Friday, January 20, 2012


January 7, 2012 GOF Lecture

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. 2012 is here. Congratulations, for you have made it to this pivotal year of planetary healing. We have called 2011 the Year of the Planetary Healer, and now we are calling 2012 the Year of Planetary Healing. That is to say, this year will mark an intensification of all efforts for healing the Earth.

The main tool for healing a planet is based on biorelativity. There are new technologies for biorelativity that will be manifesting on your planet. We have travelled to many different planetary systems in the Milky Way Galaxy. We have noted other planets that are third- dimensional like the Earth that have reached this stage of development.

Some people have listed five stages of planetary development. The Earth in this five-stage structure would be on stage two. Stage two has to do with the ability to leave the planet and go into outer space and go into other dimensions and meet other planetary beings. The conflicts inherent in stage two, though, are very strong and also dangerous. The reason is that the technology to develop the ability to leave a planet's atmosphere also is tied inextricably to the technology of weapons, the technology of propulsion systems. This includes the technology of antimatter, antigravity and nuclear energy. Every planetary system that is in this stage of development known as stage two has suffered the hardships related to the possibility of destroying themselves.

The Earth is in that same quandary as we are speaking. There is also something even more unique about the Earth and relates to how the Earth is dealing with this planetary crisis, this planetary evolution. The Earth is becoming aware as a planet that there are limited resources. The Earth as a planet is also suffering from overpopulation. There are many reasons why this is occurring. One result for all of the overpopulation and the extended population is the destruction and overuse of many of the Earth's natural resources. This greatly affects the biosphere.

Planets that go through stage three or reach stage three have resolved this crisis. Planets that have reached stage three are no longer struggling with the issues of self-destruction. Self-destruction is one of the major issues facing the planet and facing humanity at this moment. I am sure that each of you would be so relieved to know at some point that the Earth can and will resolve phase two and no longer have to deal with the conflicts of self-destruction.

Planets in stage three do not have overpopulation. Planets at stage three do not worry about destruction of the biosphere, pollution and overuse of the resources. Planets at stage three do not worry about the biosphere collapsing. However, the planets in stage two, like the Earth, have all of these issues. How much closer is the Earth to resolving any of the issues that we are dealing with and that we are discussing?

I know that scientifically there are many advances that are now possible by certain governments. Some of these advances have to do with the overcoming of propulsion problems, and also some of the new scientific research has reached a level of being able to break the dimensional barrier. The next frontier, as you like to say, is not space. The next frontier is breaking the dimensional barrier, because when you break the dimensional barrier, then mankind can travel interdimensionally, then he can go anywhere in the universe.

The scientific and planetary technology of space travel using interdimensional devices is a lot closer than many of you might imagine. There are devices and craft on this planet that have already experimented with hyperspace. Hyperspace is the linkages between dimensions. If you want to travel interdimensionally to another planet, you must go through hyperspace. Travelling through hyperspace will allow you to go from the third dimension to another part of the galaxy or in another part of the universe.

There are problems in allowing a planet to travel through hyperspace that is still struggling with great difficulty in stage two. There are many difficulties in allowing such a planet to have the technology to travel into hyperspace. The reasons are obvious, but I will mention them again. Planets in stage two that travel into hyperspace usually wish to bring their military weaponry into the dimensional corridors and to their destinations in other parts of the galaxy. This would mean bringing, for example, nuclear technology and nuclear weaponry. Planets in stage two that do travel in hyperspace also may bring other problems, such as the tendency to overuse resources and the inability to communicate spiritually with the planets that they are visiting. This is another way of saying that planetary beings that do travel through hyperspace should have an understanding and an ability to practice biorelativity.

Remember, the planets that pass from stage two to stage three have all practiced biorelativity successfully. The other main issue of stage-two planets is linked and can be described totally in terms of biorelativity. Biorelativity is the awareness of the biosphere of the planet and how a species can interact successfully with that planetary energy field. Thus, biorelativity and the principles of biorelativity cover all of the aspects of pollution, overuse of natural resources and also the relationship of a planet to galactic energies and galactic shifts. We are all aware that the dangers to a stage-two planet like the Earth are not solely related to destruction of the planet by Man's actions. There are energetic forces in your solar system and in the galaxy that could be considered threatening to the Earth's biosphere. For example, gamma ray pulsing, supernova explosions of nearby stars, and most important, asteroids that are on irregular paths and meteorites that are on irregular paths, could pose a severe threat to all life on the Earth.

