January 2015 Message
From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of January 2015
Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare thebenefits of membership to public access before joining!
What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2015?
What energy and experiences can we expect in January 2015?
The energy this month is like a strong current moving forward. There is a feeling that every intention is amplified. You will find the consequences of your thoughts, your words, and your actions will all come more quickly and more strongly than usual. This is an important time to take profound accountability for your intentions. Strive to be mindful of your words and actions. No one is perfect, so no one will be able to make perfect intentions all the time. This month, it will be very important for you to be forgiving and flexible, and be very quick to apologize and not easy to offend. When unintended consequences arise, make sure that you are very forgiving of others, and of yourself, so that you can quickly apologize and move on. Change the intention, shift the energy with an apology, and then reset your intention. If you hold onto embarrassment, guilt, shame or trying to blame others, then you will find yourself holding the mistaken intention for so long that you will have large and long-standing negative repercussions. On the other hand, if you will quickly apologize and move on, or if you will quickly forgive and move on, then you can reset the intention and begin the process of having your positive intentions come to light. It will be very important for you to be fluid and keep your eyes wide open this month. Move with the flow, keep changing, and do not hold onto old feelings and goals this month.
Are there particular activities that would benefit us and help us best use the energy this month?
It will be useful to be communicative. Be willing to talk, be willing to ask questions, and be willing to listen carefully and readily to what is happening around you. This is not a time to keep your thoughts to yourself, nor to hold still and hope that someone else will fix the problem. This is a time to speak up and say what is on your mind.
This is time to be gracious and yet active. Stay active in your communities and in your relationships. This is a very active time, and it is an exciting time. Words -- what you say and how you say it – will matter greatly. The important actions this month will be in how you interrelate with others. In order to stay on top of this energy and really benefit from it, you need to be moving with it. Do not delay events or decisions. The Divine Masculine has a strong energy this month. It is time to be outward and engaged. This is not a time for quiet reflection or holding still. |
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
5 Tips to Find Your Calm Zone by Selacia
5 Tips to Find Your Calm Zone by Selacia
Find your natural inner sense of calm over the coming days with these reminders and specific tips. As you find your own calm zone, you will be able to tap a heightened experience of joy and productiveness. These last days of 2014 can then be fully utilized as a treasure chest of opportunity - letting go of the old and preparing to shine your light even more brightly in 2015.
It is natural to feel like you're on a roller coaster ride this holiday season. Why? The pace of life picks up this time of year, so time distortions are amplified. There are fun things to do, people you want to see, and perhaps obligations causing you stress. Some things simply must get finished before year-end, and you can stress over them, even if they aren't really hard to accomplish.
Next year, as I wrote about in my 2015 Predictions, comes with some new energies and windows of opportunity that can shift your life experience in more positive directions. Knowing that 2015 is just around the corner, you naturally want to be prepared by doing your end-year clearing and intention setting now.
The best emotional state for your end-year preparations is one of calm. This is the calm zone within that you naturally can access with mindfulness, a persistent attention to your emotional state, and making wise choices of how to use your energy. A few tips of how to achieve this are below.
5 Tips to Find Your Calm
First, be as present as you can. This keeps you from getting ahead of yourself, obsessing about past holiday experiences, and needlessly worrying about future outcomes. Only by being present, grounded, and in your heart can you connect with your divine power to create. Calm comes from being in tune and in time with your own natural rhythms and what's truly important in the moment. Let the rest go.
Second, check in with yourself frequently throughout the day to gauge what you are feeling. Discover that you are angry or disappointed? Look at those feelings directly in a neutral way. Everyone gets angry sometimes; don't make it worse by becoming angry at yourself for feeling the emotion. Do switch the channel from anger, though, before you take your next actions. Invite spirit to connect you with a happier state and intend to notice things you do enjoy about your life. Simply doing that will calm you and raise your frequency.
Third, if you are empathic or simply sensitive, take note of this. Finding your calm requires an ongoing self-assessment of mind chatter and feelings. Sometimes thoughts and emotions you experience do not belong to you. Get into the habit of self-inquiry to determine how much of your mood or negative thinking has been influenced by others. Take responsibility only for your own mind and emotions. Your job is not to fix others or be a vessel for the anger of others. Set healthy boundaries.
