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Sunday, March 30, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Suzanne Lie ~ Message from the Arcturians - Walking The NOW
3-27-14 |
Walking the Now
We are the Arcturians. We are here with you now to tell you that many of you have been through a “Dark Night of the Soul,” which is described below. For now we will just say, “The darkest night is just before dawn!” Therefore, we want to remind you that you must remember to “walk in the NOW.” In the NOW there is no past. In the NOW there is no future. In the NOW there is no money to be made, no bills to be paid, no difficulties to be confronted.
In the now there is only NOW. There is only YOU. All the components of your Multidimensional SELF are attempting to come into alignment to create your “Bridge to Freedom.” This alignment begins with the YOU that appears to be your physical body in that which appears to be your present incarnation. This YOU is ready to join in alignment with all the higher expressions of your SELF.
We ask that you take a moment and look around within your consciousness. Within your consciousness you will experience many other incarnations of yourself from what appears to be your past lives on planet Earth. There were incarnations in which you were poor, you were destitute, you were happy, you were spiritual, and you even ascended on several occasions.
Now you are being called upon to ascend again. This time it is not just your one individual self who is walking in the now of the ONE that is ascending. It is also Gaia’s planet Earth that is aligning with Her higher frequency. Feel this planet around you. Feel yourself within the body of Gaia and within the essence of Her being.
When you are not within Gaia’s core you are in Her atmosphere. When you are not within her waters you are drinking Her waters. When you are not on Her land, you are eating that which has grown on Gaia’s earth. When you are not remembering your kundalini within your lightbody self for you are always within the fire of Gaia’s kundalini within Her lightbody.
As you walk the NOW there is no time, there is only NOW. As you walk the NOW, you will see that there are no desires. For within the NOW you are fulfilling each desire as it arises within your beingness. If you are thirsty, you take a drink. If you are tired you go to sleep.
If you have to pay a bill, you do it within the NOW in which you find yourself paying that bill. If you are driving to work or doing your job, you are doing it within the NOW. Therefore you needn’t calculate how long something took or how long it will take. For this is no “long’” there is only NOW.
Dark Night of the Soul
The dark night of the soul is the final cleansing that must occur before you can live within the NOW of Ascension. This dark night of the soul is when you go through your daily life being fully aware of what you are doing wrong, aware of your fear, aware of your anger, aware of your pain.
You move through your life knowing that YOU are the creator of your life. You have created the situations that make unhappy and pull you from the NOW. You are the creator of the situation that take you out of the ONE and trap into the 3D hologram.
The dark night of the soul is quite uncomfortable but very informational. This dark night is a transition through which all of our away team, all of our wondrous multi-dimensional beings, who are logged into the 3D hologram have volunteered to enter.
Yes, you all volunteered, applied and wrote life plans to have the honor of logging into the 3D Game during this extremely challenging era of personal and planetary ascension. There have definitely been times that have been more challenging, as there were times of war, times of starvations and times of plague.
But these times are challenging in a different manner. This “time” is challenging in that you must see yourself. You must be aware of what you are thinking, what you are saying, what you are doing and WHY. Why are you thinking that? Why are saying that? Why are you doing that?
Are you living your every breath within the NOW of the ONE? Or, have you become distracted by the myriad challenges of the third-dimensional matrix of reality? As long as you hold an earth vessel, these distractions are unavoidable. However, in order to complete the process of Ascension you must go through the dark night of the soul.
For through the dark night of the soul there is no one else you can blame. It was no one’s fault. No one and nothing did it to you. You created your reality. Through creating your reality, you first needed to bring to the surface the parts of you that could not participate in the creation of the reality of planetary ascension.
There are many components of your Earth vessel that have come into your present incarnation so that you can love them free and send them off to Venus to be completely healed. This process of releasing the components of your self that cannot ascend refines your beingness into that which you can transmute.
When you look at the processes of the flowering of a tree you see that there are many small deaths. Before the bud can bloom, the leaves that protected that bud must open and fall away. The bud opens to create the flower and that outer petals fall away. The flower opens to create the fruit, and the flower falls away. The fruit then falls from the tree to go in to the earth to create another tree. That is what our beloved grounded ones are doing while walking in the NOW.
