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Thursday, November 27, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014
Greetings dear ones, we are here to assist in moving the energy of the world from the old (dense/heavy) and into the new (Light). It may seem as if the world is falling to pieces but no, you only see the storm before the calm. Hold your peace dear ones, while not getting too involved in appearances. Try to remember and live out from truth at all times and in all circumstances. This is how you practice.
The world teaches that living is easy when everything is "perfect" according to three dimensional concepts of perfect, and many still strive to attain the human sense of a "perfect" life. Even those who have attained what the world deems success, continue to seek "something" to fill an inner emptiness that can never be satisfied from without. However, in the beginning stages of spiritual awakening, failure and disappointment are vital for they result in a seeking and digging deeper for answers, which in turn brings soul growth. This is the story of the Holy Grail--they sought it unsuccessfully the world over and found it back home hanging in a tree.
Every soul longs to know and experience ITSELF, but when an individual is ignorant of this, he seeks in the outer world of things, people, power, money, and sex. It is not meant that lives have no joy, for the energy of joy is closest to the Divine. Embrace those things you enjoy, have fun and spend time doing what you love, but do not look to these things for that sense of completion that can only come through attaining a state of consciousness that knows it is already whole and complete.
Spiritual evolution involves knowledge and then practice, translating every appearance into the spiritual reality behind it until it becomes one's attained state of consciousness. This means realizing that everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell is a mind interpretation of a spiritual reality translated according to your attained state of consciousness and it demands walking the walk instead of just talking the talk.
Gaia is making many changes in order to clear and shift her energy and you are going with her if you choose. Much is going to change after the clearing of the earth is complete. However, it is very important not to live in the future while ignoring the present, for simply waiting for change will cause you to bypass many opportunities for spiritual growth. Just live each moment as it comes along doing the best you can, fully aware that you are having a third dimensional experience whether it is good or bad.
We speak today of gratitude for this is the time in which many will celebrate a special day for giving thanks. Gratitude in akin to love, for it is a facet of love.
There are some who reject the idea of gratitude choosing instead to stand firm in the belief that they are entitled to every good as well as the goods of others also. Actually as Divine beings, everyone is entitled to completeness and wholeness, but the ego sense of this truth (the belief that one must scheme and demand for ones good) reflects the low self-esteem and self-loathing that flows from believing in separation.
Gratitude in it's truest sense, is the joyous recognition of wholeness in oneness, but in the human scene is limited to the state of consciousness of the individual which often dictates who or what deserves gratitude. (belief in separation) Living from a state of gratitude in each moment leads to the deeper awareness and acknowledgement that life and everything in it is already complete and whole. I have because I am.
A mind filled with strong beliefs of duality and separation can only manifest duality and separation. Some days will be good, and some days bad. Because of individual past life experiences, every individual finds themselves more receptive to one or more of the particular world beliefs. This is why there are those who may experience more than the average of health related problems. Another may have continuous relationship issues and there are those who live with unexplained and irrational fears.
Specific struggles are the result of past live experiences that have programmed and then been held in an individual's energy field throughout lifetimes. These issues are now re-surfacing for many in order that they once and for all be cleared and released. As evolving beings of Light, you no longer need to drag these obsolete energies with you in the belief that they are personally yours--they are impersonal, comprised only of belief in them.
If you believe you have nothing to give gratitude for, then you will manifest exactly that--nothing. Each time you express gratitude either silently or vocally you are acknowledging I HAVE. As you let flow love and gratitude, you receive love and gratitude in infinite forms and variety, for there is only ONE and that which you flow is flowing to you.
What do I have? Look about you, see what you have, and start pouring. On a physical level, clean out your closets, garages, and shelves--get the flow going. There is someone who could use that item sitting unused. Hoarding is the consciousness of "I don't have, and never will have, and so I must hold on to whatever I can." This state of consciousness will serve to perfectly block any energy flow. Again, there is only ONE and you give to yourself when you realize that everything flows from one Infinite omnipresent Source and not from a limited personal pocket.
On the emotional level, flow support, love, and practical assistance, but always from a level of compassion and not sympathy. On the mental level flow forth truth and assist those ready and who ask to see what you see.
