Friday, March 2, 2012


I AM your sister Venus, come to you at this time to assist you, Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants, in your transition. The last time you were in the energy of the Galactic center 
Gaia and I mingled our twin energies. Unfortunately, when we left the Belt, Gaia’s vibration had dropped greatly due to the polarization and dissonance of Her human society. Many of you to whom I now speak are Venusians, or at least, you trained on Venus before your first visit to Earth. You were among the many who volunteered to assist Gaia to stay in her proper orbit during the fall of Atlantis.

I, Sister Venus, return to you now to remind you that your generations of incarnates on third dimensional Earth are about to end. Soon, at about the time of my transit between Gaia and our Sun in 2012—or sooner—your contract to stay for the Grand Cycle will end. You will be able to go Home. However, your final service to Gaia will be to bring the vibration of your Homeworld, which is your innate Soul SELF signature frequency, Home into the body of Gaia.

Because my beloved sister Gaia has volunteered to be a “living library” for all the civilizations of this and other Galaxies, Her vibration was greatly lowered by the many differing energy patterns that tried to coexist in the third and fourth dimension of Earth. You, the ones who receive this message, volunteered to fragment off and lower portion of the magnificent multidimensional beings that you were (and still are) on your Homeworld to come to Earth. Once here, you began your participation in Gaia’s Grand Experiment of: “Can life forms from many different planets, solar system, galaxies and dimensions, co-exist on one small third dimensional planet?”

On fifth dimensional Earth this co-existence would not difficult, however, the separation and polarization of the 3D Game was fraught with violence, darkness and fear. On the other hand, the opposite polarities repelling and attracting each other have also created peace, beauty, light and love. Now, Beloveds, I have come again into your atmosphere to radiate my energy of peace, beauty, light and love so that those who have chosen darkness may be healed by my light, and those who have chosen light can use my Unconditional Love to give them the courage to face their inner darkness. With each of these polarities coming towards the center, you will awaken more and more to your true multidimensional SELF.

You are all experiencing the many physical symptoms of awakening and transformation, as well as remembering your Mission—the reason for your incarnation in this time and space. The foundation for everyone’s Mission is: return your vibration to the fifth dimension, and beyond, WHILE REMAINING GROUNDED IN THE 3D BODY OF GAIA. The return to your true SELF is a simple task, indeed, compared to staying grounded on Earth while you do so. I am here to assist you all in this process so that your personal ascension will be in concert with the Planetary Ascension. In fact, the rest of the Solar System, as well as much of our Galaxy await the ascension of Gaia, who is the cornerstone for the alignment of, and uploading of ALL the dimensions into their next octave of vibration.

Luckily, I, Venus, am not the only one who is here to help. The parallel reality “you” who has already successfully completed the Planetary Ascension, you Future SELVES, are returning back in time to remind you how you ascended before. Along with your Future SELVES are Ascended Masters, Angels, Elohim and the many members of Gaia’s Space Family who have sent representatives from their world to participate in Gaia’s Great Experiment.

In the eight years between now and my return on June 6, 2012, the process of Planetary Ascension will gradually and consistently accelerate. The forces who have chosen darkness, violence and fear must merge with the forces who have chosen ligh, peace and love. This merging is necessary in order for Gaia to be able to release Her constricting 3D frequency net. It is the merging of polarities in the center, fulcrum point which will boomerang Gaia, and ALL Her inhabitants, into the fifth dimension and beyond.

You may think that the forces of darkness will never choose to move towards the Light, even when you, the forces of light, are willing to face and release you inner darkness. However, the quota of light to dark does not have to 1 to 1. Long before the moment of collective awakening, there will be a sufficient core of people who have chosen to face there inner darkness and, thereby, download their higher multidimensional light. The harmonic currents that emanate from these way showers will be sufficient to displace the influence of those who have chosen the darkness and refused to change.

This fact is because the frequency emanation of the vibration of fear is not harmonious. Because of this, the effect of fear on humanity’s collective consciousness for each additional person who chooses fear increases at an arithmetical rate, (1,2,3,4, etc.). On the other hand, the frequency emanation of the vibration of love on humanity’s collective consciousness increases at the geometric progression (2,4,8,16, etc) that is characteristic of the harmonic emanations of love. Hence, before the final instant of final awakening, the radiations of love will constitute the predominant vibrational influence on the collective consciousness even though the numerical majority remains centered in fear. In fact, the time when love overshadowing fear is very near, and I openly share my Venusian energies to facilitate this process.

Your loving sister,

How Venus will assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension?

A Venus Passover is when Venus retrogrades and passes in front of the Sun. Venus retrogrades every 260 days but it only passes over the sun every 122 years.

The ancient Mayas call the Venus-Sun Passover the return of Quetzalcoatl but are also symbol of death and a rebirth of a higher consciousness. The Venus Passover repeats again on June 6th 2012, the very near of the end of the Mayan Long count calendar (ending on 12/21/2012) and the ending
of a huge 26000-year cycle. In Christianity the Venus-Sun Passover symbolizes the return of the Christ Consciousness. Christ and Quetzalcoatl are both messengers of love and wisdom, light and knowledge.

Venus is like a Holy Grail in the stars holding the power of the feminine, the power of love, and the power of abundance. Our Sun is the powerhouse of lighted divine wisdom. When the two planets cross paths it will give us the ability to take all relationships, intimate and otherwise to the next higher level. 
By Suzanne Lie, PhD

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