You are falling away from the “Tree of Life” as you have known it, to go deeply into the core of Gaia to create another tree, another life. You are going into the core of Gaia within your conscious mind to create the fifth-dimensional expression of New Earth.
How will you do that? Each and every one of you will need to remember the life plan that YOU wrote while resonating to your higher expression of SELF. You have brought this life plan with you. It is stored in your High Heart and can be read with your opened Third Eye. If you need our assistance to translate the light language in which this plan is written, please call upon us, the Arcturians.
As you walk the NOW you are at ONE with the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. In this manner, you are infinitely guided. Blessings be, you may call upon us.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
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Saturday, March 22, 2014
MARCH 16,2014
Greetings dear ones. Once again we come to speak to you of ascension. All are in different phases of ascending into the higher dimensional energies. Not all will fully ascend at this time for many are not yet ready to embrace the fullness of their inner soul. However, all are experiencing the Light pouring onto Gaia at this powerful time and all have the free will choice to grow from or to reject it.
Remember this as you observe the many changes taking place within you and in the world. Change can be very upsetting to those still holding tightly to lifelong teachings and beliefs that no longer work for the highest good, but that is the way evolution works...it is a gradual (sometimes not so gradual) shift into new and more evolved thinking, being, and doing, and old beliefs cannot stop it as the majority awakens and adds ever more Light to universal consciousness.
Since all are creators, evolution can be slowed, but never stopped for it is the purpose of life. Through free will, an individual can slow or even stop his spiritual growth for awhile even lifetimes, but the evolutionary journey can never be permanently delayed...man's true nature is Divine, and the yearning to remember this is never lost. It is often buried deeply within through intention or ignorance, but can never disappear or there would be no individual. One cannot exist in any way shape or form with out the Divine within, as it is the substance of all form...all that is.
Arcturian group wishes to talk about life. When functioning within the third dimensional belief system, life is considered to be sacred in certain instances, (friends and relatives) but not so sacred (war) in others--perfectly reflecting the separation and duality of third dimensional thinking. There is only one life and it is Divine...it is the only life there is. Humanly, scientists can create something that may seem to be alive in a bottle, clone, or test tube but this is only physical, an interpretation of "life". Life only becomes LIFE, when Divine energy enters in to it which is why a physical body disintegrates so quickly once the soul leaves.
It is here we must bring in the topic of abortion which has been and still is a subject of much discussion, confusion, anguish, and suffering for many. The decision to extinguish an unborn is a decision that must not be undertaken lightly but know that the soul who would choose to enter and become the child is well aware from the other side as to whether or not the child will be carried to term. A soul can enter, coming and going throughout a pregnancy that will result in a birth, but usually there is no soul yet attached in the early stages of a pregnancy unless there is a particular lesson for the entering soul.
Decisions of this sort must be made only after an honest evaluation of intention for these types of decisions carry and store intense energy for those making them, and there is much emotional energy being expended both ways on this topic. There must be HONEST inner consideration of what is the best and highest good for all concerned... decisions like this must never be made simply from a place of selfish convenience or fear and never as a means of birth control.
Intention is the spiritual key in making decisions of any kind because the intention behind any decision provides the energy upon which it rides...every word, action, or thought flows upon the intention that set it forth. Remember this dear ones, for it is a vitally important point.
Life is forever but souls choose to spend time in limited physical bodies in order to spiritually grow and evolve within the denseness of third dimensional energy. Earth is a powerful and difficult place in which to evolve and not for the faint hearted. Never under estimate your courage dear ones, for there are many evolving on other planets who chose not to be in a place that carries such density. All gradually learn from the experiences of earth and finally discover that that which they have been seeking, lies within. It is at this point that they begin to meet any problems on a higher level, karma disappears and they find themselves helping others struggling with same and familiar issues. Earth is being observed by many who wish to learn and study how mankind is going about doing this.
Life can never be lost, there is no such thing. A person who leaves either naturally or unnaturally, simply goes to another dimension. Most human eyes cannot as of yet perceive the higher frequencies of a light body and believe the deceased to be simply dead. In sleep, all leave their bodies, moving about, studying, and working in the spiritual body. Life and death are just two aspects of duality. You are more alive on the other side than you are on earth because on the other side, you remember who and what you are and are guided to whatever help and assistance you may need.
There are some who after "death" continue to align themselves only with familiar earth energy and because of this are unable to see the light bodies of their guides waiting to assist them. These souls become what you term ghosts...souls afraid of moving on and into higher dimensional light--some not even aware of the need to. These souls attach themselves to the familiar and often loved-- people, places, and experiences from their recent time on earth. Some, firmly stuck in a particular belief system are waiting for their belief to manifest...unable and unwilling to leave where they are. Some create for themselves familiar settings and lives in what is called the astral realm often for a long time until helped by another (Light beings or people who do this work) or awakening to their need for change.
In the third dimensional belief system it is believed by many that only some life forms are of value, and those mainly human. It must be understood that ALL life forms are sacred and in and of the One Life. There is no lesser or greater life. So called "primitive" societies were taught to ask permission before taking lives for food-- honoring and respecting the life given them by the animal. This idea has been largely disregarded in favor anything bringing in more money--a bigger, faster, approach carrying no respect for the animal involved... lives thoughtlessly taken for food, fashion, money, or power. The Divine has manifested Itself in infinite form and variety. You say; "What about the cockroach or the mosquito, are we to let them do as they please?" Insects are of those who have a group soul. The energy is Divine, but not individual. When an insect dies, it immediately rejoins its group soul but ask yourselves honestly, as respecters of Life is it really that difficult to simply move the spider outdoors rather than to kill it?
Life appears limited and fragile but is in reality forever and unlimited. You cannot die. Those who seek relief from the pressures of living through the taking of their own lives, simply cross over and find that they have solved nothing for the lessons they were meant to learn now must be met again at another time in another life.
Incarnation into the third dimensional energies of earth is a soul choice made by an individual in order to evolve and grow within the tremendous issues of third dimensional energy. Life lessons are planned by each soul with help and spiritual guidance before birth. Life events are not accidental as they would seem when judging by appearances but represent experiences necessary for the growth and evolution of the particular soul. Karma is not a punishment, but the balancing of energies originally created by the evolving soul and mankind in general. There is no longer karma after the soul reaches a certain level of spiritual awareness for then the individual is able to deal with life in new and higher ways but at this time many of you are helping to clear impersonal world karma.
All is perfect dear ones, in spite of world concepts of how everything needs to appear in order to be "right". Never forget as you journey through your life experiences ( some pleasant and some not so pleasant) that you are here at this time, in this body, with this family, in order to learn and grow and not simply to gain fleeting ego status through the attainment of money, popularity, beauty, goods, or power. Be alert to your desires dear ones, for ideals such as these represent the limitation of those still stuck in unawareness.
There is nothing evil or wrong about having wealth. This is a false concept still held and preached by some. The belief in the concept of separation has resulted in a universal sense that abundance in all its forms is outside of you and that you must struggle and grab it at all costs as best you can. Abundance is your divine right by virtue of your Oneness with Divine completeness, a truth that must be realized and become your state of consciousness before it can manifest outwardly. This is the work.
Make your only God the one within you, allowing it freely flow outward and manifesting in whatever form is needed. That which is completeness for one may not represent completeness for another so do not compare. This realization will help to free you from the never ending promotional hype to buy this, do this, have this...and you will be happy.
We are, with you in ONEness and LIFE...The Arcturian Group 3/16/14
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014 |
How do we deal with the new frequencies that are introducing a new Consciousness to humanity? Are they teaching us to live from inside out? Yes, they do!
These frequencies of light that are covering now the planet, are changing us forever - if we are allowing them to enter us and release what stands in their way. While they raise our vibration, they also raise our Consciousness and light quotient, because light carries information.
Yes, the controllers are trying everything to prevent the light to enter our beloved planet, via geo-engineering the weather with poison in the stratosphere, hoping that the new frequencies cannot come through.
What is done within the limitation of a lower dimensional consciousness by beings who lack the Boundless Gift of Divine Creativity, Inspiration and Love – how can by such limited means the greater Forces of Conscious Light be prevented from breaking through to here!
If we connect from within with these Forces we can bypass any obstruction and harmful intentions and invite them into our lives.
Divine Consciousness is beyond the darkness of artificial creations intended to harm. It exists and functions prior and beyond space and time and density and contains them all!
So when we know that we ARE able to directly connect and unite with the new liberating frequencies, there is nothing that can stop us from growing in Consciousness.
