Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. It is part of your evolution to assist this planet. It is part of your mission to be here on the Blue Jewel during this time, during this great time, of planetary transformation. You, the starseeds, have chosen to incarnate at this time. There are many reasons why you have chosen to be here. For some of you it is part of a learning experience. This means that there are certain lessons that you have come here to learn. Others have also come here to provide assistance to the planet. This assistance can be on many different levels. For example, it could be on the level of providing assistance in consciousness. It is required that a certain core group of people attain a high level of consciousness. When a core group reaches this level of consciousness, then a great assimilation, a great expansion of that consciousness, will become anchored into humanity. There is an effective method for anchoring such a level of consciousness in humanity. And that method is based on the contribution and participation of a certain number of people. It is required that these people are able to hold a consciousness, transmit that consciousness and manifest that consciousness into the reality.
The consciousness that we are talking about is a planetary consciousness. This planetary consciousness is greatly assisted by the modern technologies that have emerged in the past 20 to 30 years, or even 40 to 50 years. Most of you are participating in this computer technology. Also, the fact is that Man has gone to the Moon and has learned to create and transmit a new perspective of the Earth that never before in the history of modern civilization existed. That image or perspective, of course, is the image of the Blue Jewel, the Planet Earth. That image, of course, is the image of the Earth as it is seen from outer space. That image is so central to theupliftment of planetary consciousness, because now this visual image is one of the primary methods for communicating with the unconscious and the subconscious of the Earth. This process exists in your personal transformation, and it also exists on a planetary basis. You are able now to have the imagery of the Blue Jewel embedded in your personal unconscious, and now you also can anchor the image of the Blue Jewel into the Earth's unconscious, superconscious and subconscious.
The Earth is a living planet. The Blue Jewel is a living planet that has a fantastic range of responses. Think for a moment about a series of events that must occur in a galaxy in order for a planet to create a biosphere that can hold light and hold life. There are billions of stars in this galaxy, and there may be an equivalent number of solar systems. But there have already been discovered 400 to 600 planets. Yet, even that large number of discovered planets has not provided any proof that there is life on these planets that have been discovered. The reason is because there must be a certain relationship between the planet and the sun for life to start. The planet can't be too close to the sun, but it can't be too far away. The planet must have a moon because the moon sets a counterbalance gravitationally so that the planet can have a certain level of rotation on its axis. There is also a necessity for other planets to exist in that solar system. You have, for example, Jupiter in your solar system. Jupiter is providing a great shield for the Earth from comets and asteroids that come into the solar system. If Jupiter were not in the orbit that it is in, then Jupiter would not be able to be the great shield that she is for protecting the Earth. Remember, it was only perhaps eight years ago that the Shoemaker comet, Shoemaker-Levy comet, struck Jupiter creating an explosion that was comparable to the entire size of the Moon and perhaps the size of the Earth. If such a comet of that nature passed Jupiter and came to the Earth, then all life would be destroyed.
So, there is a series of necessary objects in the solar system that create and allow one planet to have the beautiful life that you now are witnessing on the Earth. So this planet, in this case the Blue Jewel, is unique. But, remember, there are other planets in the galaxy that have life. There are other beings in this galaxy that are living on planets that are even similar to the Earth. This arrangement that you see of nine planets does occur in other areas of the galaxy. Some astronomers now say that there are only eight planets in the solar system instead of nine. I am referring to the fact that there is a controversy over whether Pluto is a planet. Our answer is that Pluto is energetically a planet even though it may not meet the exact criteria of density and gravitational force that your scientists define that is necessary for a planet to exist. So, yes, there are other planets, and there are other life beings on these planets in the galaxy. Think for a moment, what the small percentage exists of these planets that can have inhabited life like the Earth.
So, if there are four billion stars in the galaxy, there may be one billion solar systems. However, there may only be ten thousand planets that have this level of life as the Earth. Now that may seem like a lot, but statistically that is a very small percentage. So what I'm saying to you is that these circumstances and this solar system and this planet are unique. The Earth, as a planetary force, as an energy field, is a great achievement. The Earth, as a living planet, has been evolving for well over four billion years and has brought herself to this point of evolution that encompasses the right conditions for humanity to be on her.