Please, when you are considering the principles of biorelativity in a stage-two planet such as the Earth, include the planet's relationship to the forces of the galaxy and the forces in the solar system. Planets who transcend the stage two and go to stage three do develop the technology and the skills scientifically to protect their planet from the forces of nature that exist in the galaxy and in their solar system. Earth at this time does not have the advancements necessary to protect itself from such extraplanetary catastrophes.

You are reading perhaps of plans for being able to divert stray meteorites or irregular orbital asteroids from the Earth. Earth scientists have learned that asteroid strikes could be devastating to the Earth, such as what has occurred in western Siberia, Russia, in 1908, known as the Tunguska Event. (Author's note: a massive explosion occurred near the Tunguska River in 1908 which flattened over 770 miles of forest. The force of the explosion was the equivalent of 1,000 atomic bombs.). Meteor strikes could be catastrophic for large areas of the planet. Certainly, a meteor the size of a football field directly striking the Earth could be more devastating to the planet than ten nuclear bombs. Remember, in the astronomical world, density of objects is as important as the mass of an object. Even a small object that is perhaps of insignificant size from your perspective, could pose a major threat to a planet if that object also has a very high density.

Biorelativity has to include the planet's ability to self-regulate both on the planet and outside of the planet. There are potential dangerous forces outside of the planet in outer space.

There are many examples of planets that approached stage two or were in stage two and did not make it. There are numerous examples of planets and civilizations that struggled with similar problems and similar conflicts and similar polarities as the Earth. Remember, we refer to the Earth's situation as a cosmic drama. We refer to this situation as a cosmic drama for several reasons. The main reason is that this drama that you are now witnessing has occurred repeatedly in the universe and even in our galaxy.

The second reason we call it a cosmic drama is because of the players. The universe and the galaxy are in an advanced level of development which means that there is a long history in this galaxy of other planets and other species. These other planets and other species have migrated into the Earth's karmic system. There are various reasons why souls and beings from other planets have come into the Earth system. They are the same reasons why you as starseeds have come to the Earth - to learn soul lessons and to be of service. Many of you as starseeds have had experiences on other planets. The Earth even thousands of years ago in the time of Atlantis was also struggling with a similar cosmic drama. This is the drama of a second-stage planet. The Atlanteans struggled with whether those people in that civilization could resolve the crisis so that the Atlantean culture would be able to survive and sustain the planet.

Planetary beings migrate to other third-dimensional planets for karmic reasons and for reasons related to service to that planet and service to the Galactic Council. We talk about the karmic reasons for beings coming to the Earth. There are planets that have struggled in this stage of development that you are now in. If those planets did not successfully resolve the crisis, then that planet ended. But the people and souls on that planet still have a soul evolution. Their soul evolution will require searching for planetary systems of similar compositions and similar problems. In the idea of cosmic karma, you wait and look for the proper situation in which you can incarnate successfully to a similar unresolved circumstance.

