Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Now, allow me to tell you how we are entering the birth canal and what will happen when we are cradled in the Cosmic Birth Canal. For one thing, we will be bathed in the infinitely wise, creatively powerful and unconditionally loving energy of the torsion waves. 

These waves travel in exponentially increasing spirals of unconditional love, to accelerate the frequency of your consciousness and, thus, your creative abilities. Hence, these out-breaths of torsion waves will manifest your every thought, feeling and intention in an ever increasing rate until it reaches the instant manifestation of the fifth dimension.
With this great power of manifestation comes added responsibility. In preparation for this event, practice taking full responsibility for every portion of the reality that you have created. Downloading and fully integrating your Multidimensional SELF into your grounded, earth vessel will allow you to expand your consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness. Being able to expand your awareness to embrace Cosmic Consciousness will afford you the greatest opportunity to tolerate, integrate and unite with the extreme power and high frequency light of the Cosmic Breath.
I cannot tell you what you will manifest, for you are the creator of your reality. I can, however, tell you that the torsion waves will carry your Lightbody through an inter-dimensional journey to allow you an expansion of consciousness beyond your wildest imagination. Since your state of consciousness directs your expectation, your expectation directs your perceptions, and your perceptions create your reality, you will be able to experience and/or live in the reality of your choice.

Even though I can’t tell you what you will create, I can tell you what the planets of our Solar System have created. Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, our Sun has been absorbing more and more torsion waves from the Galactic Center. Because of this, there is unprecedented increase in solar activity. NASA used to have a scientific model of how long it would take for the Sun’s charged, radioactive particles, such as energetic protons, to travel to Earth.
Now, in some cases these protons are traveling up to 400 percent faster than their model expected. Furthermore, the Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus have shown vast changes in their energy fields, luminosity and atmosphere.
My planet  has also experienced extreme changes both in weather and in my Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance is Earth’s base frequency, or heartbeat. Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement has been 7.8 cycles per second (Hz.). Recent reports set the rate at over 11 Hz, and climbing. Some believe that the changing Schumann Resonance is a factor in my severe storms.

On the other hand, some believe Global Warming creates the storms, but few are aware that these storms are also caused by the changes in the emanations from our Sun.
I wish to tell you now that these storms are also a result of our moving closer and closer to the Galactic Center. As people and planet move closer to the Galactic Center, the influence of the creative energy of the torsion waves amplifies humanity’s every thought and emotion.
Unfortunately, due to the many changes in our reality, many of my humans have fallen into fear. This fear creates a stormy consciousness that, in turn, creates storms on my planet.
All living things are tied to my electromagnetic field and to the life force received from our Sun. My magnetic field permeates and contributes to life on Earth by generating the atmosphere. Humans and animals also have a magnetic frequency and bio-field patterns, which react to any change in my Earth’s magnetic field. Conversely, my Earth reacts to and is influenced by the frequency and patterns of humans and animals. In fact, all life on Earth assists in creating my magnetic field. At the same time, my planet’s electromagnetic field charges and influences all life.
You see, all the way down into the DNA of individual cells, every person, place and thing is a component of my Being known as Earth and my consciousness known as Gaia. The Sun’s shifting energies affects your brain and biological rhythms, just as it influences my weather. There are several ways in which you can use your intention to consciously share your magnetic field with my planet.

From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor

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