Fourth, pace yourself. This includes a pacing of processing your input and experiences. Life these days is becoming exponentially quicker and more complex. In the same moment you are doing one thing, you are likely processing some information or an event that came on your radar moments before. Even seemingly minor bits of input can trigger an avalanche of processing deep within you - with or without your awareness. Find your calm by acknowledging the need to pace yourself and by understanding that much more than you can possibly imagine is unfolding outside your immediate awareness. Allow for this. Take moments of time-out here and there to simply be still and shut down focus on your incoming antenna. Invite dreams to help you process life experiences and to prepare you for what's next. By using these tools, you can find your calm more of the time.
Fifth, access your calm zone by refusing to be combative and deciding moment-by-moment how you will respond to what's unfolding. Being at war with deadlines or family obligations will trigger a high-alert in your nervous system. Fight or flight responses take you out of your calm. Address each situation directly, authentically, and with kindness. Ask yourself each time: "Is this action I'm about to take in my highest good?" If it's not your best option, go deeper with your questions to determine optimal alternatives. Sometimes all you need to do is say "yes" or "no" to something, even if that was hard for you to do before. Other times, what's needed is to just walk away.
Remember, you are a divine changemaker - at the core of your being you indeed are calm and your natural state is joy!
NOTE: If you missed earlier articles, please visit the Archives. To attend the next global Divine Changemaker Courses starting in January, the C12 Full Moon Abundance 2015 Global Meditation of Jan. 3, Past Life Workshop Soulmates Across Time on Feb. 15 at Mystic Journey in Venice, and any other events, please register HERE. More information found below the photo!
It Has Begun -- Galactic Transmission from Home
It Has Begun -- Galactic Transmission from Home
I close this book with the very first message I received on April 11, 2012, the morning that I began the series.
After a long dream of being in someone else's house and realizing it was time for me to leave and go to my own house, I woke up at 5:55 with the words: "Transmissions from Home."
When I heard the words, "Transmissions from Home," I saw a man sitting at a desk, like a newscaster. He was blond and had on a uniform, which looked like the uniform of a Galactic Being.
His uniform was white and gold with an insignia over his heart. There were also golden adornments on his shoulders and his collar was like straight up, like a military uniform. In fact, it was like a Dress Military Uniform, but not from our military.
I got up and went into my office to get this transmission. I turned on the computer and wrote, "I am ready for your transmission now. Would you please send me your message?" My answer was:
"Dearest Members of Earth,
We are members of the Galactic Federation speaking to you today to tell you that our landings have begun. We come first to our awakened ones within their dreams and meditations. We are here to speak to all who can receive our messages so that we can prepare you. Then, you can prepare others."
From that first message, the Pleiadians story rushed through my fingers. Most of the time I felt as thought I was reading for the first time as I wrote it. I share the story as I received it and hope that it touches your heart and changes your life as much as it did mine.
See you in the higher dimensions.
Suzanne Lie
I did NOT write the rest of the message that I receiving that morning of 4-11-12. Since the books will soon be released, I wanted to share with you, the readers of my blog, the rest of the message.
I feel as though I "know" you all. Also, you are accustomed to some of the far out info I have posted. As we prepare for 2015, It Is The NOW to expand our conscious awareness of the myriad possibilities of our multidimensional reality.
Below, I post the rest of that morning message that I did NOT post in the book. In fact, this message is a composite of another message that I found from the same day that I did not even remember writing.
I have combined those two messages:
Transmissions from Home (Continued)
You have been hearing many messages from your Internet about the great changes that are about to commence regarding the removal of those who have created harm and chaos due to their selfish ways.
These words are true. In fact, this is why we have come to you today. We have come into the dreams and meditations of the grounded/ascending ones to validate the messages you have been receiving.
We are coming into your consciousness in such a vivid fashion that you cannot deny our message or call it "just a dream" or "your imagination." WE know that the formal commencement of your Return Home has been a long awaited dream.
However, you dared not imagine that the time was here. You did not want to discover again that it was "just your imagination." We tell you NOW that your imagination is your fifth dimensional consciousness and your dreams are correct.
On this day/night of April 11, 2012 we are broadcasting this message to our ascending ones to tell you to prepare for your return. We hear you say, "But we have heard these words before and prepared so many times. How can we build our expectation only be disappointed again?"