So, let us acknowledge this great sensitivity, this great evolutionary accomplishment of this planet. Let us also become aware that we are contributing now to a beautiful awareness, a beautiful consciousness. The consciousness of the Blue Jewel includes an awareness that this beautiful planet also has a feedback loop system. There is now a unique experience that is extremely rare occurring on the Earth. One species, namely Man, has the ability to determine the fate of all the species on this planet! One species, namely Man, and the actions of Man, determine now whether or not this biosphere will continue. The actions of mankind now determine whether life will continue. Every being, including the insects, the mammals, the fish, the whales, the dolphins, the trees, any and every being, is now dependent upon what mankind does on this planet. I do not think that mankind has accepted this responsibility or is even aware of it. What is even more profound is this fact: mankind is now part of the Earth's feedback loop system, whether mankind accepts or rejects that idea.
The feedback loop system is a complicated and integrated system that is responsible for the maintaining of the right circumstances that allow the biosphere to continue and to maintain life on this planet. It is required that there be a certain percentage of oxygen and a certain percentage of nitrogen in the air. It is required that a certain level of rain occurs. It is required that there should be a certain flow of ocean streams and jet streams. It is required that the rotational speed of this planet be at a certain level. It is required that the electromagnetic field of the planet be at a certain resonance. It is required that there be a certain level of ozone protection from electromagnetic energy. It is required that there be an allowable radiation level on this planet. If any of these requirements, such as the entire radiation level, goes beyond a certain threshold, then the life as you know it becomes threatened. It is required that there be a certain temperature that is maintained for the entire planet. It is required that there be a certain level of wind speed that is consistent throughout the whole planet. It is required that there be a resonant vibrational energy, because the Earth actually vibrates at a certain harmonic frequency. It is required that the Earth have a certain electromagnetic configuration that allows it to interact with the solar system, the Sun and the Central Sun. I could continue to list many more variables that are necessary and that are controlled and maintained through this intimate system called the Earth's feedback loop system.
There have been dramatic changes over the centuries, and yet the percentages of oxygen and nitrogen have maintained themselves. The percentages of other variables that I have discussed have been maintained into certain thresholds which have allowed life to be maintained as you have seen it. Now, there is a whole new variable in the Earth's feedback loop system, and it is an unpredictable variable. That new variable is humanity. The Earth has magnificent abilities as a planet. The Earth has worked and created this whole feedback loop system process that has allowed life to exist in diversities unknown or rarely known on other planetary systems. I want to emphasize that there are other planetary systems in the galaxy, and there are other planetary systems that have life forms even as high as yours or even more advanced. Yet the biodiversity that exists on the Earth is totally unique. This biodiversity is also expressed in other aspects of humanity. You have multi-cultures; you have multi-races; you have multi-languages; you have multi-religions. We have not seen a planet like the Earth where so much multicultural diversity and religious diversity exist at one time.
Truly, you are experiencing a cosmic drama on the Earth. That drama, in part, can be described by answering this question: How can all this diversity be maintained without destruction of the planet? Now, that question is one of the most powerful questions for this time, for this era. It is a question that has attracted many of you in your journey throughout the universe and your evolutionary path. Because you, like the Arcturians, are fascinated by this complex problem and are fascinated by wanting to offer assistance so that the planet can resolve this, so that the Earth, the Blue Jewel, can resolve the complex diversity and still maintain itself. The Earth can maintain this diversity without self-destructing. One of the primary awarenesses and consciousness rests with the acknowledgement that the humanity is now part of the Earth's feedback loop system. Most of humanity doesn't even know what the Earth's feedback loop system is. To say to people: "Well, mankind is part of the Earth's feedback loop system now", won't mean anything to most people. There are only a few people like you, who are starseeds, who even will understand and accept and grasp this idea.
Now, when I say a few people, I might be talking as many as 500,000 to a million people that are potentially able to grasp this concept and work with it. Because this concept of the Earth's feedback loop system and the teaching of this concept is one of the basic ideas that must be disseminated, accepted and acted upon. Planetary healing requires a tremendous effort on your part to begin to teach this powerful principal, because only when this concept of the feedback loop system is accepted and becomes part of the conversation of how to maintain the Earth, only when this is accepted, can there be the changes made.
