Friday, June 12, 2015

Mercury in Gemini, the squares to Neptune and the 2nd retrograde of 2015

If Mercury rules our mind then we will use it to think and to communicate our thoughts. When Mercury is in its domicile of Gemini, we will endeavour to do this with a cool, breezy versatility, and though our mind would flit and flutter over many a varied topic with an agile swing of ease and adaptability, the objective would always be to stick to the honest, rational facts.
Though perhaps not always so consistently, the nimble process of bridging thoughts together takes on an a mental acrobatic quality when Mercury is in its home sign, and there is a natural expectation for an intellectual easiness to grasp maths and languages, as well as to exercise that shrewd business acumen. In fact, any form of data processing of info is set to be considerably impressive during this entire period. An excellent time then, one would think, to clear and tidy things up, and to get busy with the process of putting all worldly things into some logical order.
Well, think again!
Mercury went into Gemini on May 1, and almost immediately came to encounter Saturn by opposition (May 3), filling that breezy mind with woes about the real responsibilities that we may have neglected, and lots of worries about the ones that lay ahead. After this very grim beginning to the month of May, an edict to “proceed with caution” became the order of the day. Yet it became increasingly difficult as Mercury approached its
square to Neptune in Pisces to keep that mind upon a linear track.

Poseidon, by Reka Nyari
Poseidon, by Reka Nyari
The tendency with Neptune, ruler of alternative dimensions, is to inflate our thoughts into the cosmic levels. Easily prone to influences from others, erratic moods and spacy concepts leave the mind wide open to such a heightened idealism, that in the wake of the recent encounter to that sombre Saturn energy, we need to guard our thoughts from taking form into a darker, more pessimistic turn and even veer away from any morbid notion that everything which we once accepted to be the facts is now quite likely to confound us with a sense of feeling disillusioned, cheated or deceived. It’s not at all unlikely that one might feel like they are either entering a surreal landscape or awakening from a very strange dream into a consciousness filled with  and disarray.
Last time we had such a sustained Mercury square Neptune period was in April-June 2009, when Neptune was still in Aquarius (Mercury was in Taurus). Of course, back then we would see the smartphone, with all its obligatory ‘useful’ appsflood the consumer market, as well as a growing saturation of users on social media networks like facebook, really start to permanently alter our (up till then) standard reality of physical communication means.
Neptune’s square effect upon Mercury therefore leaves the mind open to alternative forms and sources of communication, affected largely by opening up our sensitivity to social moods and susceptibility to random, trending new influences, and in the wake of this transit we may very well be left with either the awful hangover of a spiritual confusion, like we have sunken into a league completely out of our depth, filled with confusion, lies and surreptitious conspiracies, or come to realise we are finally in our element of feeling connected to a higher-dimensional plane, one filled with joys of wonderment, inspiration and a delightful sense of ‘love and light’, yet not quite able to make much sense to the ordinary folks that seem to slowly become more and more distant all around us.
Since Mercury retrogrades on May 18, going direct on June 11, we will see it square Neptune three times:
  1. Saturday May 9
  2. Friday May 29 – in Retrograde, conjunct Sun, Mars and semi-square Venus  *special article on this here
  3. Tuesday June 23
Whilst this planet stays within  5° orb of this aspect to Neptune for the entire months of May and June, it is also hovering around in its retrograde zone, thus playing immense havoc with our continuum of ordinary perception and our attempts to follow some constancy of facts due to disturbances which mostly have their origins in the strange and wonderful worlds of our subconscious. As if a creeping sensation of self-deceptiveness surrounds us, a mental fog descends upon our mundane every day activities and we become rather to suspect that what we think sounds like the truth is not the truth all.
By the time we come to finally work it out (and we suspect it may be several weeks after Mercury flees its Rx zone (June 27) and clears away from Neptune (start of July), we will be certainly be introduced to one thing – the notion that we are either blessed or haunted by an interference of messages from parallel dimensions, and this either fills our otherwise tediously repetitive lives with wonderfully dreamy influences, designed especially to either undermine our trust and expectation to specific three-dimensional (practically routine) outcomes, or rather to wash over our minds with a wonderfully inspiring awakening that we are privy to a much higher, indeed more spiritual mental awareness that is fast fading in its preoccupied interest to some of the mundane horseshit that is being flung in our direction by the myriad of sources in our all-pervasive and ubiquitous daily media streams. This period, as confusing as it may seem to many, will really see humankind’s induction into a completely heightened level of mental communication, our big inauguration into a global telepathic empathy yet unprecedented in human evolutionary terms.

Eyes wide open?
Erm.. no. Rather, eyes wide shut, take deep breath, and “om shanti shanti shanti”

© All rights reserved, Ang Stoic 2015

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