We have read your minds and it is because of these thoughts that we have come into your consciousness to speak to each of you in an individual manner. We wish to tell each dear members of our Earth Team that the process of ascension has begun in earnest.
Today, 4-11-12 the secret arrests have begun across the world, and those who have sought power over humanity for eons have lost! Yes, they have lost their power, they have lost their money and, most important, they have lost their ability to strike fear into your hearts and minds.
(Note from Sue, I hope that is true. I do know that a wounded animal is more dangerous. Perhaps that is why our news tells of disaster after disaster.)
Of course, there are still many earthlings who choose to linger in fear rather than accept that what they have always desired is NOW theirs to behold. This is why we have come to you today to tell you to prepare to accept these changes with LOVE.
Do NOT allow ANY fear to enter your being, for that is the tool of the dark ones. Hence, we are speaking personally to all of you, as doubt is the foundation for fear. We realize that many of you will not realize that you have received this message, yet, but be patient, and you will remember that you have personally received our guarantee that

We know that there are many levels of that simple statement, so we will give you more details. What has begun is the removal of those who have stood in the way of your joy of ascension since the time leading up to the fall of Atlantis.
Atlantis was to serve as an opener of Portals so that the next 13,000 years would lead up to Planetary Ascension. It was the Divine Plan that there would be myriad personal ascensions when Gaia was "at the back door" of the Galactic Center.
Unfortunately, that was not the case because Atlantis fell into great darkness. Many of you died in service during that time and carried that wounding throughout the next 13,000 years of your incarnations.
Worse yet, the dark ones, the Brothers of Biel, appeared to have won the battle between light and dark and great planetary destruction reigned for many millennia. The dark ones had successfully culled the herd, by killing millions of humans. This "culling of the herd" was the dark ones intention.
However, during your current era YOU, the Forces of Light, have won!
You, our grounded warriors, have been joining us night after night in your finer bodies to assist us with our plans and arrangements. Then, you have awakened in the morning to your earth vessel and began yet another day in the third dimension.
Do you see now why you have been so very tired? Your sleep has not been restful because you have chosen to assist us in your finer bodies, while your third dimensional form regenerated.
We want you to know that you all will begin to feel better soon! There is just the "mopping up" to be done, which you are all happily joining in on while your earth vessel sleeps. Very soon, your "sleep" will NOT be spent battling the forces of darkness, but preparing New Earth for immediate occupancy.
Yes, we do mean immediate. YOU, our Earth Warriors who have tenaciously served our ranks to complete this cycle of destruction, will be spending your "sleep" time preparing New Earth.
Many of you have chosen NOT to remember your dreams, as they were about your great service to Earth in which you were working to remove all that which was trying to halt Gaia's transmutation.
Therefore, you needed to forget your "night shift" because you had to awaken to the third dimension and go back to WORK again. Many of our grounded warriors have been experiencing illness because of their constant service.
On the other hand, your illness has also been a symptom of transformation. Your service to the ONE has initiated your return to Lightbody. Hence, your physical forms are feeling like a skin that has grown too small for you and is very restrictive.
You may even feel like a snake that wants to rest so that you can "shed your old skin." In fact, we encourage you to rest as much as possible because you will be called upon to calm the fears of those who are un-awakened and un-aware.
We need you, the Earth-based members of our Galactic Federation and Angelic Realms, to hold the ever-accelerating Light. We need you, who represent the Earth Based members of our Galactic and Angelic Realms, to carry the ever-accelerating light so that you can better channel your unconditional love to other incarnated ones.
Those who are uninformed may suffer fear, and the best antidote for fear is multidimensional truth and unconditional love. Thus, we send each and every one of you the truth of planetary ascension and the unconditional love that flows from the heart of our Galactic Center.
We send you this light and love to you, our dear grounded expressions of SELF, and ask that you share our gift throughout your daily life. The uninformed may fear your gift, but the best antidote for fear is TRUTH and LOVE.
Therefore, we send to each and every one of you the TRUTH of planetary ascension and the unconditional love that streams from our hearts and from the Galactic Center.
Your Milky Way Galaxy is being cleared of polarity and Earth, the schoolroom for myriad inter-galactic civilizations, is a pivotal planet in this "righting of the ship." With the release of polarity, the wobbling spin of Gaia can be corrected and Earth can "spin" into the higher frequencies of New Earth.