Expressing gratitude in every moment will develop within you a consciousness of "I have" which will then evolve into; "I have because I am". Practice by giving gratitude for every facet of daily living-- for a clean bathroom, a warm coat, a shoveled path or the ability to shovel that path. It is the small things, the song of a bird, the purr of a cat, the wag of a tail--signs of love and oneness welcomed, but often not given gratitude for.
Everything can be a source of gratitude, even the difficult experiences helping you to grow and evolve for without them you would not be where you are now. Look back and see how you have grown from some of your most difficult times. Everything is for spiritual growth even if some experiences do not fit a world concept of how things should be. Nothing experienced is ever forced, each is fulfilling their pre-birth contract set up to include whatever experiences are necessary for shifting to the next level.
It is time to stop complaining that this or that is not the way you think it should be and therefore there is nothing to be grateful for. All are on earth to grow and learn spiritually, realizing unconditional Love while experiencing duality and separation. No one is on earth to live a fat, happy, indulgent life of accumulation while doing nothing but desiring more.
An un-awakened society presents idols for you to emulate, idols of physical beauty, wealth, talent, and power. If you are to spiritually grow, you must cease buying into this nonsense, and realize that no one person, saint or sinner, has more God qualities than another. All embody the fullness of the Godhead but are only able to experience and express it after it becomes a living, breathing state of consciousness. The outer scene is always a reflection of personal and universal consciousness. As long as there is a belief in duality and separation, there will be those who have more, and those who have less.
Gratitude expressed silently, secretly, and verbally in every moment of each day is an activity of love reflecting the recognition of one's wholeness. Even if you are not experiencing what you consider to be wholeness at this time, realize that you are moving toward it and give gratitude for this realization. Recognize the outer for what it is and know that regardless of any outer circumstances you may be dealing with, nothing can ever separate you from your SELF.
We are love and one with you.
ONE Divine consciousness infinitely manifesting itself AS...
We are the Arcturian Group. 11/23/14
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Working with Time Distortions by Selacia
The winds of change have shifted this month, allowing more forward movement and a reprieve from October's erratic energies. If you're not yet feeling like it's smooth sailing, one reason is the time distortion we're experiencing.
Clock time can tell you one thing, yet your own inner sense of time may have you feeling either behind time or urgently wanting to be ahead. The overall effect can be a sense that you aren't quite in tune with where you need to be. You may simply want to stop the merry-go-round of time altogether!
You really cannot stop the march of time, of course, but there is plenty that you can do to keep your equilibrium. In fact, in this last stretch of 2014, it is essential that you discover how to make friends with time and change.
Divine Changemakers and Time
Your empowerment as a divine changemaker is integrally linked to mastery of the two connected energies of time and change. Empowerment, after all, is experienced as you become practiced navigating life's fluctuations - increasingly finding your center and an inner place of calm regardless of circumstances. Only in a state of calm can you effectively meet the next surprise or challenge and respond in the highest way. Only by being present and in your heart can you have clarity about what you face and wisdom to know how to meet what you see.
3 Reminders about Time
Here are three reminders about time. Keep these in mind during this hectic season in order to have more inner peace.
First, realize there indeed is clock time and there are many practical reasons for synchronizing clocks - like to meet your friend for dinner or arrive at the airport before your plane departs.
Second, clock time is a linear measurement. You are a quantum being, so don't measure your potentials by clocks - think bigger. Apply a quantum perspective to the hour you have before a meeting, allowing a vast reservoir of creativity to bubble up into your consciousness - doing in one hour what could have taken you all morning.
Third, consider the cycle or season. This time each year, holidays and end-of-year deadlines can distort the sense of time. There is often a flurry of activity, everyone around you busy with something, perhaps excited, and seeming in a rush. This comes with a palpable feeling and it can be catching!
3 Tips to Master Time
Here are three ways to master time in these moments. Work with these daily between now and the end of 2014 to become more resourced creating the life of your dreams!
First, do your best to ground and center several times a day. If you aren't sure if you are grounded, you probably aren't. Sitting or standing, focus on your heart and a line of red energy running down your body into the sacred Earth.
Second, when you consider timed activities, decide that you will approach the clock in a quantum way - this means you are both practical and respectful of self and others and also means you refuse to let your creativity be enslaved by time. You remember that your creativity and inner wisdom sourced from spirit come in unbounded ways!
Third, you remain mindful of pack mentality and the tendency to get caught up in the season's senseless rushing. If something is truly urgent, of course, then apply your best efforts to attend to it with high importance. Remember, however, that many things really aren't that big a deal!
Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
On November 5, in my monthly Meeting with the Masters Class, the Master Hillarion gave us some information: “Solar flares are cracking open the codes within the earth and within humanity. They can be very challenging to assimilate. Ask for my help. The Lightworkers have the greatest challenge because they are transmitting the Light from Prime Source to the others on the earth. It makes for quite a display. Your bodies are extremely sensitive. You are Prime Source’s transmitters of Light Source. . . .You have the right to know. . . Solar flares are a gift of love; the power of the Almighty . . . The lessons will be repeated until they are learned. . . Take quiet time. Forget your earthly challenges. Wave the badge of courage with every step. You are magnificent beings and we need all of you. . . We are working on your brains. Eclipses are to help you see things differently. You will find you have new aptitudes, gifts and abilities. Abnormalities will be pointed out. Be adventurous and try new things. . . Most everyone is challenged right now.”
Greetings, I am Mira. I come from the Pleiadian High Council but for the past three years I have focused solely on the earth’s ascension progress.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner November 9, 2014
through Valerie Donner November 9, 2014
Greetings, I am Mira. I come from the Pleiadian High Council but for the past three years I have focused solely on the earth’s ascension progress.
I greet you today with high regard and respect. We know what you are going through as your planet’s chaos accelerates. We are doing everything that we can to stabilize the earth and to hold things in as much balance as possible. You are dearly loved.
Arrangements are being made to take some of the toxic load from the earth. This includes negative forces that no longer belong on the planet. Some of this has been ongoing but it will accelerate as necessary. The Clean-Up Committee is working overtime.
The time is rapidly approaching when you will find surprise after surprise. Not only are the secrets coming out but you will find out how transparent other people are with their thoughts, words and behaviors. You will see through a glass darkly and bring Light where it is needed.
New allegiances will be formed based on unified goals and intentions. This includes governments and other countries coming together. You have many enlightened beings in all forms of organizations, business, and governments who are waiting to come to the forefront to improve all aspects of life on the earth.
Your old political systems are crumbling. They are antiquated systems that cannot with stand the higher vibrations of the earth. Those in the know realize this and many can feel their fleeting attempts to remain in charge. Expect more chaos in this area.
In efforts to retain power and control it may seem as if the old guard is clamping down more on humanity. This is only because of their fear of change and fear of loss of power. The more effort they make to hold humanity in check the more fearful they are becoming.
Please focus your future and that of the earth on the positive. Let go of the negative because your thoughts are more powerful than you can imagine. Every day your words and thoughts create your next manifestation. The now moment is the preferred was of being.
Spend time doing your spiritual work, prayers, intentions, visualizations and meditations to hold the highest and most positive energies for the transformation of the earth.
Remain in unity. The opportunities to be in separation are falling away. This is one of the keys to rising into higher consciousness. Coming together and working in cooperation is the lynchpin for living in the fifth dimension and higher.
We are all helping you to create a new reality. It’s going to be worth the trials and tribulations that you are currently experiencing. Just wait and see.
We are with you. We love you. We are one in love with you.
I am Mira.
Healthy Chocolate
The healthy chocolate that I have been discussing for the past six months is really an antioxidant delivery system. It is based on a proprietary form of cold pressed cacao, blueberries and acai berries. It tastes delicious and doesn’t have any of the bad stuff that regular chocolate candy contains.
Last week I went for my six month dental cleaning. Six months ago my gums were receding with numbers as high as 6. This time my gums measured 2 or 3 so I had a 50 percent improvement.
Imagine what is happening inside of me! My cataracts went away and now the gums are greatly improved.
If you are interested in learning more you can go tohttp://www.thechocolatecrew.com/ You can also contact me by phone or e-mail.
In Conclusion
We were born for these times. Each of us were specially selected to do the important work of creating Heaven on Earth. Most of us have been through the ascension process before on other planets. This is the first time that a planet will be going through an ascension process with life still on it. That is why we have to take it easy with our physical bodies. This is all new and so when the frequencies and energies come to us we get to see how we do.
We came back from the future to change this now moment. We did not like what happened to the earth. We love the earth and want to see her through this big change.
You are the best!
Have a wonderful time of gratitude for those who live in the U.S. Thanksgiving is almost here.
Blessings, love, and Light,
Valerie Donner
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