Sunday, March 18, 2012


         Back on New Earth a Greeter is meeting a new arrival. (The Greeters are the ones who welcome new arrivals to New Earth.)

Greeter, “Welcome. I am one of the Greeters for New Earth. It is our pleasure to receive new arrivals to our fifth dimensional reality.”

New Arrival, “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Greeter, “Then, you don’t know where you are and can’t remember how you got here?”

New Arrival, “Ahhh, no. The last think I remember is that I was gardening in my yard. I find great joy total communion with Gaia when I am working the land. Often, I become so absorbed in my gardening that I trance out a bit.”

Greeter, “Well, congratulations. You tranced into New Earth.”

New Arrival, “But, how come I am here, and why am I no longer gardening?”

Greeter, “Can you remember the last thing you were thinking?”

New Arrival, “Let me see, yes, I think I was thinking that my garden would be beautiful in the spring”

Greeter, “Please look around you. What do you see?”

New Arrival, “Why it is my garden, but just a moment ago it was like we were meeting in a cloud.”

Greeter, “Here on New Earth you instantly manifest that which is in your consciousness. When you first arrived, your consciousness was very cloudy. Then, when I reminded you of the last thoughts in your mind, you manifested that reality.”

New Arrival, “But why are you here? I was NOT thinking about you.”

Greeter, “You did not manifest me. I am a fellow resident of this reality.”

New Arrival, “A fellow resident? I don’t live here. I live on Earth, you know, good ‘ol 3D Earth.”

Greeter, “You are still on Earth. However, your resonant frequency expanded into the fifth dimension, at least while you were doing something that you loved. Therefore, your perceptions were able to pick up this frequency of reality. Perceiving this world allowed you to experience your garden from a fifth dimensional viewpoint. Look around. What do you see?”

New Arrival, “WOW! I knew may garden would be beautiful, but I never expected it could look like this. Everything seems to sparkle and the flowers are different somehow. I mean, they seem to be alive.”

Greeter, “That is because they ARE alive. Every ‘thing’ is alive in New Earth. Try it. Go and talk to one of the flowers.”

New Arrival, “OK. You had me for a minute, but talk to a flower? This has to be a dream.”

Greeter, “Go ahead, just go talk to a flower. If this is a dream than it doesn’t matter. Besides, it is just you and me, and I know that you talk to your flowers all the time.”

New Arrival, “How did you know that…?”

Greeter, “Go ahead, just talk to one.”

            New Arrival, "OK, uh…, hello Rose. You are the most beautiful color of lavender I have ever seen. My 3D lavender roses don’t bloom very often. In fact, I have had one or two of them per year. Why is that?"

         Rose, "Dear human illusion, please do not become shocked that a rose illusion is talking to you. I call us “illusions” because our true Being does not carry a form. However, we very much enjoy holding a form on New Earth. The Greeter assists new human illusions to accustom to this frequency of reality. He tells them where they are and how they got here. I, a rose illusion, am here to express the beauty and love of this world. You have wanted us to bloom in your yard, but did not truly believe that we would. Therefore, it was your thought-form that made it difficult for us to bloom."

New Arrival, "I am sure that I am dreaming now. How could this rose talk to me? However, I have to admit that the rose was correct. I did have belief that lavender roses couldn’t bloom in my yard."

Greeter, "Yes, in realities of the fifth dimension and beyond, our belief dictates our experience. You believed that you can talk to flowers, so you could. However, you have not believed that a certain color rose could bloom, so it has not. Your belief sets your state of consciousness. For example, you so believe that you are a multidimensional person and that you CAN visit New Earth. Hence, you are here."

            New Arrival, "But, it looks and feels so different from the physical world. I feel like I am just imagining all this in my mind."

Greeter, "That is correct. You are imagining this in your “Heart/Mind,” as imagination is fifth dimensional thought. However, your thoughts are not enough to raise your perceptions into this world. You must also be able to FEEL unconditional love. You were able to perceive this world while you were gardening because it is an action that grounds you in Gaia, ignites your creativity, and makes you feel unconditional love. The “grounding in Gaia” component is important so that you can still maintain an earth vessel. You are one of the Ones who volunteered to match your resonance with Gaia, so that you could assist Her in returning Home via Planetary Ascension."

            New Arrival, "I don’t remember volunteering for anything. However, it sounds like a wonderful idea, and I am ever happy to assist Gaia in any way I can."

Greeter, "Yes, we know that you are happy to assist with Planetary Ascension. You do not remember volunteering because you did so before you were born. Yet, even though you forgot about your agreement, you are still very happy to fulfill it."

New Arrival, "Yes, yes, I am overjoyed to assist Gaia, but how can one person make a difference?"

Greeter, "You are not one person. You are one of the many persons. You are all beginning to experience New Earth, if only for just a few moments. However, when you come here, you are creating a pathway in the dimensional structure of Earth. Just as you create new neural pathways whenever you learn something new, you create a pathway in the Cosmic Mind whenever you remember how to return Home to this dimension."

            New Arrival, "But, I don’t remember how to return Home. I don’t even know how I got here."

Greeter, "What were you thinking just before you found yourself here?"

New Arrival, "Hmmm, let me see. That seems like a lifetime ago now. Let me think… Yes, now I remember, I was thinking that I wished I lived in a world that was as beautiful and filled with love as my garden."

Greeter, "And how did you feel when you were thinking that?"

New Arrival, “Well, I felt wonderful. I was watching a humming bird taking a long bath in my fountain. The sun was warm, but not too hot. There was a soft gentle breeze that smelled of the nearby ocean, and I was listening to some beautiful music on my iPod.”

Greeter, “In other words, you mind was wishing that you could always live in that type of a reality, and your heart was filled with love, joy and gratitude. Is that correct?”

New Arrival, “Yes, that is correct. Do you mean it is that easy to come to New Earth?”

Greeter, “Is it that easy to believe that you can change realities by changing your mind and directing your imagination? Is it that easy to fill your heart with love, joy and gratitude?”

New Arrival, “Well, no, it is not that easy. But now that I know that it will take me to New Earth, I will try each day keep my mind focused on returning to New Earth and my heart full of love, joy and gratitude. I hope I will return soon…,” she says as she drifts back into her everyday life.

However, she will never be the same again!

By Suzanne Lie, PhD

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