Our message today is to tell you that the tide has turned. Release the fear and restrictions of the old and Embrace the joy of creating New Earth. Your personal and planetary ascension is well underway!
In closing, we remind you that 'time' is an illusion of the third dimension. Hence, the NOW of which we speak can only be experienced through your fifth dimensional consciousness.
Remember dear "Away Team" we are always with you, for we are ONE.
~ Arcturian/Pleaidian message delivered via Mytre the Pleiadian
Sunday, December 21, 2014
DECEMBER 21,2014
Dear ones, Happy winter solstice. The energy of this particular solstice is bringing with it change and an energy that is being powerfully experienced by many as a deeper sensitivity to all things around them.
Our Christmas offering is a message of Peace and Joy, which we lovingly flow to you and which you then can flow as your gift to others. The words peace and joy, are seen everywhere at Christmas time and yet few take them seriously, instead seeing them as nice words on a Christmas card. Make true Peace your gift to the world every day of the year.
True peace between countries or even individuals, will never be fully achieved through treaties or contracts because the substance of peace (a consciousness of peace) is not present. Peace is a state of consciousness that recognizes, respects, and accepts the oneness of life, whether that other is plant, animal, or person. Only true peace can manifest true freedom, the freedom to be who and what you are. Peace is the natural result of a consciousness of Oneness which in its purest sense, is unconditional love. As long as separateness remains the dominant world consciousness, there can never be true peace.
Peace both within and without, is not attained through power struggles, war, or violence. War has never achieved true and lasting peace, but simply creates lulls the violence while allowing it to pop up somewhere else. At this time, the substance of which peace is formed, is not yet fully present in world consensus consciousness. The true and lasting peace that mankind seeks and preaches especially at Christmastime will only manifest as the impersonal world consciousness shifts into a realization of Oneness. This is happening now as each person awakens, for every spark of light dissolves a bit of old energy within a dense universal consciousness. This will bring about the change you seek.
Send your gift of peace to the un-awakened who seek to resolve unhappiness and frustration through violence. Send Peace to Gaia through recognition and loving action regarding all of her kingdoms. The animal kingdom was never created for humans to use and abuse. Animals also live many lifetimes and are here to learn and evolve while assisting mankind with unconditional love, companionship, and healing. Even animals termed "wild" are worthy of respect and peace for they too are suffering from the world consciousness of duality and separation. Never doubt there will come a time when the "lion will lie down with the lamb" for there is no discord in higher dimensional energy.
Peace is what you experience when lending a loving hand where needed. Peace is that you feel as you walk through a quiet forest, or closely examine the perfection of a flower. Peace is that which you experience when you look into another's eyes and recognize Divinity. Peace is yours to have or not have, the choice is yours dear ones, for all have free will. As you claim peace for yourselves, you are then able to flow it to others.
Some will say, I cannot find peace because of my situation. Peace ever present and is never dependant upon outer circumstances for it is a quality of the Divine. Personal peace comes through the realization that "I can never be separated from who and what I am regardless of any outer circumstances". Life on earth can indeed be a struggle until one day a certain evolutionary point is reached and the difficult experiences slow or finish completely because the student is now ready to learn and be taught from within.
No one can separate you from Peace dear ones, ever, it is your birthright. It is ignorance that acts to seemingly separate an individual from his good--a "good" that is often simply a concept.
Joy is a facet of peace, an inner sense of lightness in spite of outer conditions. Joy knows I am, I always will be, and I always have been and in joy there is no fear of death.
Joy allows an individual to laugh and love and enjoy the pleasures of being in human form through the realization that these things represent the spiritual realities of completeness, wholeness, and oneness.
Joy is the energy closest to Divine and effects everything you do and say. Without conscious thought, an energy field filled with joy can act as a healing balm. Even those who are consciously unaware of spiritual truth will experience something when coming into contact with energy field filled with Light and joy. This will cause fear in some and an uplifting in others depending upon their state of consciousness.
Allow yourselves to experience joy. There remain many falsehoods among religious groups who teach that one must suffer in order to be spiritual. There are still those who believe that self-torture and sacrifice are paths to "holiness". These teachings are very old and very false and it is long past time for them to be dissolved into the nothingness that they are. The Divine is peace, joy, completeness, wholeness and is therefore who and what you already are.
There is no dreariness or sadness in the higher realms dear ones. Only ignorance has given birth to the discords and suffering that mankind has experienced for so long which some still need in order to learn.
Peace and joy are available to be experienced while on earth at any time by any individual choosing to give up the limitations of duality and separation and live out from truth.
Claim and enjoy the experience of true Peace and Joy at this time and forever dear ones.
Merry Christmas.
In Peace and Joy we are the Arcturian Group. 12/21/14
Arcturian Transmission to Earth - Part 2
Arcturian Transmission to Earth - Part 2
Our Dear Ones,
We the Arcturians welcome you back for the remainder of our transmission. We left off our transmission by explaining that the consciousness contained within the 3D Matrix of your physical form is intimately intertwined with the consciousness within the 3D Matrix of Earth.
Thus, your personal 3D Matrix is grounded into and melded with the planetary 3D Matrix. As you allow the inflow of higher frequencies of light into your 3D Matrix, it is instantly shared with the 3D Matrix of Gaia's planetary body. Gaia then amplifies that light and sends it back to you.
This form of mutual reception occurs as the back and forth flow of the timeless higher frequencies of light escalating to transmute both planetary and personal matrixes. In this manner, the time-bound holograms of personal and planetary form allow the outflow of their time-bound expressions into the timeless world of antimatter.
Simultaneously, antimatter projects its inflow of formless light into the matrixes of the physical Earth. In this fashion, your consciousness, and eventually your form, will phase in and out of differing dimensions. You can 'lock' your consciousness into the dimension of your choice by sending the bonding force of unconditional love into that dimension of reality.
While you are bonded to that dimension via your unconditional love, that particular expression of your Multidimensional SELF will be highlighted as 'your experience.' You unlock your consciousness by taking the 'key' of unconditional love out of the 'lock.' Your higher expressions of SELF resonate beyond time. Thus, when you re-enter your 3D life, you can do so a second before you left.
Furthermore, you do not actually leave. You are expanding your physical consciousness into the higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. Thus, you are NOT leaving; you are bi-locating. This bi-location is normal to your higher dimensional expressions of SELF because resonating beyond time allows you to maintain the conscious awareness of more than one reality at the 'same time.'
Once you completely link your multidimensional mind with your third dimensional brain, you will be able to expand your conscious awareness into multiple expressions of your SELF within the ONE of the NOW. When you first awaken to your multidimensionality, you may only be able to contain one other expression of your SELF while you are also wearing your physical form.
Your physical form can 'burn out' like a dry leaf in a fire from the higher frequencies of your SELF. Hence, until you activate at least your inner lightbody, your kundalini, it will be difficult to hold the true 'fire' of your SELF in your physical form.
Conversely, your multidimensional mind is not limited to your form and has a filter so that only the frequencies that your physical form can tolerate will actually be downloaded into your 3D matrix. This one-way flow of the quantum expression of your SELF is continuously interfaced between your multidimensional mind and our third dimensional brain.
Your physical consciousness and body can only access this multidimensional information via your multidimensional consciousness. Many of you are experiencing immense changes in your body as it adapts to its higher dimensional expression of Lightbody.
Your Lightbody is continuously housed within the kundalini force within your core, and within your multidimensional mind. From these locations, your multidimensional lightbody is slowly seeping into your earth vessel to gradually and safely transmute your 3D matrix into higher frequencies of resonance.
Remember that transmutation does not add or subtract any elements of your form. That process is known as transformation, in which new elements are added to create the shift. Within the process of transmutation, nothing is added or subtracted. Instead, every cell and atom is transmuted into a higher frequency of expression.
Therefore, you are much like the caterpillar who transmutes into the butterfly. The DNA for the butterfly and the caterpillar are exactly the same. However, the form of the caterpillar is limited to the branch on which it is crawls to find new leaves to eat.
Conversely, the butterfly takes off into the air to perceive a much greater vista and a higher perspective of life. These small, delicate creatures travel thousands of miles on delicate wings to complete their cycle of life. You are butterflies that are NOW traveling in your consciousness, but your caterpillar still remains on the 'branch.'
Consequently, you are both the grounded element of the caterpillar, as well as the transmuted element of the butterfly. As your consciousness continues to expand, your third dimensional earth vessel is completing its life cycle to transmute into your Multidimensional SELF.
Many of you are living this experience right now. Therefore, your consciousness is phasing from caterpillar to butterfly, then back again into caterpillar. Part of this phasing is because many of you have volunteered to maintain BOTH 'butterfly' and 'caterpillar' forms for as long as Gaia needs your assistance.
However, eventually, you will increasingly identify with the freedom of your butterfly SELF and be ready to release the limitations of crawling to your next leaf for food. You will then begin to phase out of your earth vessel and into your multidimensional lightbody.
Once you fully accept the gift of the higher dimensions of light into your transmuting form, you serve as a living portal that shares that light with the body of Gaia. The higher frequencies of light that you bring into your pineal gland circulates down through all your chakras to share the light with Gaia.
In this manner, you are facilitating the transmutation of the great mass of Gaia's planetary body. Gaia then combines the gift of light that she is receiving from all her awakened ones into one quantum soup which is, in turn, shared with all Her humans, animals, plants and physical locations.
You are in the timeline in which you have chosen to have a simultaneous planetary and personal transmutation into the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, if your environment shifts along with the form you are wearing, you will NOT separate from your earthly life.
Instead, you will transmute WITH your earthly life. Hence, do not be concerned that things are NOT different. From our perspective things are vastly different. However, since you reflect the same 'difference' as your reality, your life appears to be the same.
Thus, we ask that you take a moment of your remaining 'time' to reflect on your personal and planetary life ten years ago. In other words, go into your past to experience how your present has shifted into a future of constant change. As you continue to reflect on your past, present and future in this way, time will begin to blur into the NOW.
We wish to remind you that in life after life this seed of knowing that we have shared with you has been implanted in your earth vessel. Sometimes that seed landed on rocks in which the seed could not take root and the knowing was baked away from the hot sun. Sometimes the seed landed in pools of water in which the seed could not survive and it drowned at the bottom of the murky silt.
Fortunately, sometimes the seed landed on fertile soil and the seed took root. It was within those lives that you remembered your SELF. It was in those realities that you realized that you were a great being of light that came into a small earthen vessel to remember the truth and pass it on the others.
However, in many of your sojourns to Gaia's body, remembering was difficult and lonely because the times were too harsh for you to dare speak the truth. In fact, many of those who did share their inner knowing were chastised and even tortured or killed.
When this occurred, a scar was left on your Soul that warned you to be careful before you spoke the truth again. This scar caused you to forget the truth even if it was a lifetime in which it was safe to share it. Sometimes it took many incarnations on Gaia's Wheel of Life and Death before you could remember and/or dare to share what you the truth that you remembered.
We tell you now, our beloved members of transmuting Earth, that this is the Clarion Call. This message in your NOW is the call to remember and to share. Share that which you remember in whatever manner your present body finds most creative.
If you share in a manner that feels creative, your consciousness will expand further, which will give you greater endurance. Also, then you can just 'tell a story in a book,' 'write a great song,' 'create a lovely dance,' or 'paint a wonderful picture.' If your message is cloaked in your creativity, you create a safety net for yourself.
Plus, you will greatly enjoy your sharing because expressing your creativity pulls you back into your Multidimensional SELF where all your TRUTH is stored. Therefore, dearest ones, we end this transmission by thanking you in advance for the wonderful contributions that we know you will share with your ascending planet.
Your present form may not last until the glory of New Earth is a normal, everyday experience. However, you will end your present life by stepping into your mastery. As an Ascended Master you will be able to create a form wherever and whenever you please.
Remember, since New Earth is timeless, there is no hurry to get there. You cannot be late if there is NO time. As we complete this transmission, we remind whatever version of your SELF that is attending this message to go into meditation to join with your highest expression of SELF.
From that frequency of your being, send forth a call to ALL of your parallel, alternate, higher and lower dimensional expressions of SELF that the time is NOW! With these final words, we send you a burst of Violet Light, in which you could bask for as long as you need.