Now, the question some people ask is: "How does the Earth feel about allowing humanity to be part of the feedback loop system?" It is difficult to answer that question because we are trying then to anthropomorphise a planet, which means we are trying to make the planet have the characteristics of a human, which means that a planet would have human feelings. Now, on a deep level there is a way to experience and learn Earth's reaction. There are some special beings on the planet now who have this ability to connect with the Earth's energies and to connect with the vibrational frequencies of the Earth and bring forth the Earth's responses. These are very special people and they do a sacred task. But we also acknowledge, through our work of the Sacred Triangle, that the Native Peoples have culturally developed the sensitivity and the technique and even the technology to communicate with the Blue Jewel. They do so through ceremonies and other sacred activities. They seek to influences and communicate directly to the Earth.
One example of this is the Native Hopi people in Northern Arizona. They have a long and elaborate tradition of communicating and responding to the Earth. They use a very complex system. Eventually, the rest of humanity is going to come to understand and to appreciate the complexity of that level of communication. Eventually there is going to be a greater teaching and a greater technology which will emerge on this planet using techniques and ceremonies based on the Hopi Way and on the Hopi thinking and on the Hopi ceremonies. There needs to be, though, a tremendous amount of foundational work in preparation for humanity to do this. This foundational work is so critical that it must be immediately done. It must be urgently done, because of the many dangers facing the biosphere.
But I can also say that there is huge spiritual effort and progress being made by you, the starseeds. Because, remember, this beautiful image of the Blue Jewel is raising the consciousness of many people, and the image of the Blue Jewel is also becoming part of the feedback loop system. That image of the planet is becoming a key resource and a key intervention for accessing the Earth's feedback loop system. So, even now, as we are speaking, visualize again the Blue Jewel. Visualize the blueness of the Blue Jewel, and visualize in your mind and think about the word "jewel". What does it mean that a planet is given the name "The Blue Jewel"? Well, the "jewel" is like a diamond; it is something that is greatly treasured; it is greatly valued; it is unique; it is rare. OOOOOOOO. (Chants)
Yes, it is necessary to recognize that the Blue Jewel is a rare diamond in the history of this galaxy. It is time to offer that level of praise to the Earth. It is time to acknowledge the power that humanity does have to influence this Earth's feedback loop system.
Now, I want to say also that there are certain Ascended Masters, guides and teachers who have a special role with this planet. One of those guides and teachers is known as Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara is considered one of the overseers, one of the Lords, if you will, over the planet Earth. Sanat Kumara has a special ability to communicate to the Earth and also has a special ability to use his sensitivity to report back on what the Earth is doing. Also, Sanat Kumara has special powers at certain times to intervene in Earth's events. Each Earth event has a trigger point, but sometimes an antidote to the trigger point can be found if you are able to access the Earth's feedback loop system.
So, I am going to now ask Sanat Kumara to speak to this group. And I will return. I'm proud to introduce the Ascended Teacher Sanat Kumara. I am Juliano.
Shalom. Shalom. Shalom. Greetings, dear ones, I am Sanat Kumara. I am sometimes known as the Planetary Logos, or the overseer of the planetary operations. It is true that the Earth is in a transformational moment. We should all be aware that at a transformational moment like this there are many vulnerable points, there are many trigger points, that can set in motion great upheavals. Sometimes a planet has great defenses and great resiliency to withstand these upheavals.
The Earth has shown great resiliency. There have been, in the past, mass extinctions. There have been, on this planet in the past, mass upheavals. Some of these upheavals and extinctions are very dramatic. The one I know that everyone is aware of is the extinction of the dinosaurs that is linked to the downloading of a meteorite that struck the Yucatan peninsula many millions of years ago. Yet, even with such catastrophic events, the Earth has demonstrated and has exhibited a resiliency, and life returned to the Earth, even in higher forms. So, we must acknowledge that this planet, known as the Blue Jewel, is a resilient planet that has great recuperative abilities. These resiliency and recuperative abilities have already been exhibited during the past, because there have been untold extinctions already on this planet.
Imagine all the destruction to the planet, even if everything stopped right now. Imagine that all the destruction of the forest and all of the destruction of the fish and imagine that the air was not being polluted anymore. If all this destruction stopped today, historically, this period known as the 2012 era, would still be considered a time of mass planetary extinction. That means that you are living on this planet at a time when mass extinction is now occurring. You may not even have that much of an awareness that you are existing at a time of such extinction. But it also shows you the resiliency of this planet, because, despite already experiencing such mass extinctions, this planet still is able to hold its feedback loop system together and maintain a consistency that allows the biosphere to continue at a relatively balanced, homeostatic state. This balance and this resiliency are still being exhibited now in 2012. There have been many dire predictions of catastrophic Earth changes. I know that many of you are already frightened about earthquakes in Chile, in Mexico and many other places along the Ring of Fire. And there are great fears of more tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, violent storms, extreme temperature changes and erratic weather patterns.