Let me give you another example. Many of the scientists from Atlantis were involved in super-development of high-level technology. Unfortunately that technology led to the destruction of the continent. Now, many of those Atlantean scientists have reincarnated onto to the Earth and have been participating in the scientific and military technology of advanced countries here on the planet. They are living in the same situation that they experienced in Atlantis, and they are now being confronted with similar problems. One of those similar problems might be summarized like this: "Shall I participate in this technology that could lead to the destruction not only of other countries but the destruction of the entire planet?"
There is a concept among German psychologists called the repetition compulsion which states that people who have early traumas in their life seek for soul learning purposes circumstances and experiences of repeating those traumas. They repeat the circumstances until they can find a way to resolve them. This repetition compulsion exists in the galaxy, and it can be found in the cosmic karmic circumstances in which many people find themselves in now. That is to say that many souls and spirits who have unresolved karma with the level stage-two planets have come now to the Earth to repeat the same problem and to hopefully find a higher resolution. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees when a soul is faced with a repetitive problem such as defined in the repetition compulsion. There is no guarantee that they will always make the right decision. They could repeat exactly the same mistakes. You have seen that already many times on the Earth. I know that you have even seen this in your own personal karma when you tend to repeat problems until they either get resolved or unfortunately, cause more deep conflicts and more complicated problems.
Many divergent extraplanetary souls are coming to the Earth. There are so many higher beings watching this drama. Higher beings, such as on the Galactic Council, want to see what it takes for a planet to go through stage two and resolve it. The Galactic Council, which also includes the Arcturians, for we are on the Galactic Council, wants to understand in a better way, what has to happen for such a cosmic drama to be resolved.
There are many issues for a Galactic Council. The Galactic Council knows direct intervention in the planetary system can only be done in a very careful way. We know that it is possible for a direct intervention by any being, whether they are higher dimensional or even on the same dimension. But any planetary intervention can also incur karma on those who are intervening. You can also see that there is a karmic cycle for the Galactic Council, and that karmic cycle or issue has to do with the nature of the problem that you are going through. What role can a Galactic Council successfully play to ensure the overall well-being and successful evolution of a stage-two planet into a stage-three planet? And, how many interventions can be done without incurring undue karma? That is why the Galactic Council is committed to ascension and committed to the concepts inherent in the ascension process.
One of the major concepts in the ascension process is Grace. Grace can be defined as the suspension of karma so that there can be a heightened evolution and release of old patterns. Just think of how important it is to release the karma that is involved in a stage-two planetary system like the Earth which is close to self-destruction.
Yes, I repeat, the Earth as a stage-two planet is close to self-destruction. Some people can even say that enough actions have been done that it is karmically inevitable that the Earth will destroy itself, or that humanity as a species will destroy itself. I want to emphasize that it is also possible to destroy the planet. There has been some discussion about this in previous lectures. Some people think, well, the Earth will survive no matter what Man does. The belief is that the Earth will survive. That simply is not true. We have seen cases where planets have totally blown themselves up. This has even happened in some of the satellite planets in the Arcturian star system where a planet became involved in antimatter technology and also became involved in conflicts with other planetary systems from other solar systems. The planets were totally destroyed. I want to emphasize, totally. We are not talking about life as you know it being destroyed. We are not talking about an ice age or a nuclear winter. We have observed planets that have been totally destroyed.
In fact, there are wandering colonies in the galaxy. These wandering colonies consist of higher beings that at one time were living on a planet. They knew that their planet was going to be destroyed through their psychic abilities and were able to develop the means of survival through space colonization and space travel. They became a species without a planet. I think that there are myths and there are also stories in your ancient histories and even in your current histories about such planets.
One of them is the Tenth Planet. It has also been called the Twelfth Planet, the X Planet. The people have described this, such as through the work of astroarcheologist Zecharia Sitchin, who said that this was an actual tenth planet that was in the solar system. This planet came back into the Earth at a certain number of years and was supposed to be coming back. From an astronomical perspective, this is very unlikely that an actual planet could be gravitationally bound to your Sun and have an elliptical orbit that would be once in every 2,000 to 3,000 years. The only way that it would actually occur is if the planet was traveling interdimensionally.
What I am suggesting to you is that this Planet X, this tenth planet, is actually a space colony, a wandering spaceship-like planet. Wandering planet would not be the correct words, but the remnant of a wandering system which people have colonized and moved into an orbit around the solar system. That would explain why your astronomers have not been able to find that, because of its small size. Certainly if there were a tenth planet orbiting the Sun on such an orbit, the astronomers would have probably discovered it. Of course, you know that your solar system is huge, and it can be as long as one light year, which is an enormous distance. Given that enormous distance, there would be areas that still have not been discovered.
I just want to make sure you understand that the planet can be destroyed. In fact, the scientists and the people involved in Atlantis were karmically involved in other planets in which there was destruction of the planet. It is not a pleasant thing to experience or witness. I also wanted to refer to some myths that have come into your culture and your technology, such as the myth of Superman and the fact that his planet was destroyed. Even though this was a science fiction, comic-book type of myth, it is part of the collective unconscious. It is part of your archetypal, collective unconscious which has access to the collective unconscious of the galaxy. That is another way of saying that this is in reference to real things that have occurred in different parts of the galaxy.
Remember that there is a collective unconscious for humanity; there is a collective unconscious for the Earth, and there is also a galactic collective unconscious. You as starseeds are able to access all levels. I know that some of you have studied and have received messages in your dream world that are rooted in the collective unconscious and the galactic collective unconscious.
The Galactic Council does not want to see planets destroy themselves. The Galactic Council does not want to see the Earth destroy itself. The Galactic Council knows that is a danger. There are measures as planetary workers and healers that you can take to prevent this.
That is why we want to more directly focus on the technology of biorelativity. We want to speak about the new manifestations of biorelativity. 2012 is a year in which the biorelativity must be practiced at its highest possible level. We have sought to prepare and teach each of you the techniques of biorelativity. These techniques include the ability to telepathically communicate to the spirit of planet Earth.
I want to talk about telepathic communication, and I want to compare this to your immune systems. I want to compare it to the concept of how your immune systems can be strengthened. The Earth has an immune system. There are many parallels between your energy field and the Earth's. The Earth has an aura and you have an aura. The Earth has an electromagnetic field; you have an electromagnetic field. You might be surprised to hear us talk about the immune system of the Earth. A planet needs an immune system?
Let me talk briefly about your immune system. There are numerous viruses, numerous pathogens that are more plentiful than you would even imagine. The issue is not how to keep the viruses, bacteria and pathogens away from your immune system, but rather the real issue is to make sure that your immune system is strong enough so that those pathogens do not destroy you.
You know that two people can be exposed to the same pathogen, yet one will get a disease and one will not get it. The difference is based on the strength of the immune system. One of the key evolutionary stages which mankind must go through is now being measured by the strength of the immune system. This immune system in Man is now being compromised on many levels. These include high electromagnetic radiation impulses, also pollutants and an unusual amount of chemical toxins on your foods, in your air and in many other places. I can say that many people's immune systems now are compromised. The reason is that you have not evolved enough to deal with such deviations. These new inputs of pesticides and chemical toxins and high levels of radiation are only one generation, maybe two generations old. Your own evolution has not been able to keep up with that dramatic change. Your immune systems are highly complex and highly capable, and they will be able eventually to deal with such high levels of pollution, but genetically not within one or two lifetimes.
The Earth also has an immune system. One of the purposes of an immune system, in both the Earth and on an individual level, is to maintain a certain homeostasis. The homeostasis for the Earth can be measured in terms of the biosphere and the level of biospheric life forms and other complex interactions with the environment that allow numerous life forms to exist.
You are witnessing in this lifetime one of the most fantastic levels of biospheric development in the history of the Earth. I know that there were periods where there had been other life on the Earth. There have been periods where there have been other civilizations that are prehistoric to yours. This level of biodiversity that you have witnessed in your lifetime is the most major achievement that this planet has accomplished.
The Earth as a planet has an inherent system which I refer to as the immune system. This immune system seeks to keep the homeostasis through a feedback loop system that allows the biodiversity to continue to exist. That is a revolutionary concept. Maybe you find it obvious. If you think about this, there are many implications. The first implication is that the Earth has an evolutionary path, and the second implication is the Earth has achieved one of its highest evolutionary stages during your lifetime. That evolutionary stage is measured at the biodiversity level that you have seen. The third thought is that the Earth as a planet, as a living planet, seeks to maintain this homeostasis through a feedback loop system so that this level of biodiversity can occur.
Biorelativity states exactly these rules, that the Earth has this level of homeostasis and wants to keep it. It wants to keep this level of oxygen. It wants to keep a certain level of biodiversity. When things happen to the Earth that diminish these necessities, for example, then the Earth can make a readjustment so that the old homeostasis can be reformulated with some changes. That means that there is a level of flexibility in the Earth. The Earth can tolerate a certain amount of greenhouse gases and still maintain the level of biodiversity that you see. The Earth can tolerate a certain level of radiation and filter it out.
But, the Earth has limits. The Earth as a planet has limits. Its ability to maintain homeostasis has limits. The Earth can be helped to make its ability to respond and maintain a homeostasis. The Earth can be helped by Man. The Earth can respond to Man. The Earth has flexibility in its ability to maintain a homeostasis. The Earth can continue to allow this level of biodiversity. The Earth can be influenced by Man's thoughts and by Man's telepathy and through the principles of biorelativity. That is to say, you as a practitioner of biorelativity, have the ability to bring in certain energies and certain thought patterns. You can send certain energies and thought patterns to the spirit of the Earth, and those thought patterns can be used by the Earth to help her respond in a more flexible way to the drastic changes that are occurring. Therefore, the Earth can make the necessary adaptations to ensure that the level of biodiversity can be sustained. This approach also recognizes the fact that the Earth wants to hold this level.
One key to this level of biorelativity intervention is based on the Arcturian concept of holographic energy and also holographic, telepathic biorelativity intervention. It is called HBI, or holographic biorelativity intervention.
The thought forms that you in your third-dimensional state can access are still limited to the causal laws of cause and effect and third-dimensional rules. Holographic energy states that there are levels in the system that are transcending the dimensions, that are in the fifth dimension. There is in existence a fifth-dimensional Earth in the future. There is an existence of an Earth that has resolved all these problems, and we call this the holographic fifth-dimensional Earth.
Many of you speak even now of the fifth-dimensional Earth. The energy in that future Earth can be accessed telepathically and through biorelativity and brought into the spirit of the third- dimensional Earth to help the Earth maintain a biodiversity and to maintain a homeostatic balance. The Earth wants to survive, and the Earth wants to have this ability to maintain this homeostatic level intact.
I am asking you now to, in your prophetic vision, in your Third Eye, project and see this fifth- dimensional holographic Earth. (Tones OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHhh.) See a fifth- dimensional Earth in which the stage-two issues have been resolved, and the Earth is moving into stage three. See a fifth-dimensional Earth in which there is total strength in the Earth's immune system and that the Earth's biorelativity, the ability to maintain itself in full biodiversity, remains intact. See on this fifth-dimensional Earth, there are starseeds like yourself, who are working to send their higher thoughts and communications to this fifth-dimensional Earth. Hold that visualization of such an Earth in your mind. Now, see in your Third Eye the third-dimensional Earth that you so well know. You are experts on the third-dimensional Earth. You know what is going on in this planet. You know all the problems that are occurring, the destructions of the biodiversity and all the other issues related to planetary survival. See that third-dimensional planet Earth as it now exists also. Project both images of these planets on a huge screen like in a theater. See the fifth-dimensional Earth in all the glory and see the third-dimensional Earth as you now know it. You are going to be the link between the fifth-dimensional Earth and the third-dimensional Earth. You are going to be the link that is going to help telepathically connect the knowledge, the energies of the fifth-dimensional Earth, to the third-dimensional Earth.
On the count of three, I would like you to visualize the energies of the fifth-dimensional Earth, which are existing in the holographic future, merge with the energies of the third-dimensional Earth. You, as a biorelativity practitioner, can hold this energy, and the Earth will receive it.
We will go into silent meditation on the count of three. One, two - and remember now, see these two images coming together in your mind on the screen - three....
This is a powerful, interactive biorelativity exercise using the holographic fifth-dimensional Earth and its energies and transferring those energies into the third-dimensional Earth. Acknowledge and think that the third-dimensional Earth will be able to use this telepathic link and communication. Also, you are sharing; you are teaching the Earth that she is going to be emerging into her fifth dimension. In the Earth's fifth-dimensional light, she will have new powers in her immune system. She will have powers in her ability to maintain homeostatic energies that are far beyond what now she has.
Earth will graduate and become a stage-three planet. I am Juliano. Good day.

Copyright © 2012 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA

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