The Arcturians
Through Suzanne Lie, PhD
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Arcturian Transmission to Earth - Part 1
Dear Illustrious Guests and Beings of Earth,
Welcome to our spontaneous transmission to Earth. For this transmission, we have the honor of having attendants from different dimensions and timelines joining us. We say "beings," as this transmission is coming to you via light codes that persons, animals and plants can absorb into their consciousness to accept a "knowing" of information.
Each of you will receive this information according to your species, form and consciousness. Yes, your earthly plant kingdom is very much alive and eagerly accepts all of our transmission. We will begin our message by telling you a bit about light so that you can more easily translate our light language into the language of your current grounded expression.
Light exists in units called photons. Photons have no density and no charge and travel beyond the confines of "time." Hence, the primary component of light is, in fact, timeless since we speak to you via Light Language. Since your physical form has myriad photons, as well as protons, which also travel beyond the speed of light, you are innately beings of light hidden within an earthen shell.
Therefore, the higher frequencies of your multidimensional consciousness and much of your earthen vessel exist beyond time. Your higher frequencies of "SELF" resonate beyond the hologram of third dimensional Earth. In other words, major components of your physical form are not limited to third dimensional Earth.
Your earthen vessel contains the lower frequencies of your consciousness, as well as the vast quantities of fear-based emotions. These emotions lower your consciousness to the frequency of survival. While in survival mode, your vessel is filled with adrenalin, which further lowers your consciousness into the base reality of fight or flight.
Therefore, we remind our away team that wanting to flee Earth is not consistent with your innate unconditional love, but an anomaly of your fear. Hence, we suggest that you focus your attention, not on fighting the darkness or running away to a better place. Instead, focus on the bliss that flows within the feeling of unconditional love.
Your thoughts come from your brain, but your emotions arise from within your body. Many humans have said that emotions cannot be controlled, which is true while you are experiencing fear-based consciousness. However, once you remember to send unconditional love into every challenge and/or stressful situation, you will become the master of your emotions. As a Master, you can control your emotions because you can control your state of consciousness.
It is your state of consciousness that determines your choices of perception. When you are in a lower state of consciousness, fear easily permeates your thoughts to create even greater fear. Then you seek the cause of your fear rather than your innate solution of unconditional love.
On the other hand, when you live from your core you become the light of your own Central Sun and your myriad photons make your body a Galaxy of light. Every atom in your body serves as a Sun with myriad planets rotating around it. When you think of yourself in this way, it is not a large leap of faith to realize that you are a being of light.
You do not need to create a lightbody or even flash into a lightbody. Instead, simply embrace the fact that your innate SELF is light, which has become embedded in matter (spirit/light into matter/form) so that you can experience the third dimensional frequency of reality.
You might say, "If I am a Master, why would I need to take on such a low frequency vessel?" There are two answers to this question. First and foremost, you the members of our Away Team, took on a physical body to intimately connect with our dear friend Gaia who is ready to transmute into Her Lightbody.
Second, you took on a form as a rehearsal. Our entire Universe is moving into a higher octave of reality. If you can rehearse for this event by raising the frequency of your personal form, you will better understand and deeply appreciate how difficult it is for an entire planet, Solar System, Galaxy and Local Universe to transmute into a higher octave of light.
Some of our ascending ones still believe that if they try very hard, are immensely good, are vastly patient and extremely patient they will "get" to ascend. Within this belief, ascension becomes a reward for being a "good person." You do not need a reward because you are already ascended.
You did not come to Earth at this time to evolve. Instead, you greatly devolved your SELF so that you could maintain a low enough state of consciousness to inhabit a third dimensional form and go through an extremely long time to grow up. Because of the efforts of those who are NOW adults, many children are able to reveal the expanded talents of their true SELF at a very young age.
These "children" have abilities that adults had to study for decades to master. This is because YOU, the ones who were born in the times of deep darkness and harsh realities, have expanded your consciousness enough to be a living portal of light. As this living portal, your higher consciousness has been able to accept light from the Sun, and even the Central Sun, into your form.
You have then grounded that light into the planet, to share it with Gaia. A photon of light leaves the surface of a sun or star and travels through space to reach your form the instant that the photon left the star and the moment that it connected to your body. NO time has elapsed because the photons travel beyond the limitation of time.
We know that this concept is difficult for your 3D brain to conceive, but that brain is only an illusion in the matrix of the third dimensional reality that you are currently wearing. Your 3D brain cannot conceive of instant travel. Therefore, it creates a scenario in which there is time. In the physical world, it takes "time" to travel across space. Therefore, where you are going is separate from where you started.
It is in this manner that third-dimensional polarities are formed. A major polarity in your physical world is the polarity of good and bad. These "opposites" appear to be polarities because the infinite and timeless "in between" of this spectrum is not perceivable to your third dimensional consciousness.
The core, which is center of the "in-between," resonates to a frequency that is often invisible to your third dimensional perceptions and the lower frequency edges of the spectrum appear to your third dimensional perceptions to be the only reality. Thus, the lower frequency edges of a spectrum of thoughts, emotions, objects and concepts seem to be separate polarities.
As your earthly consciousness continues to expand back into your innate multidimensional consciousness, you will begin to experience more and more of the "in between." In fact, the billions of photons within your earth vessel perceive ALL the in-between. This in-between is perceived as the HERE and NOW.
Via your in-breath and out-breath you are constantly exchanging your photons with every other seemingly separate being on your seemingly third dimensional planet. But, if you are filled with timeless photons, and your body is made of the same elements as your planet, than Earth is also filled with timeless photons.
Therefore, your seemingly third dimensional Earth has a huge element in which its photons are instantly dashing to other frequencies of the light that are constantly permeating the "time" of the time-less NOW. In this manner, your third dimensional reality is deeply influenced by the higher frequency realities that resonate to the "in between" of your perception.
As your consciousness accelerates beyond the third dimensional matrix, you will begin to also release your experience of time. It is then that you will start to remember that time and space is actually aspects of the same third dimensional mechanism. In the higher dimensions of reality, the "time" is always NOW and the "space" is always HERE.
Time only expresses itself sequentially within the lower worlds, and space is only experienced when it takes time to travel across it. Once you are free of the illusion of time, your consciousness is free of the 3D matrix and can expand your conscious perception to include the higher dimensional realities.
This expansion of consciousness assists you to remember that both time and space occur via your consciousness through the mechanisms of inward and outward pulses of matter to antimatter (as in a black hole) and antimatter into matter (as in a white hole). Do you understand how YOU are a portal?
This inward and outward flow overlaps at the point in which space and time meet in the flow of the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. Once you have this experience via your fifth dimensional consciousness, even though you are wearing an earth vessel, the limitations of the 3D Matrix will have no meaning to you.
When you consciously experience the constant in-flow and out-flow of time and space moving through your current earth vessel, your consciousness expands to embrace your true Multidimensional SELF.
Life and death then take on the meaning of birth/into body and death/out of body, but the "body" is only one of your many parallel, alternate or higher dimensional bodies. In fact, many of you who are receiving this message are having outflow feelings that you are dying, or that huge elements of your life are completed. At the same time you are having inflow experiences of being reborn in some way.
What is occurring is that the components of your life that are unacceptable or intolerable to the frequency of your higher states of consciousness are on outflow so that they will no longer limit your higher dimensional perceptions. With the outflow/death of these limitations your consciousness expands to accept the inflow/birth of new concepts, perceptions and experiences into your daily life.
When your consciousness is focused inward, you can perceive the inflow that you have been allowing into your reality. Then, during your outward focused states of consciousness you can perceive that which you are sending out into your world. In other words, you are not just the recipient of the inflow and outflow. You are also the source.
As the source and core of your galaxy, you can best understand how space and time float in a great cosmic sea. Past, present and future float within this sea as expressions of the NOW that you can accept or reject as your perceptions of reality. Every possibility for every expression of your SELF floats within the HERE and NOW of this Cosmic Sea.
The matter of your form and antimatter of your consciousness interact and intermingle as spirit into matter and matter's return to pure spirit. Within your galaxy are many stars. Some of these stars are ready to blink out of your life, whereas other stars are in the process of birth.
Your consciousness has been attached to a 3D matrix of form for myriad lives. NOW it wishes to expand back into its true housing of a multidimensional lightbody. We conclude our transmission for today so that you can integrate this information into your personal and planetary form.
We will return soon to continue this transmission. We suggest that you allow our words to flow within the cosmic sea of your great Multidimensional SELF.
Until then, we send you unconditional love.
The Arcturians
Through Suzanne Lie, PhD
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