The Earth, in my communications with her, wants to maintain the homeostatic balance. The Earth wants to see humanity continue to exist, and the Earth welcomes the opportunity to interact with mankind on the spiritual consciousness. The spiritual consciousness, this interaction of spiritual consciousness between species and a planet, is referred to as Biorelativity. "Bio", of course, is referring to the biological being on the planet. The "relativity" is referring in part to the quantum process of shifting a planet's functioning through higher thought patterns. This quantum process can be described that the thought level and the intentions and the energies of species can, through the energetic process, influence the planet. This process is relative because the thoughts can have an indirect effect, but a powerful effect, on the operations of the planet.
There are inherent laws and functions which make this planet operate and create this biosphere. So, in order to influence it, you must come to its terminology; you must come to its process. This is why Juliano referred to the Hopi Nation, because they, perhaps through great gifts of their ancestors, received intricate knowledge on conducting ceremonies that would open up a direct link of communication with the Earth. But this communication is somewhat coded. It is not a direct communication. It is not like "do x and y will occur". It is a process which mankind joins in the energy of that Biorelativity process.
In 2012, many of the trigger points that could lead to upheavals are being counterbalanced. Many of the episodes of upheavals have not dramatically occurred yet. The Earth has a little more resiliency. The biosphere has a little more resiliency left. The people who have made these predictions in 2012 based on end-time scenarios did not totally take into account the resiliency of the Earth. The Earth, as a great planet, desires to maintain its biosphere and to maintain its humanity, because humanity is a great gift, and it is a great achievement for a planet. But everything has a limit. There are certain trigger points that still exist on this planet that could totally set off catastrophic shifts. These are not pleasant trigger points; they are not points that are easy to find countermeasures.
One of the trigger points right now is the pollution in the ocean and the spilling of oil and other gases into the oceans. The oceans are at a critical balance, and they are in danger of totally collapsing. The life in the oceans could collapse. The oceans now are at a sensitive trigger point. Another trigger point on this planet is the nuclear radiation and the nuclear power plants. Some of the nuclear reactors have been built around earthquakes faults. So, you may ask this question: How many more nuclear power accidents like Fukushima can this planet absorb? How many more nuclear accidents can the planet filter out? There are other trigger points in certain Earth meridians, where there are blockages of the meridians.
But there are antidotes to counterbalance these trigger points, and one of the main counterbalances is the creation of sacred areas. The Earth really responds to sacred work. This fact has long been known by the Native Americans, the Hopis and many other Native Peoples, such as the Iroquois. They have known for centuries the power of creating sacred areas and how the work of sacred energy counterbalances the trigger points. But because they are so many existing trigger points on the Earth right now, this means that there must be a proportionate major increase in the creation of sacred areas. So never before has there been such a high necessity for sacred areas. One of the greatest tasks and the greatest work is to create the awareness of the planet as being sacred. That is why the Ascended Masters and teachers have supported greatly the idea of the Earth being sacred. One of the basic messages of the Arcturians, and one of the basic messages of planetary healing, and one of the basic messages of Biorelativity, is that the Earth is sacred. This is such a simple and beautiful message. There are many trigger points, and there are many possibilities of continued upheaval. But the Earth responds, the Blue Jewel responds, to your sacred work and your working to create sacred spaces. Your eventual work as planetary healers is to teach that the Earth is sacred.
I connect at this moment with the energy of Jerusalem and the great light that is coming out of Jerusalem. Let that light and energy come through this great Ring of Ascension that the Ascended Masters have developed. And let that Ring of Ascension be filled with the sacred light, and let it go around this planet. And let each of you now hold the vision of the Blue Jewel with the Ring of Ascension around it now. Let us together hold that image and think that the Blue Jewel is sacred. We go into silence. (Silence)
Do not be concerned if you feel a certain level of sadness as you connect with this message that the Earth is sacred. Send this message to the Earth. The Earth longs for this recognition from humanity. The Earth yearns for this energy of sacredness. The Blue Jewel wants to be honored as a sacred planet. And you, the starseeds, you, the planetary healers, have this ability to initiate this great process.
I am Sanat Kumara. Blessings. Good day.
Copyright © 2012 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA