has ended. You have already accomplished what you wished to accomplish to in your future.
Aspects of you are living in that past,and aspects of you are living in the future.
This is how a soul fragments its consciousness.
These are the timelines that you are now collapsing.
This is why outside interference attempts to keep souls from being in the now, so they can syphon energy from lower vibrational timelines, life experiences in the “past” or “future”.

Your goal is to live in “your” heaven- not someone else’s.

As you get closer to zero time, awareness of all times and aspect of self becomes conscious.
This can get confusing until discernment of energies is mastered and understood.

Therefore you “feel” something that will happen to you, a premonition, because you are connecting to the future you that has already experienced it as time shortens and collapses.
Also it is common to be in an experience and all of the sudden remember that you dreamed it the night before.
Eventually there will no longer be past or future timelines once all soul fragmentation is reversed, and timelines collapse and you become one.

Once a soul accesses and heals an aspect of itself in another timeline, that timeline collapses.
All the lessons and experiences return to you and you also acquire all the tools and gifts of that You.
AND you picked that experience so you could acquire that experience to assist YOU in THIS timeline.
You planned it so you could have it in this NOW. (You did it to yourself.)

Those timelines are creations that have been experienced, they must be released to access new creation timelines.
There will only be ONE timeline, one aspect of you creating your experience as you continue your ascension.
The goal of each creator is to create new ascension timelines in this Now, not affected or manipulated by past or future timelines.
This is complete creation, flowing fully from WITHIN with no outside interference.

This is what awaits all the forerunners that have chosen to expand and ascend.
Full power of creation surrounded by soul family.
No longer feeling alien in an alien world.

In the past you never felt at home on this planet, you were never meant to as your frequency did not match the 3d matrix. You came in a “spiritual catalyst.” But now, disconnected from the third dimension, your frequency feels unified, whole.


We rejoice in your Homecoming.

We are the Arcturians.
Reach out if you feel called from Within to connect with Us.
We are here In Service for You.
This is what brings us joy.
Our Heart is full of Love for you, you are our family, we are yours.
We are All One.

*From the Arcturian Aspect of Myself, I bring you all blessings.
In deep gratitude and In Service from my Heart.
I share my heart and love with ALL.

Follow your Heart️ Shine Your Light

Maria (lightlover1964)

Saturday, October 24, 2015


The Process of Death by Archangel Azrael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson - 16th October 2015 - Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
The process of death is something that all human beings are required to contemplate in numerous forms as
well as experience. For some the process of death can draw forth a deep seated fear caused, whether they
are aware of it or not, by painful past life death experiences. The fear can also be of the unknown as well as
past lifetime memories of loss reinforced by current reality experiences. The process of death is something
which cannot be avoided when in physical form and is required to be experienced once as a part of the
Earthly experience. It would seem as if human beings are not prepared for the process of death and yet when
you begin to acknowledge your soul and spiritual pathway you recognise that every day encourages you to
contemplate and experience a form of death. When walking a spiritual pathway the greatest experiences of
death occurs within you as a process of spiritual evolution before your physical body dies.
Every day in your physical reality you are invited to contemplate attachment and detachment, recognising that
attachment is an illusion while detachment allows the love of your soul to grow into its beauty and abundance
within your physical body. You are constantly being invited to detach from your reality, material objects, loved
ones and even dreams or desires, this is to let go of the need for all of these, instead building bonds of
eternal love and compassion which stems beyond the physical reality. When you allow yourself to detach and
love unconditionally you are accepting that the essence of a soul is eternal and so a connection can never be
broken, that everything you require is within you ready and available for you to accept and that the Earth is a
part of a continuous journey of which your soul understands completely. You may also begin to realise that
there is a purpose to everything and a greater divine plan is unravelling which is designed to bring forth
fulfilment for you, your reality and every soul, if you allow this to occur. With understandings such as these the
process of death becomes more acceptable allowing fears to be dissolved. You also begin to understand that
the process of detachment allows illusion to die, therefore energies within you are constantly completing,
finishing and dying.
Much of your reality is designed to encourage you to let go of attachments and to love unconditionally, this we
label as detachment. If in your daily reality you are able to resolve within your being, perspective and energies
all forms of attachments realising that to love unconditionally is a stronger purer bond and connection, then
when the death of a loved one arrives or even the prospect of your own physical body death, you will realise all
you have to share in that moment is love. Every other reaction such as feelings of loss, pain, anger or suffering
would have long ago been erased and healed (or you could say had previously had their death) therefore
there is only love left to share. To experience such feelings as loss, pain, anger or suffering is natural and
does not in any way diminish your level of spiritual growth, in truth detachment is a process of healing within
which creates only love as a source of reaction to any situation. If such feelings do arise it is important to
experience them as a pathway to love rather than forcing yourself to exist in love when this may not be the way
you are truthfully feeling. Detachment is the willingness to surrender to the Creator, it can be perceived as a
loss of aspects of yourself such as your identity, character or personality, however detachment is not at all
about loss, rather it is allows you to receive greater fulfilment and love.
It is important to allow every situation within your physical reality to be a guidance to look within your being to
discover more about yourself and truth. Even in the most challenging of times and circumstances this remains
true; every situation encourages you to discover the abundance of love within your being, your capability to
share love, your eternal connection to and unity with all souls and your ability to receive love. Through the
experience of letting go or detaching you bring forth your natural power, understanding and healing vibrations
which allows you to see, sense and acknowledge beyond the veils of illusion which the Earth seemingly holds.
When the physical body dies it could be seen as the end of an illusion, the physical body after all is an illusion
whereas the soul is the truth and eternal. The physical body houses the soul and also supports the creation of
other illusions such as the ego, personality and identity, throughout your entire life you are experiencing the
transformation (death) of these allowing the truth of your being to step forth which also occurs at the death of
the physical body.
The divine plan of the Creator is powerfully influential when it comes to the death of the physical body and the
end of a lifetime. The soul of each human being also creates a journey contract before birth so the soul
already knows the moment of birth into its physical body as well as the moment it will leave its physical body,
this has already been prepared. The time of birth and death is created in accordance with the soul’s larger
picture of its journey through lifetimes. Imagine all the souls that are present wishing to experience the Earth.
The Earth is seen as a linage of time and yet it is all occurring simultaneously. Imagine now that each soul has
a list of experiences and roles they wish to encounter to enhance their self-discovery. All of these roles and
experiences must be pieced together as a puzzle, meaning that sometimes one earthly experience is short
because of an imminent opening for another earthly experiences, while other earthly experiences are long
because of the wealth of discover available in the lifetime. Sometimes as souls on the Earth there is no need
to live a whole lifetime as the discovery which is required can be grasped quickly in the appropriate
circumstances with the appropriate people around. If you could see the larger picture of your many lifetimes
upon the Earth you would realise that you have been present with your loved ones time after time in all
different scenarios and experiences. You would realise that you have never actually lost touch and that all of
your many lifetimes are akin to a long day together where you are popping in and out experiencing a variety of
Your experiences upon the Earth are created through the belief systems you adopt from others and your past
lifetimes as well as what the soul desires to experience. Any experiences, emotions, beliefs or suffering
unresolved in one lifetime is carried into another lifetime. It may not be your next lifetimes, as in your future, it
could be carried into a lifetime in the past history of the Earth. As you move through lifetimes the resolution of
some experiences opens up to allow new experiences so that a process of evolution and self-discovery or
creator-discovery can take place. When a soul departs the Earth in a painful manner whether it is an accident
or self-inflicted such as suicide, the soul does not continue to experience the pain on the inner planes. It is only
when the soul enters back into a physical body that the physical, mental or emotional pain manifests once
more to be resolved and worked through. Many suicides take place because the soul is on a powerful journey
of discovering self-love while also encouraging those around them to move into a space of self-love. In the
lifetime that the suicide takes place the person does not realise that their soul’s greatest desire is to
experience self-love, it is often that the opposite of what the soul desires is experienced in order to propel the
soul into its desired outcome even if it is in another lifetime.
Holding a connection and vision of love for those who have passed allows for your own growth and theirs to
continue, supporting the eternal truth that all souls are connected and exist in unison. If a loved one has left
their physical body then you may wish to achieve this practice to reaffirm the truth of the Creator within yourself
and the other.
First allow yourself to sit in meditation, breathing in and out through the front of your heart chakra encouraging
the light of your soul to fill your heart chakra. Feel your soul light as a beacon of love.
Call upon the Creator to surround you in sacred pure love that knows no boundaries and can penetrate all
illusions. Imagine the Creator’s love penetrating your heart and merging with your soul. Feel the volume of love
within your heart chakra increase and intensify.
Imagine yourself as a miniature version of yourself existing within your heart chakra, as if in a sacred chamber
of love.
Think of the person who has left their physical body whether recently or a while ago and invite them to be
present within your heart chakra. Imagine the person sitting before you.
Say to the person before you: ‘The truth of the Creator is love, we are eternally connected by the love of the
Creator which protects, supports and guides you eternally. I love you unconditionally free from attachments, all
negative influences of this or any other lifetime are released. The love I share with you is eternally present
within your heart and soul.’
Imagine love flowing from the heart chakra of the miniature version of yourself flowing into the heart and soul of
the person.
You may receive a response from the person, let go of all expectations and the need for a response allowing
yourself to simply experience love. Feel the love you are creating manifesting healing, support and a sense of
the Creator’s unity within both of you.
Exhale deeply as if your breath is carrying the person and the energy to wherever they are present in this
moment, whether on the inner planes or on the Earth experiencing another lifetime. Simply hold the intention
of letting go with your next deep exhalation.
This practice can be achieved for any person or animal whatever the circumstance of the passing or their
connection to you.
Your life is eternal,

Archangel Azrael


The Arcturians-The Lighthouses are Fully Anchored-October 22,2015

The Waves from the latest cosmic energetic punch have dissipated and are balanced across all grids.

All forerunners are now fully anchored to the higher vibrational grids in the Heart Collective,

lower vibrational grids in the service to Self Collective.
There is no going back and forth, no wavering between timelines.

The Lighthouses have fully anchored.

Energy travels in waves,peaks and valleys, for every up spike there follows a down time.

After each massive upgrade the energies have to be anchored across the grids and need to level up and hold at the highest vibrational peak.

After the intense energies shake everything up, there is down time for everything to settle and assimilate once again, until the following incoming wave.

This is time in the Void, recovery time.The inability to be around many others as your own expanded energy is not mastered yet and feels unsettled.
It is in this void where one releases expectations of outcomes.
Where massive inner shifts occur.

Where one realigns with the flow of Source.

It is a time of assimilation for the DNA to slowly return to its divine blueprint, and continue to activate.

For evolution to occur.

For consciousness to expand.

Many forerunners find themselves in this place right now.

In The Void, awaiting their latest creation, experiencing BEing.

After this past huge energetic wave, chakra unbalance is felt deeply for each forerunner within the Heart Collective.

It cannot continue, must be seen, forgiven, healed and released.
Must be balanced.

Feeling off the Flow of Source is felt deeply and forcefully, being out of alignment is very unpleasant. Finding inner balance is quick due to many individual remembered tools for mastering energy.

The anchoring of the energies by the forerunners was beyond what was expected by many on your earth, non incarnated souls included, yet the outcome was exactly as YOU were seeking, which was for each individual soul to ground in as much of the Light as humanly possible into all the grids, expanding to All timelines, and accessible to All.

All timelines ascended and anchored, yes even descending timelines.
Service to self timelines expanded into more “lack of” timelines.

Service to others timelines expanded into more “abundant” timelines.

The two are continuing the opposite expansion, moving away from each other in a spiraling fashion, yet within the same spiral of dual timelines.

Many forerunners are being relocated to new anchoring points around the world to anchor new Pillars of Light and to continue to fully ground the higher vibrational grids and timelines.

As each soul awakens they become conscious Pillars of Light, and the Heart Collective expands to raise the consciousness of the planet.

Expansion comes from Within by going Within.

At the moment of the highest vibrational peak by the huge cosmic impact of the latest evolutionary wave, all beings on your planet peaked at the highest possible SELF vibration in this NOW moment, across all dimensions and realities.

ALL Beings and Collectives.

The Wave hit YOU physically and energetically on this earth, AND also hit ALL off world Selves of YOU, Angelic and Galactic, ALL your Dimensional Selves, all universal aspects of who you are, as ALL are connected.

This also shook the lower densities to Light, which had not been “seen” for millennia on your planet.

Light is information, therefore as “secrets” are revealed they no longer hold the same frequency, they must be released once seen.

It is in the act of secrecy that the frequency of the information is lowered.

It used to be, while caught in the lower densities of the karmic cycle, the only way to shift your vibration was to physically die and be reborn once again into a “new” life,”forgetting” your other selves.

This is no longer the way for the Heart Collective.

All timelines can be accessed.

All souls have the capacity to experience life on your planet with full knowledge of all aspects of Self.

You are a multidimensional being, remembering how to be multidimensional.
When fully prepared to access the information, by your frequency signature, you will.

It is your FREQUENCY which reaches higher or lower vibrational timelines.
In those “aha” moments, those “aha”thoughts, it is YOU who has cleared enough inner density to access those truths, those thoughts, by raising your vibration.

They are literally sitting at a frequency which you can raise to, and when YOU reach that frequency, YOU unlock that level of consciousness.
You remember that Truth.

You control your expansion as you remember who you are.

You are the elevator, everything sits at a frequency awaiting YOU to reach it.
And as you expand beyond your human consciousness, you begin to access your OTHER levels of YOUR consciousness beyond this planet.

You connect to all your galactic Selfs, other aspects of YOU working at different dimensions to assist in THIS third dimension, in this magnificent shift of consciousness.

This magnificent expansion of Love of All Life.

In the higher vibrational collectives all are connected through their Hearts, therefore as you connect to the individual aspect of YOU in another realm, maybe your archangel self for instance, you connect to the archangel collective through your own Angelic Self.

Through your Heart.

Connecting to your self ensures that channeled energies are clear and concise and direct from Source, without any energy being given to any outside agenda from a duality entity.

Being fully connected to one’s Heart ensures one to be as clear a channel as consciously possible while walking in the Law of One.
Following complete inner guidance from Source through the Heart.

As each forerunner connects deeper into their Heart with Source, and becomes One in the Heart Collective, the ability to “see” multidimensionally also greatly increases, as senses expand beyond 3d limits. Expansion occurs across all bodies, all selves.

Empaths function 100% sensing the world from their hearts, while fully understanding divine concepts and truths with their Divine Mind.
Mastering their energy, being balanced between light and dark.

They “feel” their way into high vibrational timelines and co creations, for the Heart Feels Truth.

For the Heart Collective, all masks are off, and ALL beings are felt through the Heart for the truth of WHO they are energetically, and wether or not, it is for the highest good of all to have them in one’s life.

This is the ascending timelines’ way to navigate dimensions by feeling them through the Heart Center, and choosing the ones that “feel” from the Heart to be grounded in love and peace.

The highest vibrational timelines.

This is the beginning of manifesting, the initial intent must be from the heart, for the highest good of all.

All outcome as to how the manifestation will occur must be released.

Once the intent is anchored, then the initial steps to the experience begin to manifest.

Look for synchronicities.

Following your Heart will lead to more synchronicities which will open more doors and put you closer to the abundance,experience you seek.
Along the path, stay in your Heart and be fully in each Now, using your laughter and peacefulness as a measure of your progress. Live transparently in the Light, like the Lighthouses You have become.

We are the Arcturians. Call upon us if you are guided to do so from within.
We are One Within Your Heart.

You are us, we are you in The Heart of Source.
Our love for you is endless, boundless, limitless.


And so it is.

Follow Your Heart❤️Shine Your Light.
In deep and humble gratitude.

In service from my Heart, for the Highest Good of All.


Friday, October 23, 2015


The Animal Kingdom Shift ~ Jamye Price

Did you feel it? Around mid-October there was a shift in the animal kingdom—our powerful teachers. I mean the whole thing. All of them.

I hope you are getting used to the way this works. Shift happens in the subtle realm first. The shifts are invisible, intangible, and unprovable. The outcome is unknown because form is not formed yet. But something is happening.

I want to share this with you so you will have some context for what you may be experiencing. In mid-October the animal kingdom shifted into a higher teaching role.

What it feels like is loss. What it really means is more personal responsibility.

The experience happened very quickly for me. I was walking through my house and I was side-swiped with a lightning strike of grief that all the animals were leaving. It was completely non-sequitur, and all the nature around me and my own cats were (and are) perfectly fine. Then I heard from some others that they were also experiencing something similar—intense grief and empathy for animals, followed by a need to take action that is in accordance with their life path.

The animals ARE NOT leaving Earth. That was just my immediate, unconscious reaction to the knowing that a shift occurred.

The animals have shifted into a higher teaching role with us because we are ready for it

Some people will understand and create change, some people will resist change. Others will not be involved much at all because the animal kingdom is not their focus in this life.

What does this mean for you?
Only you have the answer to that question. If you are feeling intense emotions around the way animals are being treated, let the emotions flow and take some actions toward change. Focus on some of the positive changes that have been happening and add your energy there. It can get overwhelming when you only focus on the negative. Your energy then becomes depleted and isn’t strong enough to be part of the solution. Maintain your balance even though it isn’t easy at times.

Some may want to volunteer at animal shelters, donate money or food, or petition politicians or companies. If you eat meat, put your money where animals are treated well. If you don’t eat meat, represent it with the loving kindness that opens people’s minds rather than shuts them down with shame and righteousness. Honor the diversity of path and pace that is part of Life and take inspired action that feels right for you.

Observe your animal totems more, what are they teaching you? If you find yourself afraid of an animal, look into what it represents and shift your internal feelings. If you’re afraid of spiders, no need to touch them to get over it. Just honor that they are part of the beauty of life and look into what webs you are weaving, what you are trying to bring into your web to feed you, what you can create when you allow the shapes of life to guide you, write (literally or figuratively) more and create/script your web of life.

This is actually a really exciting shift. I want to say again, the animals ARE NOT leaving Earth. They are not punishing the horrible humans. They have shifted the lessons that they are here to teach because we are ready for a new level of personal responsibility. They process much of our fear and insecurity. That is why people abuse or disregard another as less valuable. It’s not an animal issue, it’s a human issue that we are still healing—and getting better at according to this shift! We know there is still work to be done. Follow your heart of what feels right for you. 

All animals are magnificent Source energy that come to Earth in different forms than us to reflect Love in its many different facets. They are powerful teachers. Are you seeing their reflection of the beauty of Life? 

Remember that Love is always the answer and it is what brings real change. You are ready for more creative responsibility in your life. As you focus on your internal empowered Love while experiencing this world of diversity—you are bringing valuable change that begins in the subtle realms. It is forming a new Loving experience here on Earth.

Love the animals and all that they are here to teach. Become well with the transient nature of the physical experience. Understand that as you embrace transformation in all its forms, you open to a new experience. It doesn’t happen through resistance to what-is, it happens through choices to Love that seem inconsequential at first. You don’t always get the immediate satisfaction from these choices because that teaches you to Love based on your inner choice, not outer approval. 

Thanks to the inner work of people all around the world, we have graduated to a new level of personal responsibility. These are powerful times of transformation. 


This message is from 19.10.15. I only got internet back yesterday.

Video (recommended)


Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

We are here today to share our joy about the wonderful developments on your planet earth. Many of you who have opened their very heart enjoy the new incoming blessings from the Centre of your Galaxy and beyond. This is the time to reconnect to your soul and to a greater degree to your Divine Source, with the desire to open up to Truth and true Spirituality.

Most of you are now able to receive the increasing Living Divine Light and Information, enjoying an inner freedom you thought was not possible in the limited circumstance you are still existing.

But to tell the truth, it always has been possible to Realize your Innate Divine Nature, no matter how deep and dense the darkness on earth has been. There are numerous examples in your history of people from all cultures who advanced to masters of a high degree of Consciousness. Thereby they found liberation from the illusions of the artificial matrices that still hold captive the consciousness of the general human race and creates identification with lower realms and dimensions of existence.