These fountains of light are re-awakening us to what we already are, if we understand with our heart, and if we are willing to surrender to them in the right way, if we allow them to open the Chambers of our Divine Unlimited Self.
But if these new frequencies are merely being used by the striving ego, the separate self, - then the True Self that lives as the Heart, remains hidden behind the illusion of a world that teaches still the way from outside in.
What does this mean? Society believes that our Treasure is found somewhere outside there in the world. Therefore we have been taught by parents, teachers, schools and universities, and by every educational institution, with almost no exception, that we first need to take thingsin before we can become "somebody" and as such adapt the outer world to our desires.
A whole culture has been created and lived by the so called civilized world on these principles. Of course, there was a certain intention behind it: to split our consciousness and to divide and separate the wholeness of humanity. Now we think we must consume and control the many things to be whole again.
This fits perfectly the Big Companies who have diligently developed and prepared us for today's insanity of consumerism, to keep humanity in an unconscious, exterior state of awareness and in poverty on all levels. While at the same time they prosper and multiply their Trillions further. But this is really the proof of their own poverty.
Poverty is primarily not about money, but about the absence or loss of the true Treasure of our Divine Self that is intentionally hidden from an overwhelming majority. Therefore most of us live from a deep rooted identification with lack, which then in turn is mirrored, if not by material poverty, by compulsive accumulation of things.
As such we have become locked up onto an artificial exterior identity of ourselves, that is like a closed container preventing abundant flow through our being, a flow that would naturally emerge from the Heart. Because it is the Substance of the Heart that creates the world we desire, from inside out.
If it is not naturally the Heart that creates our world – and it does not, just look how miserable our planet is – what then creates it?
It is the limited mind set, based on duality and lesser light, which lacks juice, joy and life force, as it is separated from our True Self. It is focused on hopefully getting from synthetic surroundings what our artificial self desires, such as safety and fulfillment with the means of separate things, while perpetuating our dilemma.
But we cannot add artificial and seemingly external things to the natural Fullness that we already are. It just does not take this stuff in. Rather the natural and divine flow of abundance from inside out is being blocked by our attempt to inhale the things that we perceive as separate from us.
If we look closely, this paradigm also controls the spiritual domain.
We are trying to get satisfaction by consuming spiritual things and practices, like workshops which promise enlightenment over a few months, if not just on a weekend, by adding techniques and new mind sets to our fake identity. The ego might be enchanted for a short while and imagine enlightenment, but soon it goes hunting again for a similar ego-fulfilling entertainment, under the delusion of true satisfaction.
However the ego will never get what it is looking for. It is like with the new shiny and attractive technology, that needs to be constantly exchanged for the newest products to keep us happily going.
The calamity is, that all of these toys even push us further away from ourselves, because we are mislead to think that we have really acquired the true jewel. And so we do not look further for the REAL.
Nothing is more misleading than the believe we are free, we are spiritual, when in truth we are slaves and have fallen for spiritual materialism. All this is part of the cheap disinformation and manipulation programs that are to keep humanity away from awakening.
The separate ego-I that seeks fulfillment will never attain true happiness. Because the ego-I is the very one that needs to be surrendered to the Divine Heart.
We have truly gained victory over the forces of delusion and control when we begin to comprehend the Divine Reality of our True Nature that is already Full, Radiant and lacks nothing, and brings forth all our desires into a new world to celebrate and share the joy of abundance, beauty and love.
Now the time has come for us to free ourselves from all the illusions of false identification, forced on us by those who do not love us. The New Light is already here to bring us Home, if we use It wisely.
Now is the time to start to jump, to jump onto the newly forming higher dimensional earth that is growing every day, gaining momentum.
This requires to leave behind the old illusions and false teachings. It requires courage and radical honesty with oneself.
This new earth is starting already to separate itself from the old paradigm. She invites all of us who are willing to discover the Heart and live from THERE, to come with Her, as She is emerging in and as the New Consciousness.
This New Consciousness is beyond 3dimensional imagination. It is a realm of a radical new Reality of Conscious Light, vibrating as a very high and powerful frequency.
There Is a powerful Call, and it is the Reality of the New Earth Who Is Calling. This is what I am experiencing.
In Lak’esh,
dearest human family!
With love,
Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
Please share this message only together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Please share this message only together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
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