It is really all about identification. What are you identifying with? That's your destiny! Identification is the mover of all intentions. But even if you identify with the mind itself, including the higher, Divinely guided mind, - this again is a limitation.

The identification with Heart Radiation, with Divine Love and Joy, with Divine Consciousness, happens on the level of mere Being-ness - beyond the concepts of the mind, via pure feeling awareness. You do not think it, you 'know' it in your Heart-Being and beyond. It is the Conscious Light that you feel at the Core of your Divine Being, in Which your body-mind and the chacras are arising.

Those masters functioned always  similarly to the new and higher currents of light: they helped people to awaken from their low vibrational state, identified with a rather sub-human consciousness. To be the disciple of a True Master had in addition many more merits, as the Masters had often great Siddhis (Divine special powers) able to catapult their devotees into higher states of consciousness, often also by taking on their karmas. This loving help of a True Master is an important matter, because there were many people who did not grow with extra help spiritually, even though they spent many years in the Master's company. With 'spiritually' we don't mean knowledge of subtle things or higher dimensions, but the emergence of Pure Divine Consciousness.

Similarly, as the frequencies of light are rising significantly, not everybody has been awakened from their sleep, because they would need the compassionate trigger of a Master's help, a kind of initial boost to set their spiritual journey into motion. So the mere presence of higher light is very often not sufficient. It rather requires the intervention of Divine Consciousness, preferably embodied in a human form, to help the individual to step out of their long lasting forgetfulness of Divine Truth, while they are identified with a few pleasures and mostly pains of an existence in mainly darkness.

Fortunately many of you who are embodied on earth, connected or seeking connection with spiritually evolved  star civilizations, remember their heritage from higher dimensional planes, just by coming in touch with the emanations of higher light. They are the ones we are able to work with, even under most restricted circumstances. The soul itself, who remembers their Divine Source, is always free from lower vibrations and so-called implants that reside in the human hologram, and is able to communicate with higher divine planes, even if in a limited way.

This is so because YOU are NOT your hologram, or your body, not even your spiritual bodies or your mind, not even your soul. Furthermore, the Source of All Things is always able to directly communicate with It's own Free Spark in an embodied being. Even if the signs of the embodiment are not perfect and spotless, the Divine Itself That Communicates with Itself is ALWAYS Free and Pure.

This Purity at the root of all who have good intentions,  - even of an individual vibrating with quite some density, - is the space that is able to receive Divine Radiance and Information, at least sometimes and at certain auspicious occasions, that each individual can experience in their life-time. So the effects of the artificial matrices can always be circumvented. Darkness has never the power to extinguish the light, unless light is abandoned willfully.

This demonstrates the power of intentions, that are rooted in one's predominant  identification, which is based on the level of consciousness that you are living.

You will have noticed perhaps that it is difficult to change the identification you are trapped in. So if you are smart you don't deny the Master's help. A True Master is able to rise your level of self-identification by His Radiant Example and Transmission-Power. He Shows you your True Divine Self.

Be assured that your present self-identification is still relatively limited. As long as you are identified with a separate self, there is always limitation. There a layers upon layers, never assume that you have already realized your highest potential. Or you will stop to grow. This limitation is a limitation of the power of the mind itself. The mind keeps you in a cocoon. But your true Being is Free of the cocoon.

Therefore, to know yourself better, explore the deep waters of your self-identification to find out it's limitation. If it is a thought ABOUT yourself, even if Divinely inspired, you are still mislead about your True Nature.

How do you know unequivocally that your self-identification is a thought? Merely locate its vibration. Where  does it vibrate?

Anything that is not born in the unlimited Freedom of your Living Feeling Heart of Infinite Love and Joy and Conscious Light, is a thought that interferes with your True Self-Nature and is able even to imitate your Divine Self Which Is always Present naturally prior to your body-mind with all its chacras.

We love you and bless all your efforts to locate your True Self via deepest Feeling, so that you will identify finally with All-That-You-Are for Real. Then your destiny is truly Yours as you have mastered the mind from within the Divine Core, beyond and prior to space and time.

We Are the Light-Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute